Au Rwanda les combats se sont poursuivis toute la journée dans la capitale, entraînant l'exode massif de familles qui n'ont d'autre destination que les camps de réfugiés qui prolifèrent un peu partout
- In Rwanda, agreement in principle on a ceasefire on the evacuation of civilians and on the resumption of talks between the rebels of the Patriotic Front and the government forces. And this while the fighting continued throughout the day in the capital, causing the mass exodus of families who have no other destination than the refugee camps which proliferate everywhere.
- In Kabgayi camp, the refugees lack everything: there are few tents, barely two blankets per family. A poorly adapted meal every three days, the corn causing bloody diarrhea. The Red Cross installed opposite is totally outdated.
- About ten people die a day, or even more. The end, the epidemics but also the rapes and the massacres which continue. Because in their madness women and children are not spared.
- With the advance of rebel forces, the camp is threatened with extermination. The exchange of a Tutsi for a Hutu does not work well on the government side. Humanitarian corridors should be opened in the coming hours to respond to these calls for help.