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September 19, 2024 French

Henri Konan-Bédié : « Nous avons eu à faire savoir au gouvernement français que nous approuvions son initiative qui est une action humanitaire en faveur de nos frères et de nos sœurs du Rwanda »

Card Number 30423

Poivre d'Arvor, Patrick
Allémonière, Patricia
12 juillet 1994
Time zone
Journal de 20 heures
Henri Konan-Bédié : « Nous avons eu à faire savoir au gouvernement français que nous approuvions son initiative qui est une action humanitaire en faveur de nos frères et de nos sœurs du Rwanda »
À Kigali, les soldats de la minorité tutsi savent qu'ils ne peuvent diriger sans l'accord de la majorité. Alors ils tentent de réconcilier les ethnies.
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Public records
Transcription d'une émission de télévision
- The withdrawal of Operation Turquoise in Rwanda will begin at the end of July or the beginning of August announced Alain Juppé. A decision which the Rwandan Patriotic Front welcomed. The withdrawal will be gradual in order to ensure a succession with the peacekeepers of the UN assistance mission by August 22.
- Meanwhile in Kigali, life is trying to gain the upper hand. Hutu and Tutsi return to their homes and wonder about the future.
- Several hundred families cannot yet return home: they live in the hills further west, those which have not yet been pacified, those where militiamen are said to hang out. So they stay in Ndera camp. In this center established by the Rwandan Patriotic Front, Hutu and Tutsi have learned to live side by side. The military took matters into their own hands.
- Belonging to the Tutsi minority, the soldiers know that they cannot lead without the agreement of the majority. So they try to reconcile the ethnic groups. The population today, after months of massacres, is ready to give its confidence to the RPF. It has suffered too much. There are thousands of disabled people with machete marks.
- Will the anti-government armed forces that are winning be wise enough to agree to share power? This is the question everyone is asking. One thing is certain, the strengthening of the international presence, the arrival of UNAMIR II, can only reduce the risks of drift.
- Interview with Henri Konan-Bédié, President of Côte d'Ivoire, by Patrick Poivre d'Arvor. Patrick Poivre d'Arvor: - "We have seen Nigeriens and Senegalese in Rwanda. We do not see Ivorians. Are you opposed to this Turquoise operation?". Henri Konan-Bédié: - "No, not at all. On the contrary, we had to let the French government know that we approved its initiative which is a humanitarian action in favor of our brothers and our sisters in this Rwanda. 'Ivoire is not in the habit of sending troops abroad when it comes to participating in or settling armed conflicts. We ourselves have on the border with Côte d'Ivoire, on the border of Liberia, a local conflict for which we had to mobilize our troops to ensure the security and peace of the populations".