No truce in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. Fighting between government forces and rebels of the Rwandan Patriotic Front continued last night. Elsewhere, inter-ethnic massacres continue to claim victims.
- After a night of exchanges of artillery fire, the infernal exodus resumed on the Rwandan roads. The military situation on the ground gives the Patriotic Front rebels a very clear advantage as they approach Kigali.
- Confusion is growing among the refugees. Indeed, this 30 kilometer long column fleeing the capital to the south is made up of Hutu: they are threatened both by the Tutsi and by other Hutu who see their resistance diminishing in their departure. A situation that worries more and more UNICEF. Peter Mc Dermott, UNICEF: "What worries us the most is that all these people are currently moving to very dangerous areas of the country where their safety is still at risk".
- On the ground, the United Nations is still trying to find "the" solution. As for the neighboring countries, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Zaire, which do not want to stand idly by in the face of this tragedy, they are proposing a summit meeting on June 6th.