This handwritten letter is attributed to Aloys Ntiwiragabo by Pierre Payebien, Judge Bruguière's investigator. However, he assumes that it could have been copied by the person who sent it to the judge's office. Recognition of the Tutsi genocide by the United Nations Security Council is disputed. The responsibility for the Rwandan "drama" is attributed to the RPF which attacked the country in October 1990 when it was at peace. It was the RPF commandos who committed the attacks and massacres that others attribute to the Habyarimana regime's death squads It was the RPF that shot down the president's plane. The two missile launchers and the plane's black box were handed over to Captain Barril sayid to be member of "the Élysée security services". France is unfairly attacked for its support for Rwanda. He asks the Parliamentary Information Mission to "bring to light all that it knows of the plot of which the Rwandan people has been victim".