- Admission of the UN's powerlessness in Rwanda: a special envoy was to go to Kigali today. A ceasefire was even announced to allow this visit. In fact the situation remains impossible to control on the spot.
- And on the shores of Lake Victoria, there are now thousands of corpses that are washed away by the waters. Particularly terrible images of this civil war which continues.
- The images that reach us from Uganda are unbearable: tens of thousands of corpses, most of them in an advanced state of decomposition, wash up every day on the shores of Lake Victoria.
- In three weeks, 27,000 bodies have already been fished out and put in mass graves. Macabre testimony to the ethnic massacres which in six weeks decimated nearly half a million people in neighboring Rwanda.
- Some corpses of men but also of women and children still have their hands tied behind their backs and carry bullet or stab wounds. Others are horribly mutilated.
- The consumption of water from the lake, even boiled, as well as the product of fishing have been strongly discouraged by the authorities who fear epidemics.
- After declaring the three southwestern districts bordering Lake Victoria a disaster area, the government of Kampala has now launched an appeal for international health assistance to enable it to face a truly dramatic situation.