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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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September 19, 2024 French

Jean-Hervé Bradol : - « C'est une politique planifiée d'extermination. […] Les responsabilités de la France sont particulièrement écrasantes. […] Les gens qui massacrent aujourd'hui sont financés, entraînés et armés par la France ». Patrick Poivre d'Arvor : - « C'est le génocide absolu »

Card Number 3450

Poivre d'Arvor, Patrick
Jacquemin, Marine
16 mai 1994
Time zone
Journal de 20 heures [9:00]
Jean-Hervé Bradol : - « C'est une politique planifiée d'extermination. […] Les responsabilités de la France sont particulièrement écrasantes. […] Les gens qui massacrent aujourd'hui sont financés, entraînés et armés par la France ». Patrick Poivre d'Arvor : - « C'est le génocide absolu »
Hutu en territoire rebelle, Tutsi dans les zones gouvernementales : les responsables des massacres appartiennent aux deux ethnies.
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Public records
Journal télévisé
- The horrors of the war in Rwanda. The Red Cross attempted to deliver food to thousands of civilians trapped near Kigali. The refugee camps are packed. And the UN is still slow to deploy its peacekeepers.
- In the shadow of the bishopric of Kabgayi, in the south of Rwanda, all the human distress. Survivors of massacres or displaced by war, there are 25,000 of them trying to survive in more than precarious conditions.
- Hutu in rebel territory, Tutsi in government areas: those responsible for the massacres belong to both ethnic groups. 200,000, first digit advanced. More than double according to some humanitarian organizations. Will we ever know?
- The emergency now concerns the displaced. Across the country and neighboring countries, nearly a million refugees in total. A situation undoubtedly explosive in this region of the Great Lakes, which could well be on fire by the fall, if no agreement is found.
- A document brought back by Bernard Kouchner on the spot to open a humanitarian corridor without result: the attack, without seriousness, and the former French Minister for Humanitarian Action will only keep a good fear.
- In Kigali the capital, this evening, the noose is tightening a little more on the government forces. In the streets of the city, the militias are still reigning terror.
- The United Nations Security Council is due to vote tomorrow on a proposal authorizing the dispatch of 5,500 troops to Rwanda.
- Patrick Poivre d'Arvor interviews Jean-Hervé Bradol: - "Most of the victims are not victims of war. They are people who are victims of massacres for the moment. For a month, the city of Kigali has been completely The houses are searched one by one to extract all the part of the population which is suspected to be hostile to the most extremist current of the army. And there, the people who are suspected of this hostility are executed with all their families . That is to say, execution means babies, women, the elderly, absolutely everyone. It is a deliberate, systematic, planned policy of extermination". - Patrick Poivre d'Arvor: "Is it absolute genocide?". - Jean-Hervé Bradol: "Yes. It is really a planned massacre of very, very, very large scale."- Patrick Poivre d'Arvor: "We tend to try to say: 'It is the Hutus against the Tutsi'. So to say that it was ultimately only ethnic wars". - Jean-Hervé Bradol: "This is what they are trying to make us believe to perhaps justify the passivity of each other. They try to describe the Rwandans to us as tribes massacring each other. And I think this is really the last affront to the victims to give this description. Stop describing Rwanda to us as tribes in the process of massacring each other. I think this presentation is not entirely trivial. France's role in this country and particularly France's responsibilities are particularly overwhelming. The people who massacre today, who implement this planned, systematic policy of extermination are financed, trained and armed by France. And that is something that is absolutely not showing up at the moment. We have not yet heard any French official clearly condemn the perpetrators of these massacres. And yet these people are well known to the French State since they are equipped by them! By the French State". - Patrick Poivre d'Arvor: "And that is why you decided to write an open letter to President Mitterrand". - Jean-Hervé Bradol: "Yes. Absolutely. Today for us, it is almost almost impossible to be able to work properly in Rwanda and to cover the needs that you described in your report. And if there is not a vigorous intervention of the international community, and particularly of France, which knows the assassins well, who arms them, who equips them, we will consider that it is a real policy of inciting the murder and the massacres to continue. And for the moment, these declarations of the French State, we have not heard them. These positions, inciting the executioners of Kigali and Butare to moderate themselves, we have not heard from the French state. And we must stress that we are extremely shocked by this aspect of things". - Patrick Poivre d'Arvor: "For the moment how much would you estimate the number of dead?". - Jean-Hervé Bradol: "I think that we can speak of more than 100,000 dead in Rwanda. It should be noted that Rwanda is a country of seven million inhabitants. When we cite such figures, when we describes the capital of the country as completely crisscrossed, searched house by house to exterminate people… I don't know, it is as if today we were talking in France of four million deaths in a month, at the following a political conflict. It is a tragedy of an unprecedented scale. And yet, the war, the wounded, the death, the revolt that it causes, we are nevertheless used to it for 20 years in our association". - Patrick Poivre d'Arvor: "Thank you very much, Jean-Hervé Bradol, because I believe that we really had to testify, and testify very, very strongly. Because what is happening there is indeed a real genocide".