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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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September 19, 2024 French

Les Présidents du Rwanda et du Burundi se trouvaient dans le même avion quand il s'est écrasé. Cet attentat a provoqué de nouveaux troubles meurtriers à Kigali. Le Premier ministre du Rwanda aurait été tué ainsi que trois observateurs militaires belges

Card Number 29335

Amar, Paul
Mavic, Florence
7 avril 1994
Time zone
Journal de 20 heures
Les Présidents du Rwanda et du Burundi se trouvaient dans le même avion quand il s'est écrasé. Cet attentat a provoqué de nouveaux troubles meurtriers à Kigali. Le Premier ministre du Rwanda aurait été tué ainsi que trois observateurs militaires belges
La mort brutale des deux chefs d'État risque de relancer la guerre tribale qui oppose au Rwanda, comme au Burundi, deux ethnies.
Public records
Émission télévisée (vidéo)
- In Africa, two heads of state died at the same time: the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi were on the same plane when it crashed. The device would have been shot down by whom? We do not know yet. The three crew members, French, also died. And this attack caused new deadly unrest in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.
- It had been 20 years since Major General Habyarimana was at the head of Rwanda, following a coup d'etat. A tough man who resented seeing his power challenged by an increasingly demanding opposition. Cyprien Ntaryamira was almost a novice. He had occupied the chair of President of Burundi only since last January. Chosen by Parliament, he wanted to be a man of dialogue.
- Both were returning from a summit of African heads of state in Tanzania. Their plane was reportedly shot down as it landed at the airport in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. For the moment it is not known who is behind what looks like an attack.
- As soon as the news was known, Kigali ignited. And the French-speaking community is following with some fear the fighting that has broken out since this morning. Patrick Gasser, "ICRC Kigali Rwanda": "There is a lot of tension, we hear shooting, explosions, grenades, mortars. I have indications that there are houses being looted. I am not in a position to to tell you exactly who is shooting who at this point is impossible. The security is such that we cannot afford to move".
- The Prime Minister of Rwanda would have been killed as well as three Belgian military observers, members of the United Nations.
- The brutal death of the two Heads of State risks relaunching the tribal war which opposes in Rwanda, as in Burundi, two ethnic groups. For generations, the Hutu, the majority, have been fighting the Tutsi, the minority, throwing thousands of refugees onto the paths.
- About 600 French aid workers live in Rwanda, 700 in neighboring Burundi. Perhaps they will be forced to leave these two countries in the coming days.
The 20 o'clock news of France 2 of April 7, 1994 is visible in its entirety here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA-b0IAdPi4