Home page France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi Last update :
February 7, 2025

Structure of the database

This database is made of author-cards describing documents.

The author-card contain the date, the author's name, the newspaper or the source, ie the institution which has produced the document, the name of the persons quoted, the name of the places quoted and keywords. But the main information in the author-card is the link to access the file containing the document. This link is an url of the World Wide Web.
The text of the document or an extract may be contained in the author-card.

The documents are not contained in the database.
They are files accessible through WWW. The best format of these files is pdf but for pictures and maps the format may be jpg or png, for movies mp4 and mp3 for sound records.
The documents may be located in different web sites.

Search criterions

With the search engine documents may be retrieved by :
- the date written as yyyymmdd ;
- the author's name written as surname, given name ;
- the name of a quoted person written as surname, given name ;
- the name of a quoted place ;
- a keyword ;
- the name of a newspaper or source ;
- an archive's fund ;
- the cote, as for example S/RES/929 (1994) for the resolution of the United Nations's Security council authorizing Operation Turquoise ;
- words of the text contained in the author-card (we cannot retrieve text in pdf files) ;
A user guide of the search machine can be found here.


Mails may be sent to : contact@francegenocidetutsi.org