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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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September 19, 2024 French

Jacques Bihozagara : « Nous pensons que la France, qui a armé ces gens qui sont en train de tuer, qui les a entraînés militairement, va constituer un corridor pour donner un coup de souffle à ces fascistes qui sont maintenant en débandade et vont vers le Zaïre »

Card Number 31755

Bilalian, Daniel
23 juin 1994
Time zone
Journal de 13 heures [2/2] [4:23]
Jacques Bihozagara : « Nous pensons que la France, qui a armé ces gens qui sont en train de tuer, qui les a entraînés militairement, va constituer un corridor pour donner un coup de souffle à ces fascistes qui sont maintenant en débandade et vont vers le Zaïre »
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Public records
Journal télévisé
Jacques Bihozagara, "Representative for Europe, Rwandan Patriotic Front": "France will be a reliable partner. But not in the military field! We need France for development projects, for the reconstruction of the country and for other things. But in a completely bilateral framework where there is mutual respect. […] We remain very opposed to French military intervention. We have said that we support the humanitarian initiative within the framework of the agreements of Arusha first and also within the framework of United Nations resolution 918 which in fact entrusted the mission to UNAMIR II which would be made up of neutral countries.But we consider that France is not neutral in this game. France, which remained in Rwanda for three years, saw massacres, could not prevent them: how is it now intervening to stop the massacres? […] Concerning the intervention, we say that it is late since the Rwandan Patriotic Front has I made a commitment to save populations. And we think that France, which got involved precisely in this policy, which armed these people who are killing, which trained them militarily, we rather think that it will constitute a corridor, a wall to finally give a breath of fresh air to these fascists who are now in disarray and who are going towards Zaire. […] UNAMIR was a multilateral force that included both Africans and Europeans, including Belgium. What surprises us is that when the Rwandan people needed international assistance, we were already packing up. And after 500,000 deaths now we think of them. That's really cynical!"