Home page France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi Last update :
February 7, 2025

Aim of this database

FgtDb like France Genocide Tutsi Database is a database about the part played by France in the Tutsi's genocide in Rwanda in 1994.

The genocide of the Tutsi was carried out by Rwandans. But we formulate the following hypotheses :

1) The genocide would not have occurred if France had not intervened militarily in Rwanda, if it had not provided weapons and trained the Rwandan government army, and if it had not supported the politicians and Rwandan military officers who since 1990 wanted to eliminate the Tutsi.

2) The coup d'Etat of 6-8 April 1994, which cost the lives of President Habyarimana, Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana and other ministers and politicians could not have succeeded without the support of France by his ambassador in Kigali and his representation at the United Nations Security Council.

3) At any time from April 7 to July 17, France could have ordered its allies to stop the massacres.

Starting from an approach of responsible French citizens, we try to test these hypotheses as scientifically as possible by collecting documents. We do not exclude a priori documents that go against our assumptions, provided they report verifiable facts.

An extract of this database, more than 15,000 documents, is published on this web site https://francegenocidetutsi.org. They are sorted by date, author, newspaper or source, archives funds and keywords.

A search engine allowing to retrieve documents using several criteria and to get the author-card describing each document is here : https://francegenocidetutsi.fr


This documents have been collected to write the book La France au coeur du génocide des Tutsi (France in the heart of the Tutsi's genocide), published in 2010, out of stock but downloadable here : https://francegenocidetutsi.org/FranceCoeurGenocideTutsi-IP.pdf

The first idea of this website was to allow the reader of a book or article in pdf format of Adobe to retrieve the whole documents by active links using Acrobat reader software or other similar programs.

The second idea was to design a descriptive author-card for each document in order to study the document for itself and to avoid interpretation's mistakes.

Since the beginning of this database building a lot of other documents have been found, exceeding the scope of the book. The need to publish this documents as proofs has happened.

The aim is to publish exhaustively all available archives's funds about France and the Tusis's genocide in order to contribute to scholar research and to the citizen's information. But the job is far from completion. Collaborations are wellcome.

Objectivity requires publishing the writings and words of the authors of Genocide and their accomplices. As we are not intended to do their propaganda, we point out these documents by the following warning

'Warning: this document expresses the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.'

Before April 2016 this web site was at the address : http://www.francerwandagenocide.org/documents/


E-mails may be sent to : contact@francegenocidetutsi.org