At 54:08, Vincent Duclert states: "
The work carried out with my team on the genocide of the Tutsi showed that certain officers of Operation Turquoise very quickly understood that they had to stop the genocide which was still taking place in these regions, particularly in Kibuye, by maintaining the armed force against the genocidaires. Sometimes they did it too late. There is this terrible event of Bisesero, three days lost. We are fully aware of that. But it's also true that some French officers understood that their objective was not to attack the RPF but to oppose the genocidaires". One will search in vain among the available archives for documents that corroborate such assertion. On the contrary, these show that the officers continue to collaborate with the organizers of the massacres instead of arresting them like
Colonel Sartre with the burgomaster of Gishyita, or
to fight only the RPF.