Jean-Louis Machuron, président de Pharmaciens sans frontières : « On sent notre impuissance face à ce génocide. C'est une honte qu'on laisse le général Dallaire tout seul. C'est un véritable scandale »
- In Rwanda, the situation continues to worsen. Rebel troops seem to be gaining ground and very heavy fighting broke out this morning in several areas of the capital.
- The UN Secretary General has said that the UN forces are now ready to intervene quickly, provided they have armor on site.
- Priests, nuns and especially those who take care of orphanages witness systematic raids and massacres. Most of the victims are now children. Two orphanages in Kigali where Tutsi were found were the prey of Hutu militias: several hundred dead.
- In Kigali hospital, members of Doctors and Pharmacists Without Borders are still trying to protect children. For Jean-Louis Machuron, president of Pharmaciens sans frontières: "We feel our powerlessness in the face of this massacre and the genocide. It is a shame that we leave General Dallaire alone with 2 or 300 men. He is a real man. scandal".
- This morning raids and massacres continue. A dramatic situation when we know that in the capital alone, there are 15,000 orphans.