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September 19, 2024 French

Des accrochages se sont produits hier [27 juin] entre éléments du FPR et partisans du gouvernement provisoire. 1 500 hommes du FPR se seraient infiltrés par les vallées jusqu'à une dizaine de kilomètres de Kibuye

Card Number 29797

Piquet, Laurence
Duquesne, BenoƮt
28 juin 1994
Time zone
Journal de 7 heures 30
Des accrochages se sont produits hier [27 juin] entre éléments du FPR et partisans du gouvernement provisoire. 1 500 hommes du FPR se seraient infiltrés par les vallées jusqu'à une dizaine de kilomètres de Kibuye
Par ailleurs, le capitaine Paul Barril aurait entre ses mains la boîte noire de l'avion présidentiel abattu le 6 avril dernier.
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Transcription d'une émission de télévision
- Slightly more than half of Operation Turquoise's troops are hard at work in Rwanda. The French soldiers will have to venture into a dangerous sector later.
- French soldiers yesterday carried out their first deep patrols in Rwanda. They arrived within 20 kilometers of the Rwandan Patriotic Front lines. This morning, new mission: to rescue nuns.
- About thirty nuns feel threatened. Three days ago [so June 25], the French had sent them a first detachment by helicopter to reassure them. This time, they should therefore evacuate them to Goma in Zaire.
- It must be said that in the meantime clashes occurred yesterday [June 27] between elements of the RPF and supporters of the provisional government, clashes close enough to Kibuye for the French to hear them. And above all clashes which confirm the intention of the RPF to cut what remains of the government zone into two parts. According to information collected by the soldiers, 1,500 RPF men thus infiltrated through the valleys up to ten kilometers from Kibuye. Information that remains to be confirmed and that greatly surprised Colonel Rosier.
- Controversy over the attack which cost the life of the former Rwandan President as well as the former President of Burundi, on April 6th. Captain Paul Barril, former head of the GIGN, would have in his hands the black box of the downed presidential plane. Information reported by the newspaper Le Monde, yesterday. But the Dassault company which maintained the aircraft claims that no conversation recorder had been installed on board.
- French soldiers will not take part in internal fighting in Rwanda. Edouard Balladur recalled it last night [June 27] on France 2.