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September 19, 2024 French

Au sud de Gikongoro, une compagnie française est prête au départ après avoir accueilli pendant cinq jours des Ghanéens. Ceux-ci ont appris les embuscades de nuit contre les incursions armées du FPR

Card Number 3579

Narcy, Jean-Claude
Brunetti, Denis
Mach, Jean-Étienne
6 août 1994
Time zone
Journal de 20 heures [2:56]
Au sud de Gikongoro, une compagnie française est prête au départ après avoir accueilli pendant cinq jours des Ghanéens. Ceux-ci ont appris les embuscades de nuit contre les incursions armées du FPR
Des Hutu qui avaient décidé de rentrer dans leur région d'origine ont fait état d'exactions commises par le Front patriotique rwandais.
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Public records
Journal télévisé
- In Rwanda, nearly 3,000 Hutus, who had decided to return to their region of origin under the control of the new Tutsi administration, have already turned around and returned to the humanitarian zone controlled by the French army. Many of them report abuses committed by the Rwandan Patriotic Front. Some narrowly escaped death.
- The soldiers of Operation Turquoise are gradually being taken over by the Ghanaians, the Ethiopians and the Chadians of the UN, who should completely replace the French forces by August 21.
- Operation Turquoise is in its withdrawal phase. South of Gikongoro, a French company of the 3 th RIMa is ready for departure after having welcomed Ghanaians for five days. Along this zone of contact with the RPF zone, mixed patrols took place, Franco-Ghanaian, and the Ghanaians established themselves in the sections and checkpoints of the French. They also learned about night ambushes, with illuminating shells, against the armed incursions of the RPF. Captain François Lecointre, "3rd RIMA": "We showed them the privileged infiltration positions and the privileged observation positions on these infiltration attempts".
- Humanitarian work also: joint tour of the Ghanaian and French doctor, joint monitoring of the distribution of rice among the 300,000 inhabitants and displaced persons. But they are suspicious of Anglophones who had not yet moved to Kigali.
- One by one, the Ghanaian companies will replace the French companies. They will definitely be alone to ensure the demilitarization and protection of the security zone. With always the threat of new disorders, population exodus, their effectiveness and their credibility will be put to the test in the days and weeks to come.
- The heads of Operation Turquoise, them, discuss with personalities of the region, organize meetings with the RPF. It is the bet of a discreet, progressive, gentle succession, even before August 21.