À Kibumba le choléra fauche, l'épidémie n'a pas reculé. À bout de forces, les auxiliaires locaux qui aident les organisations humanitaires cèdent au découragement devant le nombre de victimes
- Edouard Balladur today warned the international community that French troops will not stay in Rwanda beyond August 22. On the eve of his visit to Zaire and Rwanda, the Prime Minister ruled that the member countries of the United Nations should be able to find 2,000 men by August 22.
- Last night [July 29] Bill Clinton announced that the United States would send 200 troops to Kigali as of this weekend. But the multinational force of the United Nations is struggling to constitute itself.
- Meanwhile refugees continue to die by the thousands: more than 1,200 a day in the city of Goma alone.
- Goma-Katale, 60 kilometers of tar to the North. Every day tens of thousands of newcomers take this route and end up in makeshift camps. A humanitarian: "The Zairian army is pushing them all back north, bringing them back to Kuvumba and Katale".
- In Kibumba cholera is mowing down, the epidemic has not abated. And at the end of their rope, the local auxiliaries who help humanitarian organizations give in to discouragement at the number of victims.
- The arrival by road of several tons of food also swells the mass of disoriented refugees, struck down by disease but also fear. Xavier Emmanuelli, "Médecins sans frontières, France": "All these huge gatherings of people are riddled with rumors, said 'don't go there because there is disease, because we are going to settle your account'".
- 60 kilometers to the north, death is still expanding its empire. There is only salvation in the return to the country for these Rwandan refugees. You still need to have enough strength to escape this curse.