Alain Juppé durcit le ton : « Si ces massacres continuaient, si le cessez-le-feu n'était pas respecté, la France serait prête à monter une intervention sur le terrain visant à protéger les groupes menacés d'extermination »
- According to the rebels of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, 40 children aged 10 to 14 were kidnapped in Kigali and then executed by Hutu militiamen. The news of this massacre only reinforces the pessimism with which the ceasefire agreement, which has just entered into force, is viewed.
- Alain Juppé, Minister of Foreign Affairs, hardened his tone: "If these massacres continued, if the ceasefire was not respected, France would be ready to mount, with its main European and African partners, an intervention on the field aimed at protecting groups threatened with extermination".
- It is difficult to know if the French hardening will have sufficient influence to put an end to this terrible war which has left hundreds of thousands of deaths.