The massacre scene filmed live by Nick Hughes became emblematic of the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994. It particularly shows a man on his knees among the other corpses, begging the killers to spare him and one of them comes to hit him with a machete. He collapses. The author says he filmed from the terrace of the French school in the presence of Belgian soldiers. However, his images were broadcast on television on the evening of Monday April 11, 1994. On that date, it was still French paratroopers, equipped with precision rifles and anti-tank missiles, who were at the French school. So they observed the killings for hours without doing anything about it. Their leader, Admiral Lanxade, wrote: “At the time, we had no information about the start of the massacres.” This April 11, the French ambassador sent to Paris a request for military support to the organizers of the genocide…