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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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September 21, 2024 French

Éric Nzabihimana : « Ma petite sœur Bernadette vient de passer trois mois dans un trou. Toute la journée elle se cache dedans. Elle a peur de mourir. Sa mère a été abattue, sa grande sœur aussi »

Card Number 3412

Amar, Paul
Boisserie, Philippe
Maizy, Éric
30 juin 1994
Time zone
Journal de 20 heures [2:28]
Éric Nzabihimana : « Ma petite sœur Bernadette vient de passer trois mois dans un trou. Toute la journée elle se cache dedans. Elle a peur de mourir. Sa mère a été abattue, sa grande sœur aussi »
Ce matin des militaires français des commandos marine sont passés dans la forêt où se cachent les Tutsi, sans s'arrêter.
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Public records
Journal télévisé
- In Rwanda the French army continues its mission. More and more French leaders are highlighting the difficulties of this mission. It is true that French soldiers cannot be everywhere.
- In a forest, hungry, wounded and distraught Tutsis are hiding. In the mountain of Bisesero, Tutsi children learned to run to try to escape the massacres. For two and a half months since they took refuge in these forests, groups of Hutu have been coming here daily, for the manhunt. A teacher serves as our guide in what has become an open-air cemetery. Éric Nzabihimana: "That's a hole we made to hide during the day. One day, they took a child from the bush, and the child revealed that there are people who hidden here. They remove the stones. They kill the one who was in the hole, who we see there, here, next to it. […] This is my little sister. Her name is Bernadette. She comes from three months in a hole. All day she hides in it. She is afraid of dying. And her mother was shot. Her big sister too. And she is the one who stayed".
- This child was macheted barely a week ago [close-up of his scarred skull at the level of the right ear and the left hemisphere]. His mother and grandmother were killed. Just yesterday [June 29], men came, always the same. Éric Nzabihimana: "The militiamen called Interahamwe came, accompanied by some soldiers and gendarmes, with firearms. […] The prefect came on May 24. He accompanied the people who came to carry out massacres".
- This morning French soldiers from the marine commandos passed through their forest, without stopping. They actually went a little further. They discovered the same horror there. It had just been committed. Among the 200 injuries recorded, 40 very serious were evacuated to Zaire.
The 20 o'clock news of France 2 of June 28, 1994 is visible in its entirety here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vLz4G4MBdA