- France presented this morning to the United Nations Security Council a draft resolution aimed at obtaining humanitarian intervention in Rwanda. Paris hopes that the draft will be adopted on Tuesday [June 21] so that soldiers can be sent to the country's borders.
- The inhabitants of Kigali threatened by the massacres still hope for a lull but the clashes between the RPF rebels and the government forces have not stopped. Despite the presence of humanitarian organizations, despite the recent arrival of emergency aid, the health situation could become even more critical.
- The RPF rebels say they are firmly opposed to French intervention. Jacques Bihozagara: "France will protect the executioners! And we are ready to respond to them by military means".
- Humanitarian aid is nevertheless channeled as best it can: a first 30-ton convoy has already reached northern Rwanda. A second shipment of emergency aid intended for Kigali should soon relieve the populations threatened in the capital.