- The massacres continue in Rwanda despite the peace talks between the government army and the rebels.
- During the day, Hutu militiamen attacked a hotel in Kigali where nearly 500 Tutsi are refugees who live in hiding to escape the massacres. The Hutu militiamen managed to enter it, armed with handguns. An operation whose results are still unknown.
- France is still studying the possibility of military intervention. Bernard Kouchner arrived this morning in the Rwandan capital.
- The climate of terror encourages the populations to take the routes of exodus. In their hundreds of thousands they are fleeing to the camps that the Hutu forces sometimes use as a rear base. This is the case in Benaco in Tanzania, where the staff of Doctors Without Borders work. This organization is now asking the international community for armed intervention to put an end to the massacres.
- Same concern in Brussels, where France was trying to convince its partners to set up a humanitarian operation. But for now, only France and Italy within the Western European Union say they are ready to send troops.
- In Paris, humanitarian associations are mobilizing for Rwanda: SOS Racisme and Médecins du Monde are launching an "Emergency in Rwanda" campaign with several other organizations. They asked Basile Boli, the footballer, to mobilize public opinion in his own way.
- It is probably the Rwandan drama which was at the center of an (unplanned) 30-minute interview between Edouard Balladur and François Mitterrand.