Colonel Robardey questions the testimony of the Belgian doctor Jean Thiry who dug up the corpses of the Didots and the caretaker on April 12 and that of Maïer on April 13. Jean Thiry affirms that he was not accompanied by a Senegalese peacekeeper. Robardey forgets that Jean Thiry saw the corpses before they were put in coffins, he dug them up and carried them. Thiry refutes the words of this Régine peddled by Robardey and Péan. The bodies were not cut with machetes and the little dog was still alive. Colonel Maurin says here that he identified the three bodies on April 14. But in his report at the time, it was on
April 13. Ambassador Marlaud left Rwanda on April 12 and not April 11. A little more rigour, Mr. Robardey!