In this text which announces the breakup of the Coalition for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) with Habyarimana, the French ambassador expresses his disapproval of the peace agreements, both the recent ceasefire agreement and that on sharing of power signed in January. He supports the CDR, which represents in his eyes the "Hutu nationalism" inherited from the revolution of 1959 and considers like CDR that President Habyarimana, "a head of state who finally failed everything", is to be replaced. He thus shows that French leaders, allied with Hutu extremists, have considered replacing President Habyarimana. Pierre Joxe, Minister of Defense and Marcel Debarge, Minister of Cooperation, also consider that Habyarimana is responsible for the rout of his army, which was saved at the end of February 1993 by the French military intervention of which Colonel Tauzin prides himself. This analysis is dissonant compared to the concert of testimonies of support for Habyarimana that French politicians will make hear after his death. The support of the ambassador to the CDR, representative of "Hutu nationalism", shows that he considers Rwanda, like the French military, like the Hutu country, therefore that the Tutsi are foreigners and enemies there.