Fiche du document numéro 20753

Janvier 2018
Rwanda 2017. Bibliographie

François Lagarde
The University of Texas at Austin
2 janvier 2018




1.1 Agriculture; Agronomy
1.2 Aquaculture
1.3 Forestry
1.4 Poultry
1.5 Livestock
1.6 Coffee
1.7 Economics; Socioeconomics; Politics
1.8 Land Issues


2.1 Economy; Development; Business
2.2 Poverty
2.3 Finance
2.4 Banking
2.5 Mining
2.6 Resources (Energy, Water)
2.7 Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
2.8 Tourism
2.9 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drones)
3.1 Politics; Policies
3.2 Military




5.1 History
5.2 Witnesses
5.3 Genocide; Post-Genocide


6.1 Demography
6.2 Memory; Memorials
6.3 Journalism; Media
6.4 Language
6.5 Religion
6.6 Society
6.7 Sports
6.8 Urbanization; Kigali



6.9 Violence; Domestic Violence
6.10 Women; Gender
7.1 Human Rights
7.2 Transitional Justice; Reconciliation
7.3 Gacaca
7.4 Law: National
7.5 Law: International; ICTR


8.1 Foreign Aid
8.2 Humanitarian Interventions
8.3 Refugees; Diaspora
8.4 Grands Lacs; DRC
8.5 France-Rwanda
8.6 United Nations; African Union


9.1 Architecture
9.2 Dance
9.3 Film; Photography
9.4 Music
9.4 Novels; Short Stories; Tales; Poetry; Theatre
9.5 Juvenile Literature
9.6 Criticism




11.1 Climate; Climate Change
11.2 Environment; Conservation
11.3 Natural Sciences; Earth Sciences
11.4 Primatology


12.1 Dissertations (PhD, Doctorat)
12.2 Theses (MA, MS, Maîtrise)
12.3 The University of Rwanda Digital Repository
12.4 Book Reviews



Ces quelques mots d’introduction devraient logiquement être écrits en anglais quand on voit que plus
de 90% de la recherche et de l’information publiées aujourd’hui sur le Rwanda le sont en anglais. Mais la
Francophonie mérite de perdurer, même concernant un pays devenu largement anglophone.
Comme les précédentes, cette bibliographie liste les publications matérielles et électroniques parues
pendant l’année 2017, en anglais et en français (sauf rares exceptions), portant en tout ou en partie, mais
en partie conséquente, sur le Rwanda.
Elle est organisée thématiquement, malgré les problèmes que cela implique. Les sous-classes (les
sections) sont regroupées en classes (les chapitres) qui pourront paraître aléatoires. On est quelquefois
obligé de classer telle entrée ou telle sous-classe par défaut ou faute de mieux. L’important reste que
toutes les entrées soient listées.
Le problème principal est le suivant: le bibliographe recueille et classe toutes les entrées pertinentes
qu’il trouve dans des bases de données qui sont massivement anglophones (Ebsco, Proquest, Muse, Sage,
Web of Science, Wiley, Worldcat, Taylor & Francis, Oxford, Cambridge, De Gruyter, Gale, Hein, DOAJ,
DOAB, BMC, PubMed, MedLine, AJOL, ERIC, MLA, etc.) et, à un bien moindre degré, francophones
(OpenEdition, Cairn, Persée, Érudit ou Thè Il recense ainsi les travaux scientifiques ou
universitaires, pas mal de littérature grise, les œuvres littéraires ou paralittéraires et quelques publications
électroniques qui, agrégés, font l’essentiel de la bibliographie. On trouvera ici les grands livres
incontournables comme les petits articles sans valeur qui ont l’honneur d’être listés dans les bases de
Mais ces bases ne référencent pas, sauf très rare exception, les articles des grands quotidiens qu’on
trouvera dans LexisNexis ou ceux des grandes revues (e.g. The Economist). Or beaucoup de ces articles
de presse sont aujourd’hui plus intéressants que certains travaux publiés dans des revues dites
scientifiques ou que les “livres” publiés par les éditeurs sans scrupule de Saarbrücken, par exemple. Un
étudiant de maîtrise fortuné peut publier sa thèse et la voir mentionner dans Worldcat, de même qu’un
auteur “self published” de CreateSpace (Amazon) son roman, alors que de bons reportages ou
d’importants éditoriaux du Guardian, du New York Times ou du Monde, pour ne citer que quelques
journaux, n’y figureront jamais. Si une bibliographie est un portail permettant au minimum d’accéder aux
publications sérieuses, alors la bibliographie universitaire traditionnelle ne joue plus son rôle. Cette
bibliographie traditionnelle listera par exemple l’article sur le mal de dos des employés de telle banque
rwandaise (cf. 2.4) ou les élucubrations d’un plumitif anti-Kagame ou anti-France mais pas le
remarquable reportage du Guardian sur la récente interdiction d’importer des vêtements d’occasion au
Rwanda (cf. 2.1). Sans parler des articles du New Times (Kigali) qui, bien qu’idéologiquement grevés,
peuvent beaucoup apprendre, ou de ceux de Jeune Afrique. La même chose peut être dite à propos de
certains blogs et sites internet: d’intéressants “papers” peuvent à l’occasion y être publiés qui ne sont pas
pour autant recensés dans les bases de données.
Il faudrait donc inclure ces articles de presse, et d’abord les “long reads”, qui informent si bien. La
bibliographie idéale listerait les travaux des spécialistes et les articles des journalistes d’investigation.
Mais cela représente un travail humainement impossible (LexisNexis liste 343 entrées “Rwanda” pour la
seule dernière semaine de 2017) et dangereusement subjectif. Car il faut trier, et qui jugera que le mal de
dos des employés de banque ou les communiqués d’une petite ONG importent moins que l’opinion d’un
journaliste économique du Wall Street Journal?
La bibliographie a des limites, alors même que son sujet paraît illimité, et seule une poignée d’articles
de presse et de blogs sont ici listés.
Enfin, on notera les choses suivantes:


Les têtes de chapitre et de section sont en anglais parce que le matériau est pratiquement tout en
Les livres sont signalés par un fond gris pour les distinguer des articles et des chapitres, y compris les
“livres” vendus par les éditeurs de Saarbrücken ou par CreateSpace.
Sont listés les travaux publiés en ligne par SSRN (Social Science Research Network) et par The
University of Rwanda (Cf. 12.3). Malheureusement, le site internet du Repository of the University of
Rwanda ne fonctionne pas bien et tous les travaux postés cette année n’ont pu être recensés.
C’est dans les catégories Histoire, Témoignage et Littérature qu’on trouve principalement les
publications francophones.
La démangeaison de publier excite particulièrement les centaines de spécialistes de la santé publique,
tous anglophones sauf pour deux ou trois d’entre eux.
La sous-classification des chapitres “Public Health” et “Natural Sciences” ne prétend pas être
Comme auparavant, le chapitre “Society” s’avère être un peu le fourre-tout de la bibliographie.
La Nuit Rwandaise n’a pas paru en 2017; et, sauf erreur, L'Afrique des grands lacs: Annuaire
2016-2017 n’a pas encore paru au 31 décembre 2017.
On a recensé les “book reviews” mais il est avéré que cette section est incomplète, tout comme celles
des thèses et des mémoires.
Plus que jamais, il faudrait un bibliographe sachant le kinyarwanda. Et aussi bien l’allemand, le
néerlandais et bien d’autres langues.
Certains articles électroniques n’ont pas de numéro de volume ou de pagination; on indique alors leur
Pour corriger une erreur ou un oubli, ce pour quoi on s’excuse à l’avance, on est prié de contacter



1.1 Agriculture; Agronomy
Ainembabazi, J.H.; van Asten, P.; Vanlauwe, B.; et al., “Improving the speed of adoption of agricultural
technologies and farm performance through farmer groups: evidence from the Great Lakes region of
Africa”, Agricultural Economics, 48-2, 2017, pp. 241-59.
Bourne, Mieke; Gassner, Anja; Makui, Parmutia; Muller, Alice; Muriuki, Jonathan, “A network
perspective filling a gap in assessment of agricultural advisory system performance”, Journal of Rural
Studies, 50, 2017, pp. 30-44.
Byiringiro, B.; Birungi, S.; Musoni, A.; Mashingaidze, A., “The effect of planting date on weed density,
biomass and seed yield in common bean (Phaseolus vulgalris L.) in the semi-arid region of Nyagatare,
Rwanda”, Tropical Agriculture, 94-4, 2017, paper 1.
Clay, Nathan, “Agro-environmental Transitions in African Mountains: Shifting Socio-spatial Practices
Amid State-Led Commercialization in Rwanda”, Annals of the American Association of Geographers,
107-2, 2017, pp. 360-370.
Cyamweshi, A.; Kayumba, J., “Optimizing Fertilizer Use within the Context of Integrated Soil Fertility
Management in Rwanda”, in Wortmann, C.; Sones, K. (eds), Fertilizer use optimization in sub-Saharan
Africa, CAB International, 2017, pp. 164-175.
Diogo, Rodrigue; Bizimana, Modeste; Nieder, Rolf; et al., “Effects of compost type and storage
conditions on climbing bean on Technosols of Tantalum mining sites in Western Rwanda”, Journal of
Plant Nutrition & Soil Science,180-4, 2017, pp. 482-490.
Ferraria, L.; Fromma, I.; Jennyb, K.; et al., “Formal and informal seed potato supply systems analysis in
Rwanda”, Tropentag 2017, University of Bonn, Centre for Development Research, 2017.
Glahn, R.; Tako, E.; Hart, J.; Haas, J.; Lung’aho, M.; Beebe, S., “Iron Bioavailability Studies of the First
Generation of Iron-Biofortified Beans Released in Rwanda”, Nutrients, 9-7, 2017, p. 787. doi: 10.3390/
Habimana, J.; Karangwa, E.; et al., “Comparative Study of Physicochemical and Bacteriological
Characteristics of Banana Wines Produced by Conventional and Modern Techniques in Southern Province
of Rwanda”, American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 5-5, 2017, pp. 192-198.
Ingabire, C.; Mshenga, M.; Langat, K.; et al., “Towards commercial agriculture in Rwanda:
understanding the determinants of market participation among smallholder bean farmers”, African
Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 17-4, 2017.


Kabirigi, M.; Ngetich, F.; Mwetu, K., “Implications of tillage practices, management of soil surface and
fertilizer application on sustainable dry land agriculture: A case study of Eastern Rwanda”, African
Journal of Agricultural Research, Article: 0474F2465414, 2017. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2017.12289
Kamurase, J.; Kariuki, P., “Determinants of implementation of hazard analysis and critical control point
project in four selected Gouda cheese processing firms in Rwanda”, European Journal of Business and
Social Sciences, 6-6, 2017, pp. 50-58.
Mugunga, C.; Giller, K.; Mohren, G., “Tree-crop interactions in maize-eucalypt woodlot systems in
southern Rwanda”, European Journal of Agronomy, 86, 2017, pp. 78-86.
Musebe, R.; Dusenge, L.; Agwanda, C., “Understanding the need for transfer of biologically-based crop
protection technology for soil pest control in vegetable production in Rwanda”, African Journal of
Agricultural Research, 12-21, 2017, pp. 1793-1800.
Mutimura, M.; Ebong, C.; et al., “Effect of cutting time on agronomic and nutritional characteristics of
nine commercial cultivars of Brachiaria grass compared with Napier grass during establishment under
semi-arid conditions in Rwanda”, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 12-35, 2017, pp. 2692-2703.
Nahayo, A.; Omondi, M.; Zhang, X., et al., “Factors influencing farmers’ participation in crop
intensification program in Rwanda”, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16-6, 2017, pp. 1406-1416.
Nakato, V.; Mahuku, G.; Coutinho, T., “Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum: a major constraint to
banana, plantain and enset production in Central and East Africa over the past decade”, Molecular Plant
Pathology, July 2017. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12578
Ndereyehe, Charles, “Rwanda: Les causes profondes qui handicapent la relance de l’agriculture”,, 30 mai 2017.
Ndirigwe Jean; Rubaihayo Patrick; Tukamuhabwa, Phenihas; et al., “Evaluation of Performance of
Introduced Yam Bean (Pachyrhizus spp.) in Three Agro-Ecological Zones of Rwanda”, Tropical
Plant Biology,10-2, 2017, pp. 97-109.
Ndoli, Alain; Baudron, Frédéric; Schut, Antonius; Mukuralinda, Athanase; Giller, Ken, “Disentangling the
positive and negative effects of trees on maize performance in smallholdings of Northern Rwanda”, Field
Crops Research, 213, 2017, pp. 1-11.
Ngaboyisonga, C.; Oduol, J.; Mugabo, J.; et al., “Partnerships in highlands of Rwanda under integrated
agricultural research for development (IAR4D) arrangements”, African Crop Science Journal, 25-Suppl.,
2017, pp. 85-96.
Nyirahorana, C.; Mburu, D.; Mulyungi, P.; Ntaganira, E., “Drivers Behind Adoption of Cassava Brown
Streak Disease Control Measures in Rwanda”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research,
6-11, 2017, pp. 113-117


Paul, P.; Frelat, R.; Birnholz, C.; et al., “Agricultural intensification scenarios, household food availability
and greenhouse gas emissions in Rwanda: Ex-ante impacts and trade-offs”, Agricultural Systems, 2017,
Rosa, M.; Bonham, C.; Dempewolf, J.; Arakwiye, B., “An integrated approach to monitoring ecosystem
services and agriculture: implications for sustainable agricultural intensification in Rwanda”,
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189-1, 2917, p. 15. doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5607-6
Rukundo, P.; Shimelis, H.; Laing, M.; Gahakwa, D., “Combining Ability, Maternal Effects, and
Heritability of Drought Tolerance, Yield and Yield Components in Sweetpotato”, Frontiers in Plant
Science, 7, 2017, p.1981. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01981.
Shumbusha, Damien; Shimelis, Hussein; Laing, Mark; Asiimwe, Theodore, “Phenotypic diversity
analysis of sweetpotato for breeding dual-purpose varieties”, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section B,
Soil & Plant Science, 67-4, 2017, pp. 340-351.
Stewart, Lucy; Willie, Kristen; Wijeratne, Saranga; et al., “Johnsongrass Mosaic Virus Contributes to
Maize Lethal Necrosis in East Africa”, Plant Disease, 101-8, 2017, pp. 1455-1462.
Van Soesbergen, Arnout; Arnell, Andrew; Sassen, Marieke; et al.,“Exploring future agricultural
development and biodiversity in Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi: a spatially explicit scenario-based
assessment”, Regional Environmental Change, 17-5-Suppl. 1, 2017, pp. 1409-1420.
Wronski, T.; Bariyanga, J.; Sun, P.; Plath,M.; Apio, A., “Pastoralism versus Agriculturalism: How Do
Altered Land-Use Forms Affect the Spread of Invasive Plants in the Degraded Mutara Rangelands of
North-Eastern Rwanda?”, Plants, 6-2, 2017, p. e19. doi: 10.3390/plants6020019.
1.2 Aquaculture
Agbebi, F.; Kibogo, A.; Ngirinshuti, L.; Mapendo, M., “Contribution of Women to Aquaculture
Development in Rwanda”, in Evers, S.; Shriver, A. (eds), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Biennial
Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 11-15, 2016.
Ndorimana, Jean-Claude; Nguyen, Van Tien; Pham, Quoc Hung, “Optimization of Nile Tilapia
(oreochromis niloticus) production in ponds based on improved farm management practices in Rwanda”,
Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, 3, 2016, pp. 49-57.
1.3 Forestry
Kiyani, P.; Andoh, J.; Lee, Y.; Lee, D., “Benefits and challenges of agroforestry adoption: a case of
Musebeya sector, Nyamagabe District in southern province of Rwanda”, Forest Science and Technology,
13-4, 2017, pp. 174-180
1.4 Poultry
Mahoro, J.; Muasya, T.; Mbuza, F.; Mbuthia, J.; Kahi, AS., “Farmers’ breeding practices and traits of
economic importance for indigenous chicken in Rwanda”, Tropical Animal Health and Production, Sept.
2017. doi: 10.1007/s11250-017-1411-8


Mahoro, J.; Muasya, T.; Mbuza, F.; Habimana, R.; Kahi, A., “Characterization of indigenous chicken
production systems in Rwanda”, Poultry Science, Sept 2017, doi: 10.3382/ps/pex240
Manishimwe, R.; Buhire, M.; Uyisunze, A.; et al., “Characterization of antibiotic resistant Escherichia
coli in different poultry farming systems in the Eastern Province and Kigali City of Rwanda”, Revue
d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, 70-1, 2017, pp. 13-19.
Mbuza, F.; Manishimwe, R.; Mahoro, J.; Simbankabo, T.; Nishimwe, K., “Characterization of broiler
poultry production system in Rwanda”, Tropical Animal Health and Production, 49-1, 2017, pp. 71-77.
doi: 10.1007/s11250-016-1160-0.
1.5 Livestock
Hirwa, Claire d’André; Rugira, Donald, Murekezi, Tiba, “Management and phenotypic features of
indigenous cattle in Rwanda”, International Journal of Livestock Production, 8-7, 2017, pp. 85-112.
Mazimpaka, E.; Micheal, T., Characterization of cattle production systems in Nyagatare-Rwanda,
Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 2017, p. 92.
Mazimpaka, Eugene, “Characterization of Cattle Production Systems in Nyagatare District of Eastern
Province, Rwanda”, Rheology: Open Access, 1-2, 2017, pp 107-128.
Mazimpaka, E.; Mbuza, F.; Michael, T.; Gatari, E.; Bukenya, E.; James, O., “Current status of cattle
production system in Nyagatare District-Rwanda”, Tropical Animal Health and Production, 49-8, 2017,
pp.1645-1656. doi: 10.1007/s11250-017-1372-y.
Mukasafari, M.; Ambula, M.; Karege, C.; King’ori, A., “Effects of substituting sow and weaner meal with
brewers’ spent grains on the performance of growing pigs in Rwanda”, Tropical Animal Health and
Production, Oct 2017, doi: 10.1007/s11250-017-1446-x.
Reeve, Sophie, “Milk safety: Increasing quality and consumption in Rwanda”, Spore, 184, 2017, p. 14.
Ssemanda, James Noah, “Indicator microorganisms in fresh vegetables from farm to fork in Rwanda”,
Food Control, 75, 2017, pp. 126-133.
1.6 Coffee
Flambeau, Kayihura Joseph; Lee, Won-Jong, “Discrimination and geographical origin prediction of
washed specialty Bourbon coffee from different coffee growing areas in Rwanda by using electronic nose
and electronic tongue”, Food Science and Biotechnology, 26-5, 2017, pp. 1245-1254.
Moss, Charles; Lyambabaje, Alexandre; Oehmke, James, “An economic evaluation of SPREAD on
Rwanda's rural population”, Applied Economics, 49-36, 2017, pp. 3634-3644.
Muvunyi, B.; Sallah, P.; Dusengemungu, K.; et al., “Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Coffee
Accessions in Rwanda and Its Implication for Coffee Breeding”, American Journal of Plant Sciences, 8,
2017, pp. 2461-2473.


Nzeyimana, Innocent; Hartemink, Alfred; Ritsema, Coen; and al., “Mulching as a strategy to improve soil
properties and reduce soil erodibility in coffee farming systems of Rwanda”, Catena (Giessen), 149,
2017, pp.43-51.
Rutayisire, J.; Markon, S.; Raymond, N., “IoT based Coffee quality monitoring and processing system in
Rwanda”, 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI): Proceedings, 2017, pp.
Uwizeye, O.; Namusonge, G.; Mwirigi, F.; et al., “Influence of strategic human capital on the
performance of coffee export processing firms in Rwanda”, International Journal of Social Sciences and
Information Technology, 3-9, November 2017.
1.7 Economics; Socioeconomics; Politics (Agriculture)
Bigler, Christine; Amacker, Michèle; Ingabire, Chantal; Birachi, Eliud, “Rwanda’s gendered agricultural
transformation: A mixed-method study on the rural labour market, wage gap and care penalty”, Women’s
Studies International Forum, 64, 2017, pp. 17-27.
Bocher, T.; Low, J.; Sindi, K.; Rajendran, S., “Gender-sensitive Value Chain Intervention Improved Profit
Efficiency among Orange-fleshed Sweetpotato Producers in Rwanda”, Open Agriculture, 2-1, 2017, pp.
Habiyaremye, Alexis, “Estimating the impact of sericulture adoption on farmer income in Rwanda: an
application of propensity score matching”, Agrekon, 56-3, 2017, pp. 296-311.
Hermans, F.; Sartas, M.; van Schagen, B.; van Asten, P.; Schut, M., “Social network analysis of multistakeholder platforms in agricultural research for development: Opportunities and constraints for
innovation and scaling”, PLoS ONE, 12-2, 2017, e0169634.
Huggins, Chris, Agricultural Reform in Rwanda: authoritarianism, markets and zones of governance,
University of Chicago Press, 2017, 288 p.
Kabirigi, Michel; Mugambi, Samuel; Musana, Bernard; et al.,“Estimation of Soil Erosion Risk, its
Valuation and Economic Implications for Agricultural Production in Western Part of Rwanda”, Journal of
Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 5-4, 2017, pp. 525-536.
Klasen, Stephan; Reimers, Malte, “Looking at Pro-Poor Growth from an Agricultural Perspective”, World
Development, 90, 2017, pp. 147-168.
Lawther, Isaac, “Why African countries are interested in building agricultural partnerships with China:
lessons from Rwanda and Uganda”, Third World Quarterly, 38-10, 2017, pp. 2312-2329.
Mastaki, Jean-Luc; Furaha Mirindi, Germaine; Lebailly, Philippe, “Analyse de la main-d'œuvre dans la
riziculture de la plaine de la Ruzizi des pays de la CEPGL”, Cahiers de l’Association Tiers-Monde, 32,
2017, pp. 73-84.


Mbitsemunda, J.; Karangwa, A., “Analysis of Factors Influencing Market Participation of Smallholder
Bean Farmers in Nyanza District of Southern Province, Rwanda”, Journal of Agricultural Science, 9-11,
2017, pp. 99-111.
Mukantwali, C.; Laswai, H.; Tiisekwa, B., “Evaluation of the storage stability of pineapple products
processed by small and medium scale processing enterprises in Rwanda”, African Journal of Food
Science, 2-6, 2016, pp. 146-159.
Musafiri, I.; Sjölander, P., “The importance of off-farm employment for smallholder farmers in Rwanda”,
Journal of Economic Studies, 2017.
Ngango, Jules, Economic benefits of rice production in rural areas of Rwanda: Saarbrücken, LAP
Lambert Academic Publishing 2017, 72 p.
Nkurunziza, Christian; Uwantege, Emma, Gender Sensitivity Climate Smart Agriculture in Rwanda,
Saarbrücken: Scholars’ Press, 2017, 80 p.
Oparinde, Adewale; Murekezi, Abdoul; Birol, Ekin; Katsvairo, Lister, Demand-pull creation, public
officer’s endorsement, and consumer willingness-to-pay for nutritious iron beans in rural and urban
Rwanda, Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 2017, 36 p.
Pérez Perdomo, Silvia Andrea; Farrow, Andrew; et al., “Testing the Effectiveness of Network Governance
Mechanisms to Foster Ambidexterity of Agricultural Innovation Networks in East and Central Africa”,
International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 8-2, 2017, pp. 81-95.
Sumita, Tsuyoshi, “Impact of Farmer Field Schools in Rwanda: Case Study of Potato Farmers in Musanze
District”, Journal of Rural Society and Economics, 35-1, 2017, pp. 84-91.
1.8 Land Issues
Akinyemi, Felici, “Land change in the central Albertine rift: Insights from analysis and mapping of land
use-land cover change in North-Western Rwanda”, Applied Geography, 87, 2017, pp. 127-138.
Al-Hamdan, Mohammad; Oduor, Phoebe; Flores, Africa; et al., “Evaluating land cover changes in
Eastern and Southern Africa from 2000 to 2010 using validated Landsat and MODIS data”, International
Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 62, 2017, pp. 8-26.
Ali, Daniel Ayalew; Deininger, Klaus; Duponchel, Marguerite, “New Ways to Assess and Enhance Land
Registry Sustainability: Evidence from Rwanda”, World Development, 99, 2017, pp. 377-394.
Asiama, K.; Bennett, R.; Zevenbergen, J., “Land consolidation on Ghana's rural customary lands:
Drawing from The Dutch, Lithuanian and Rwandan experiences”, Journal of Rural Studies, 56, 2017, pp.
Boone, Catherine, “Sons of the Soil Conflict in Africa: Institutional Determinants of Ethnic Conflict Over
Land”, World Development, 96, 2017, pp. 276-293.


Brown, M.; Hughes, A., “Is land tenure ‘secure enough’ in rural Rwanda?”, 2017 World Bank Conference
on Land and Poverty, The World Bank, 2017, 28 p.
Coumans, Frederique, “Improving Land Tenure Security with Low-cost Technologies”, GIM
International: The Worldwide Magazine for Geomatics, 31-4, 2017, pp. 43-45.
Goodfellow, Tom, “Taxing property in a neo-developmental state: the politics of urban land value capture
in Rwanda and Ethiopia”, African Affairs, 116-465, 2017, pp. 549-572.
Habyarimana, Jean-Baptiste; Nkunzimana, Tharcisse, “Policy Reforms and Rural Livelihoods
Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities ; Empirical Evidence from the Adoption of the Land Use
Consolidation (LUC) Policy in Rwanda”, African Development Review, 29-S2, 2017, pp. 96-108.
Karamage, F.; Zhang, C.; Fang, X.; et al., “Modeling Rainfall-Runoff Response to Land Use and Land
Cover Change in Rwanda (1990–2016)”, Water, 9-2, 2017, pp. 147-157. doi:10.3390/w9020147
Koeva, M.; Bennett, R.; Gerke, M.; et al., “Towards innovative geospatial tools for fit-for-purpose land
rights mapping”, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
Sciences, 42, 2017, pp. 37-43.
Nilsson, Pia, “Assessing the Role of Land Use Consolidation for Consumption Growth in Rwanda”,
CESIS Electronic Working Paper No. 455, Jönköping University (Sweden): Centre of Excellence for
Science and Innovation Studies (CESIS), 2017, 23 p.
Ngoga, Thierry; Ntaganda, Francois; Tushabe, Karim; et al., Land Governance Assessment Framework:
Final report: Rwanda, World Bank, 2017, 142 p.
Rutebuka, J.; Ryken, N.; Uwimanzi, A,, “Impacts of terracing on soil erosion control and crop yield in
two agro-ecological zones of Rwanda”, Vienna: European Geosciences Union Conference, Paper 2717,
23-28 April 2017, 6 p.
Stoorvogel, Jetse; Bakkenes, Michel; Temme, Arnaud.; et al., “S-World: A Global Soil Map for
Environmental Modelling”, Land Degradation & Development, 28-1, 2017, pp. 22-33.
Tuyishime, D.; Yong, W.; Laetitia, B.; Xuan, C., “Investigating the feasibility of land consolidation in
Rwanda: evidence of China”, Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 8-1, 2017, pp. 4165-4168.
Uwimana, A.; Van Dam, A.; Gettel, G.; et al., “Effects of River Discharge and Land Use and Land Cover
(LULC) on Water Quality Dynamics in Migina Catchment, Rwanda”. Environmental Management, 60-3,
2017, pp. 496-512.



2.1 Economy; Development; Business
—, Rwanda: Economic Update: Sustaining Growth by Building on Emerging Export Opportunities,
World Bank, August 2017, 54 p.1
—, “An unfree trade”, The Economist, 422-9026, April 2, 2017, p. 38.
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—, “Faking it: The Rwandan GDP Growth Myth”, Internet: Review of African Political Economy

(ROAPE), July 2017.
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Rwanda-Dr Congo: Cross Border Market, 54-4, June 2017, pp. 21669A–21670C,
Breweries: Rwanda, 54-9, November 2017, pp. 21874A–21875A.
Flowers: Rwanda, 53-11, January 2017, pp. 21509C–21510B,
Rwanda: World Bank Economic Update, 54-9, November 2017, pp. 21854C–21855B,
Essential Oils: Rwanda, 54-7, September 2017, pp. 21800C–21801A.
Honey: Rwanda, 54-5, July 2017, pp. 21726B–21727A.
General: Rwanda, 54-9, November 2017, pp. 21872C–21874C.
Water: Rwanda, 54-1, March 2017, pp. 21588A–21589C.
Rwanda: Food Security Fears, 54-1, March 2017, pp. 21568A–21568C.
Kenya, Rwanda-India: Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2017, 54-1, March 2017, pp.; 21559C–
Telecommunications: Rwanda, 53-12, February 2017, pp. 21545A–21546C.
Akimana, Virginie, “Internal and External Factors Affecting Exporting SMEs in Rwanda”, in
Achtenhagen, L.; Brundin E. (eds), Management Challenges in Different Types of African Firms,
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Almanzar, Miguel; Torero, Maximo, “Distributional Effects of Growth and Public Expenditures in Africa:
Estimates for Tanzania and Rwanda”, World Development, 95, 2017, pp. 177-195.
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Ayittey, G., “The Non-Sustainability of Rwanda’s Economic Miracle”, Journal of Management and
Sustainability, 7-2, 2017, pp. 88-104.


For other World Bank publications on Rwanda, see

Bambujijumugisha, Theoneste, “The Relationship between GDP and Money Demand in Rwanda”, SSRN,
24 May 2017, 26 p.
Behuria, Pritish, The political economy of import substitution in the 21st century: the challenge of
recapturing the domestic market in Rwanda, International Development Working Paper 17-182, London
School of Economics and Political Science, 2017, 37 p.
Behuria, Pritish, “Learning from role models in Rwanda: incoherent emulation in the construction of a
neoliberal developmental state”, New Political Economy, 2017, 19 p.
Behuria, P.; Goodfellow, T., “The Disorder of ‘Miracle Growth’ in Rwanda: Understanding the Limitations of Transitions to Open Ordered Development”, in Pritchett, L.; Sen, K.; Werker, E. (eds), Deals
and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes, Oxford University Press, 2017, chap. 8.
Byukusenge, Eugenie; Munene, John, “Knowledge management and business performance: Does
innovation matter?”, Cogent Business & Management, 4-1, 2017, Article Number: 1368434.
Crockett, C., “Developing Virtues in Developing Countries: Case Studies from Rwanda”, in José, A.; et
al (eds), Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management, Springer, 2017, pp. 99-111.
Chirwa, Masauso, “Rwanda, is it a Success Story or Exaggerated? Development History”, SSRN, March
15, 2017.
de Freytas-Tamura, Kimiko, “East Africa Curbs Imports on America's Hand-Me-Downs”, The New York
Times, October 12, 2017, 1724 words.
Flores, Esteban; Yarrow, Richard, “Rwanda’s push for five-star development”, Harvard International
Review, 38-4, 2017, pp. 54-60.
Gamba, F., “Social Capital in Selected Business Associations of Food Processing SMEs in Tanzania and
Rwanda: A Synthetic Based Approach”, International Journal of Asian Social Science, 7-1, 2017, pp.
Gambino, Lauren, “‘It’s about our dignity’: vintage clothing ban in Rwanda sparks US trade dispute”, The
Guardian, 29 December 2017, 8 p.
Ggombe, Kasim; Newfarmer, Richard, “Rwanda: From devastation to services-first transformation”,
WIDER Working Paper 084, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UN University),
2017, 32 p.
Gupta, Mayank; Kumar, Harish, “Revealed Comparative Advantage: An Analysis of Exports of Rwanda”,
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 8-3, 2017, pp. 69-76.
Habiyaremye, Patrick; et al., “Job-Rotation, Utilization of Workshops, and Performance of SMEs: An
Empirical Study from the Gasabo District in Rwanda”, in Achtenhagen, L.; Brundin, E. (eds),
Management Challenges in Different Types of African Firms, Springer, 2017, pp. 187-204.

Harelimana, Jean Bosco, “The Effect of Budgetary Control on Financial Performance of Kigali
Serena Hotel in Rwanda”, Business and Economics Journal, April 07, 2017. doi: 10.4172/21516219.1000292
Harmacek, Jaromir; Syrovatka, Miroslav; Duskova, Lenka, “Pro-poor Growth in East Africa”,
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 64, 2017, pp. 82-93.
Harrison, Graham, “Rwanda and the Difficult Business of Capitalist Development”, Development
and Change, 48-5, 2017, pp. 873-898.
International Monetary Fund, Rwanda: Selected Issues, IMF Country Report No. 17/214, July 2017,
52 p.
Jolly, Irabagiza, Stakeholders Participation in Planning and Designing of Projects: Case of Locally Based
UNDP Projects in Rwanda, Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag, 2017, 68 p.
Kanyago, G.; Shukla, J., “Role of project management skills on performance of construction projects: a
case of selected construction firms in Kigali, Rwanda”, European Journal of Business and Social
Sciences, 6-7, 2017, pp. 12-23.
Kazinguvu, Ngweshi, “Strategic Innovation Management of Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing
Companies in Rwanda”, in Achtenhagen, L.; Brundin, E. (eds), Management Challenges in Different
Types of African Firms, Springer, 2017, pp. 149-162.
Kalinganire, C.; Gilkey, S.; Haas, L., “Social work practice in Rwanda: the challenge of adapting Western
models to fit local contexts”, in Gray, Mel (ed), The handbook of social work and social development in
Africa, Routledge, 2017, chap. 25.
Kamugisha, S., “New firms’ survival in Rwanda: an analysis of institutional and social contexts”, in
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Economies and Developing Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017, chap. 19.
Makuza, Jean-Marie Vianney, Le secret pour réussir votre interview d’embauche: 1 Règle d'or, 10
Principes clefs, 100 Questions courantes: Expériences du Burundi, Congo, Rwanda et Uganda,
Saarbrücken: Presses Académiques Francophones, 2017, 100 p.
Maradan, D., “Assessment of the economic, social and environment benefits of the Rubaya green village
in Gicumbi District, Rwanda, and benefits of project replication”, Nyon (Suisse): ECOSYS SA, 23 May
2017, 54 p
McCluskey, William; Nzewanga, Jean-Jacques, “Rwanda”, in Franzsen, R.; McCluskey, W. (eds),
Property tax in Africa: status, challenges, and prospects, Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land
Policy, 2017.


Mpakaniye, Jean-Paul, “The Role of Business Development Funds (BDF) in Creating Employment for
the Youth in Rwanda”, SSRN, 13 Oct. 2017, 16 p.
Mpakaniye, Jean-Paul, “The Impact of Youth Self-Employment Behavior on Socio-Economic
Development in Rwanda”, SSRN, 13 Oct. 2017, 22 p.
Mpakaniye, Jean-Paul, “The Effect of Internal Audit on Budget Process and Execution of Local
Government of Rwanda”, SSRN, 12 Oct. 2017, 25 p.
Muchiri, D.; Kibachia, M., “Performance of small and medium enterprises in Rwanda: A case of SMEs
registered with private sector federation of Rwanda”, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences,
6-6, 2017, pp. 97-111.
Muhamedi, Maniraho; Ariffin, Mohamed; Yahya, Mohd, “Managers and Employees’ Perception of
Communication Channels Based on Organization’s Culture Awareness Competency in Selected Industries
in Rwanda”, Journal of Creative Writing, 2-1, 2017, pp. 61-80.
Muindi, C.; Kule, J.; Nkechi, I., “Team management practices on performance of development projects in
Rwanda: a case of Rwanda Social Security Board”, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences,
6-1, 2017, pp. 143-153.
Mukandoli, D.; Bhagat, D., “Examining the Ajzen’s Predictors of Intention Formation towards Purchase
of Ethical Products in Rwanda”, Journal of Social Sciences, 53-1, 2017, 12 p.
Murekeyimana, Theogene; Mehrotra, Monika; Nkurayija, Jean, “Impact of small and medium enterprise
in improving living standard of population and economic growth of Rwanda”, International Journal of
Management Studies & Research, 5, 2017, pp. 593-601.
Murekeyimana, Theogene; Suryavanshi, Manoj; Nkurayija, Jean, “Impact of international trade on
economic growth through small and medium enterprises of Rwanda (2000 to 2016)”, AGU International
Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities, 5, 2017, pp. 775-793.
Muruthi, Bertranna; Watkins, Kimberly; McCoy, Megan; et al., “‘I Feel Happy that I Can be Useful to
Others’: Preliminary Study of East African Women and Their Remittance Behavior”, Journal of Family
and Economic Issues, 38-3, 2017, pp. 315-326.
Mutambuka, Deo; Niyompano, Hosee, “Product Packaging Innovation and Consumer Buying Behavior in
Rwanda”, International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 7-6, 2017, pp. 344-349.
Mutesi, F.; Kayigire, P., “Home grown solutions: key drivers of development process in Rwanda”, in
Haque; S.; Shyaka, A.; Mudacumura, G. (eds), Democratizing public governance in developing nations,
with special reference to Africa, Routledge, 2017, chap. 13.
Mwaura, Naomi, “Africa rising in Kigali, Rwanda”, Sustainable Transport, 8, 2017, pp. 20-21.


Mwitirehe, Janvier, Robust Impact Evaluation Experiments in Rwanda: Evaluation series No. 1, August
2017, Saarbrücken: Éditions universitaires européennes, 2017, 52 p.
Nauta, Wiebe; Lee, Tae-Joo, “South Korean Civic Actors in Rwanda, Promoting Rural Development and
an Emerging Civil Society Contexts Controlled by the State”, in Graf, A.; Hashim, A. (eds), AfricanAsian Encounters: new cooperations and new dependencies, Amsterdam University Press, 2017, pp.
Ndagijimana, Joseph; Nzasingizimana, Tharcisse; Heshmati, Almas,“Econometric Analysis of Business
Start-ups in Rwanda”, in Heshmati, (ed), Economic Transformation for Poverty Reduction in Africa: A
Multidimensional Approach, Routledge, 2017, pp. 240-263
Ngendahimana, Ladislas, Impact of Supply Chain Management on Business Growth: The case of
Inyange Industries Ltd, Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017, 76 p.
Nimusima, Pereez; et al., “Assessing the Relationship Between Employee Motivation and
Productivity in Rwanda’s Nyagatare District”, in Achtenhagen, L.; Brundin, E. (eds), Management
Challenges in Different Types of African Firms, Springer, 2017, pp. 221-235
Niragire, François; Nshimyiryo, Alphonse, “Determinants of increasing duration of first unemployment
among first degree holders in Rwanda: a logistic regression analysis”, Journal of Education and Work,
30-3, 2017, pp. 235-248.
Nkikabahizi, F.; J Ndagijimana, J., “Relationship Between Inflation and Real Economic Growth in
Rwanda”, in Heshmati, Almas (ed), Studies on Economic Development and Growth in Selected African
Countries, Springer, 2017, pp. 103-122.
Ntukamazina, Jean-Baptiste, Life insurance in Rwanda: Challenges and Problems, Saarbrücken: Éditions
Universitaires Européennes, 2017, 116 p.
Ntukanyagwe, K.; Deya, J.; Kimenyi, E,; et. al., “Determinants of Adoption of Electronic Payment
Systems for the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Rwanda: Case of R-Switch”, International
Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences, 7-6, 2017, pp.18-28.
Ong’aro, W.; Asumptah, K., “Determinants of succesful implementation of housing projects in Rwanda: a
case of Roko Construction Company”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project
Management, 2-2, 2017, pp. 69-85.
Opata, E.; Awino, Z., “Corporate governance practices and performances in the mobile and data services
companies in Rwanda”, International Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 1-1, 2017, pp. 21-42.
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2017: Entrepreneurship and Industrialisation, OECD, 2017.
Procknow, Greg, “International briefing 35: training and development in Rwanda”, International Journal
of Training and Development, 21-1, 2017, pp. 60-72.

Rurangwa, G.; Shukla, J., “Capital market development and economic growth evidence from Rwanda”,
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 5-10, 2017, pp. 507-517.
Rusagara, Jean-Bosco; Sreedhara, T., “Households’ participation in community development
programmes: Gasabo district, Rwanda”, Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension
Journal, 44-1, 2017, 8 p.
Rwamigabo, Eugene, “Social enterprise in Rwanda: an overview”, Social Enterprise Journal, 13-4/SI,
2017, pp. 376-391.
Spray, John; Wolf, Sebastian, Industries without smokestacks in Uganda and Rwanda, WIDER Working
Paper 12, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU), 2017, 45 p.
Steenbergen, V.; Sen, R., “Increasing vertical spillovers from FDI: ideas from Rwanda”, Perspectives on
topical foreign direct investment issues, 206, Columbia FDI Perspectives, August 14, 2017, 4 p.
Steenbergen, Victor, Reaping the benefits of Electronic Billing Machines: using data-driven tools to
improve VAT compliance, International Growth Centre, London School of Economic and Political
Science, 2017, 25 p.
Stewart, Frances; Daga, Rachit, “Does the way civil wars end affect the pattern of post-conflict
development?”, Oxford Development Studies, 45-2, 2017, pp. 145-170.
Tsinda, Aime; Abbott, Pamela, “Between the Market and the State: Financing and Servicing Self–
Sustaining Sanitation Chains in Informal Settlements in East African Cities”, Working Paper 1, Centre for
Global Development, University of Aberdeen, 14 Apr. 2017, 49 p.
Trustfull, Paul, “Rwanda: Reforms Boost Investment”, Forbes, 200-3, 2017, p. 96.
Uwitonze, P.; Mulyugi, P., “Assessment of factors causing change orders in construction projects in
Rwanda”, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 6-7, 2017, pp. 67-80.
Uwizeye, H., “Influence of compensation practices on employee performance of tea companies in
Rwanda: a case study of Rwanda”, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 6-6, 2017, pp.
Walabyeki, J., “Corporate Governance in Rwanda: Opportunities and Challenges”, SSRN, 19 April 2017,
19 p.
Weatherspoon, D.; Steele-Adjognon, M.; Niyitanga, F.; et al., “Food expenditure patterns, preferences,
policy, and access of Rwandan households”, British Food Journal, 119-6, 2017, pp. 1202-1215.
Yepes, Tito; Lufumpam, Charles, “The state of infrastructure in East Africa”, in Ncube, Mthuli;
Lufumpam, Charles (eds), Infrastructure in Africa: Lessons for future development, Policy Press at
the University of Bristol, 2017, pp. 379-422.

2.2 Poverty
Ansoms, An; Marijnen, Esther; Cioffo, Giuseppe; et al., “Statistics versus livelihoods: questioning
Rwanda’s pathway out of poverty”, Review of African Political Economy, 44-151, 2017, pp. 47-65.
Cho, Sunmee; Kim, Taeyoon, “Determinants of Poverty Status in Rwanda”, African Development Review,
29-2, 2017, pp. 337-349.
Hahirwa, J.; Karinganire, C., “Exploring the success and challenges of the Girinka programme and the
need for social work involvement: Southern Province, Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal Series B, 4-1, 2017, pp.
Harhay, M.; Fawzi, M.; Jeanneret, S.; et al., “An assessment of the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud poverty
alleviation program in Rwanda and Uganda”, International Journal of Public Health, 62-2, 2017, pp.
Lenz, Luciane; Munyehirwe, Anicet; Peters, Jörg; Sievert, Maximiliane, “Does Large-Scale Infrastructure
Investment Alleviate Poverty? Impacts of Rwanda’s Electricity Access Roll-Out Program”, World
Development, 89, 2017, pp. 88-110.
Njuguna, C.; McSharry, P., “Constructing spatiotemporal poverty indices from big data”, Journal of
Business Research, 70, 2017, pp. 318-327.
Nkurunziza, Joseph; Broekhuis, Annelet; Hooimeijer, Pieter, “Do Poverty Reduction Programmes Foster
Education Expenditure? New Evidence from Rwanda”, Journal of Asian & African Studies, 52-4, 2017,
pp. 425-443.
Rashidghalam, Masoomeh, “Analysis of Poverty and its Determinants in Rwanda”, in Heshmati, Almas
(ed), Economic Transformation for Poverty Reduction in Africa: A Multidimensional Approach,
Routledge, 2017, pp. 104-120
2.3 Finance
Ainsworth, Richard Thompson; Musaad, Alwohaibi, “Blockchain, Bitcoin, and VAT in the GCC: The
Missing Trader Example”, School of Law, Law and Economics Research Paper No. 17-05, Boston
University, SSRN, Feb. 16, 2017, 18 p.
Calabrese, L; Papadavid, P.; Tyson, J., “Rwanda: Financing for manufacturing”, Brief Paper, London:
Overseas Development Institute, 2017, 22 p.
Gasana, L.; Kariuki, P., “Influence of capital budgeting techniques on the financial performance of
companies listed at the Rwanda stock exchange”, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 6-6,
2017, 14 p.
Gisanabagabo, S.; Ngalawa, H., “Financial intermediation and economic growth: evidence from
Rwanda”, Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 10-2, 2017, pp. 253-273.


Harelimana, Jean-Bosco, “The Role of Microfinance Services on Increasing Revenue of COOPEC
COMICOKA Members, Rwanda (2010-2015)”, Management and Organizational Studies, 4-2, 2017, pp.
Harelimana, Jean-Bosco, “The Determinants of Financial and Operational Sustainability of Microfinance
Institutions: Case Study of Clecam-Ejoheza Ltd.”, Global Journal of Management and Business
Research, 17-4, 2017, pp. 33-43.
Harelimana, Jean-Bosco, “Effect of Diversification on Portfolio Risk Management at Rwanda Social
Security Board”, Journal of Corporate Governance Research, 1-1, 2017.
Harelimana, Jean-Bosco, “The Impact of Information Communication and Technology Utilization on the
Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda: Case Study Réseau Interdiocésain de
Microfinance (RIM) Ltd, Rwanda (2011-2015)”, Management and Organizational Studies, 4-2, 2017, pp.
Mahina, J.; Muturi, W.; Memba, F., “Effect of behavioural biases on investments at the Rwanda stock
exchange”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 3-3, 2017, pp.
Mahina, J.; Muturi, W.; Memba, F., “Influence of loss aversion bias on investments at the Rwanda stock
exchange”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 3-4, 2017, pp.
Mascagni, G.; Nell, C.; Monkam, N., One Size Does Not Fit All: A Field Experiment on the Drivers of
Tax Compliance and Delivery Methods in Rwanda, Maputo: International Centre for Tax and
Development, 6 July 2017, 33 p.
Mbabazi, M.; Daniel, T., “Effect of financial literacy on stock market participation by small and medium
enterprises in Rwanda: Case of Kimironko Market”, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences,
6-2, 2017, pp. 246-259.
Mubashankwaya Isaac; Manyange Nyanchiri, Remmy, “Impact of Village Saving and Loan Associations
(VSLAs) in Rubengera Sector, Rwanda”, Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development,
2-1, 2017, pp. 11-21.
Mukuma, Denis; Karangwa, John; Hakizimana, Naphtal, “Communicating to Improve Compliance:
Taxpayers’ Feedback on Message and Mode of Delivery in Rwanda”, ICTD Working Paper 59, Brighton,
UK: Institute of Development Studies, 2017, 22 p.
Ndagijimana, Innocent; et al., “International Financial Reporting Standards and the Capital Market in
Rwanda”, in Achtenhagen, L.; Brundin E. (eds), Management Challenges in Different Types of African
Firms, Springer, 2017, pp. 129-147.


Ndemezo, Etienne; Menjo-Baye, Francis, “Assessing the Revenue Implications of Indirect Tax Reforms
in Rwanda”, in Heshmati, Almas (ed), Economic Transformation for Poverty Reduction in Africa: A
Multidimensional Approach, Routledge, 2017, pp. 123-140.
Sudmant, A.; Colenbrander, S.; Gouldson, A.; Chilundika, M., “Private opportunities, public benefits?
The scope for private finance to deliver low-carbon transport systems in Kigali, Rwanda”, Urban
Climate, 20, 2017, pp. 59-74.
Utazirubanda, Gad, The law of security and creditor's protection in Rwanda, Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2017, 80 p.
Van Klyton, A.; Rutabayiro-Ngoga, S., “SME finance and the construction of value in Rwanda”, Journal
of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 2017.
Vishwanatha; Mutamuliza, E., “Access to microcredit for smallholder agricultural producers in Rwanda
(Africa): Emerging challenges and issues”, Journal of Commerce and Management Thought, 8-3, 2017,
pp. 452-466.
Vishwanatha; Mutamuliza, Eularie, “An Estimation of the Determinants of Microcredit Demand by Small
Farmers to Enhance Agricultural Production: A case of Huye District, Rwanda”, International Journal of
Research in Economics and Social Sciences, 7-4, 2017, pp. 93-100.
Walabyeki, Jimmy, “Insider Trading in Rwanda: A Critical Analysis of the Legal Framework”, SSRN,
June 19, 2017.
2.4 Banking
Cyemezo, H.; Mung'atu, J.; Ndanguza, D., “Multi-Channel Queuing Modeling on System Delivery
Service: A Case Study of Banque Populaire du Rwanda Kimironko Branch”, International Journal of
Scientific Engineering and Technology, 6-10, 2017, pp. 331-334.
Harelimana, Jean-Bosco, “Effect of Debt Financing on Business Performance: A Comparative Study
Between I&M Bank and Bank of Kigali, Rwanda”, Global Journal of Management and Business, 17-2,
2017, pp. 37-45. [Cf. Muneza, Yves, Effects of debt financing on business performance: a comparative
study between I&M Bank and Bank of Kigali in Rwanda, UNILAK Repository, MBA Thesis, 2017.]
Harelimana, Jean-Bosco, “The Effect of Non-Peforming Loans Management on the Financial
Performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda: A Case Study of Ecobank Rwanda”, Enterprise Risk
Management, 3-1, 2017, pp. 19-37.
Harelimana, Jean-Bosco, “Impact of Mobile Banking on Financial Performance of Unguka Microfinance
Bank Ltd, Rwanda”, Global Journal of Management and Business, 17-4, 2017, pp. 45-55.
Harelimana, Jean-Bosco, “The Role of Risk Management on Financial Performance of Banking
Institutions in Rwanda”, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 17-1, 2017, pp. 29-34.


Harelimana, Jean-Bosco, “Analysis of Financial Statements for Prediction of Business Sustainability in
Rwanda: A Case of Banque Populaire du Rwanda Ltd”, Global Journal of Management and Business
Research, 17-1, 2017, pp. 17-28.
Kanyenyeri, L.; Asiimwe, B.; Mochama, M.; et al., “Prevalence of Back Pain and Associated Factors
among Bank Staff in Selected Banks in Kigali, Rwanda: A Cross Sectional Study”, Health Science
Journal, 11-3, 2017.
Kwizera, Fidele, “The effect of interest rate on loan repayment in Commercial Bank in Rwanda”,
International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, 7-2, 2017 pp. 34-46.
Manyange Nyanchiri, Remmy; Mubashankwaya, Isaac, “Impact of Village Saving and Loan Associations
(VSLAs) in Rubengera Sector, Rwanda”, Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development,
2-1, 2017, pp. 11-21.
Mwangi, Peter; Mbabazize, Mbabazi, “Role of project resource availability on project success in banking
industry in Rwanda: a case of KCB ATM MIS Project”, European Journal of Business and Social
Sciences, 6-2, 2017, pp. 90-98.
Okello, J-P.; Thomas, Kigabo, Banking development and economic growth in Rwanda, LAP Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2017, 52 p.
Rutayisire, Emmanuel, Development Bank of Rwanda: 50 years, 1967-2017 Anniversary, Kampala:
Independent Publications Limited, 2017.
Simms, Chris, “The World Bank in Kagame’s Rwanda”, The Lancet Global Health Blog, 2017.
2.5 Mining
—, “Mineral board formed as new treasures discovered in Rwanda”, The Guardian, 16 February 2017.
Lehmanna, Dieter; Brinkmann, Katja; Diogob, Rodrigue; Buerkert, Andreas, “Temporal and spatial
changes of land use in rare metal mining areas of Rwanda”, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation
and Environment, 31-8, 2017, pp. 519-52.
Neina, D.; Buerkert, A.; Joergensen, R., “Effects of Land Use on Microbial Indices in Tantalite Mine
Soils, Western Rwanda”, Land Degradation & Development, 28-1, 2017, pp. 181-8.
Nwapi, Chilenye, “Addressing the Capacity Building Challenge in the Mining Sector in Rwanda: The
Implications of Rwanda's 2014 Mining and Quarry Law”, Journal of African Law, 61-3, 2017, pp.
Nyamulinda, Bideri; et al., “Export Performance of SMEs in the Rwandan Mining Sector: Challenges and
Prospects”, in Achtenhagen, L.; Brundin, E. (eds), Management Challenges in Different Types of African
Firms, Springer, 2017, pp. 205-219.


Rupprecht, S., “Bench mining utilizing manual labour and mechanized equipment: A proposed mining
method for artisanal small-scale mining in Central Africa”, Journal of the Southern African Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy, 117-1, 2017, pp. 25-31.
Sethu, T.; Letsebe, T.; Magwaza, L.; et al., “Introduction of drill and blast utilizing pneumatic rock-drills
in a Rwandan artisanal underground mine”, Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, 117-4. 2017, pp. 313-319.
2.6 Resources (Energy, Water)
Abimbola O.; Wenninger J.; Venneker R.; et al., “The assessment of water resources in ungauged
catchments in Rwanda”, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 13, 2017, pp. 274-289.
Aboniyo, J.; Umulisa, D.; Bizimana, A.; Pascal, J., “National Water Resources Management Authority for
a Sustainable Water Use in Rwanda”, Sustainable Resources Management Journal, 2-3, 2017, pp. 1-15.
Bisaga, Iwona; Puźniak-Holford, Nathan; Grealish, Ashley; Baker-Brian, Christopher; Parikh, Priti,
“Scalable off-grid energy services enabled by IoT: A case study of BBOXX SMART Solar Source”,
Energy Policy, 109, 2017, pp. 199-207.
Grimm, Michael; Munyehirwe, Anicet; Peters, Joerg; et al., “A First Step up the Energy Ladder? Low
Cost Solar Kits and Household's Welfare in Rural Rwanda”, World Bank Economic Review, 31-3, 2017,
pp. 631-649.
Grimm, M.; Lenz, L.; Peters, J.; Sievert, M., “Demand for off-grid solar electricity: Experimental
evidence from Rwanda”, Discussion Paper on Development Policy 232, Bonn: Center for Development
Research (ZEF), 2017, 36 p.
Iyakaremye, J.; Harerimana, M.; Das, D., “Prediction of electric energy consumption in small scale
farming systems of Rwanda”, East African Journal of Science and Technology, 7-1, 2017, pp. 69-80.
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Introduction, pp. 1-8;
Pour faire le point
Robinet, François, “L’écriture de l’histoire du génocide des Tutsi : un état des lieux”, pp. 9-22;
Décloisonner les disciplines
Falaize, Benoit, “Les enjeux scolaires de l’enseignement du génocide au Rwanda”, pp. 23-36;
Jacq, Guillaume, “Le labyrinthe des Mille collines”, pp. 28-36;
Coret, Laure, “Enseigner le génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda en Lycée professionnel”, pp. 37-45;
Delhomme, Valérie, “Enseigner le génocide avec la bande dessinée : étude et comparaison des
génocides rwandais et arménien à travers deux bandes dessinées”, pp. 46-54;
Menetrey, Emmanuel, “Enseigner le génocide en classe de 3ème: la rencontre de la littérature et
de l'histoire autour d'une notion complexe”, pp. 55-62.
David, Alain, “‘L’absence d’antisémitisme ne suffit pas’: (l’hypothèse du livre)”, pp. 63-71;
Tritsch, Claire; Meslet, Sandrine, “Enseigner les génocides en classe de 3ème: une approche
interdisciplinaire”, pp. 72-86;
Lewi, Olivia, “Aborder la Shoah et le génocide des Tutsi dans une démarche comparatiste en
cours de français : figure du Juste et argumentation dans deux films documentaires”, pp. 87-95;
Perrin, Alban, “Comment former les professeurs d’histoire à l’enseignement du génocide des
Tutsi ? L’expérience du Mémorial de la Shoah”, pp. 96-101;
Du côté des artistes intervenant auprès des élèves et étudiants
Combres, Élisabeth, “La mémoire trouée: un roman, des rencontres”, pp. 102-111;
Diop, Boubacar Boris, [sans titre], pp. 112-113;
Boitaud- Mazaudier, Dalila, [sans titre], pp. 114-118;
Prendre conscience et travailler à partir de la fabrique des émotions
Brinker, Virginie, “D’où partir? Premières lectures, premières représentations d’étudiants de
Lettres de Licence 2 face à Murambi, le livre des ossements de Boubacar Boris Diop”, pp.
Arino, Marc, “Enseigner le génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda à l’Université par l’analyse filmique”,
pp. 127-135;
Kayitesi, Berthe, “De la salle de classe aux mémoriaux du génocide”, pp. 136-146.
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Pre-Service Teachers on Biodiversity Conservation in Rwanda”, International Journal of Environmental
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Nsengimana, T.; Habimana, S.; Mutarutinya, V., “Mathematics and science teachers’ understanding and
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Ntahomvukiye, C.; Otara, A.; Tusiime, M., “Closing the gap: analytical study on leadership and
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Onen, Arikewyo, “Fighting Genocide Ideology in Post-Genocide Rwanda: The Contribution of
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Otara, A.; Tuyishime, D., “Leadership styles and job satisfaction: a reflective experience of secondary
school teachers in Rwanda”, The International Journal of Development Dialogue, 2-1, 2017, 33 p.
Rutagengwa, Alfred, L’éducation aux valeurs des jeunes Rwandais dans une société en profonde mutation
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Ruterana, P.; Kateregga, A.; Mulindahabi, C., “Stakeholders’ perceptions on teaching and learning arts
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Semuhoza, E., “Repercussions of the intrinsic motivation on the determinants relating to the retention of
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5.1 History
D’Hertefelt, M.; Trouwborst, A.; Scherer, J., Les Anciens Royaumes de la Zone Interlacustre Méridionale
(Rwanda, Burundi, Buha): East Central Africa, Routledge, [1962] 2017, 253 p.
Kubwimana, Bonaventure Mureme, Cours d'introduction générale aux sciences historiques rwandaises :
cours fondamental d'histoire du Rwanda: ibanga ly'amateka y’u-Rwanda, Rouen : Édition Sciporwa,
2017, 294 p.
Kuhanen, Jan, “Contraband Coffee: Illegal Economy and Coffee Smuggling in East and Central Africa,
ca. 1950-1980”, International Journal of African Historical Studies, 50-2, 2017, pp. 327-347.
Lagarde, François, Colonialisme et révolution: Histoire du Rwanda sous la Tutelle; Vol.1: Colonialisme,
318 p.; Vol. 2: Révolution, 344 p., L’Harmattan, 2017.
Minnaert, Stefaan, Histoire de l’évangélisation du Rwanda: recueil d’articles et de documents concernant
le cardinal Lavigerie, Mgr Hirth, le Dr Kandt, le p. Brard, le p. Classe, le p. Loupias, le chef Rukara, Mgr
Perraudin, etc., Kigali: Imprimu Ltd, 2017, 332 p.
Mulinda, Charles Kabwete; Nkaka, Raphael, “The political vision of the Rwandan kingdom”, Rwanda
Journal, Series A, 2-2, 2017, pp. 59-75.
Musabyimana, Gaspard, Sexualité, rites et moeurs sexuels de l'ancien Rwanda, Editions Scribe, [1999]
2017, 258 p.
N’Diaye, Sidi, Tutsis du Rwanda et Juifs de Pologne: victimes de la même haine? Imaginaires historiques
et de haine dans les meurtres de voisins, Latresne: Le Bord de l'eau, 2017, 180 p.
Nduwayo, Léonard, Histoire du collège Saint-André de Kigali au Rwanda: de monseigneur André
Perraudin à l’abbé Réginald Greindl, L’Harmattan, 2017, 197 p.
Newbury, David, “Jan Vansina”, Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society, 5-1, 2017, pp. 25-29.
Nkaka, Raphael, “Definition issues of concepts of social cleavages in Africa”, Rwanda Journal, Series A,
2-2, 2017, pp. 18-30.
Nkaka, Raphael, “Rwanda National Days Celebrations and Racist Propaganda (1962-1982)”, Rwanda
Journal, Series B, 4-1, 2017, pp. 33-61.
Nzeyimana, Isaïe, Histoire et Pragmatisme: Le Rwanda, sur sa route, Les éditions du Net, 2017, 390 p.

Rosenthal, Jill, “‘From a place of misery to a place of deeper misery’: development, authority, and
conflict in the Mwesi highlands Rwandan refugee settlement”, International journal of African historical
studies, 50-1, 2017, pp. 99-120.
Rukundo, Emmanuel, Rwanda, à la lumière du passé: le prix du vivre-ensemble, Paris: l’Harmattan,
2017, 348 p.
Tsuruta, Aya, “Expanding the Archival Horizon: American Archives for Researching Postcolonial
Rwandan History”, History in Africa: A Journal of Method, 44, 2017, pp. 265-283.
Vidal, Gilles; Spindler, Marc; Lenoble-Bart, Annie, L’Allemagne missionnaire d'une guerre à l'autre
(1914-1939): effondrement et résilience, Karthala, 2017, 347 p.:
“Effondrement et résilience en Afrique de l’est”;
“Un institut missionnaire à vocation universelle sous influence allemande: les Missionnaires d'Afrique dans le
vicariat apostolique d’Unyanyembe (Afrique orientale allemande, 1910-1917)”;
“La Mission de Bethel au Rwanda,1907-1916”.

Watkins, Sarah, “‘Tomorrow She Will Reign’: Intimate Power and the Making of a Queen Mother in
Rwanda, c.1800-1863”, Gender & History, 29-1, 2017, pp. 124-140.
Wagner, Michele, “Obituary: Jan Vansina (14 September 1929-8 February 2017)”, History in Africa, 44,
2017, pp. 5-9.

5.2 Witnesses
Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane, Une initiation: Rwanda (1994-2016), Le Seuil, 2017, 179 p.
Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane, “Balayer les cendres: Entretien”, Esprit, 438, 2017, pp. 81-96.
Baldin, D.; Schmit, P-E., “Entretien avec Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau”, Le Philosophoire, 48, 2017,
pp. 11-38.
Bamporiki, Edouard, My Son, It Is a Long Story: Reflections of Genocide Perpetrators, Amazon
Digital Services, 2017, 9057 KB.
Barole, Abdu Hamid, Genocide in Rwanda: Testimonies of Survivors, CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, 2017, 118 p.
Brinker, Virginie; Coquio, Catherine; Dauge-Roth, Alexandre; et al., Rwanda, 1994-2014: histoire,
mémoires et récits, Les presses du réel, 2017, 544 p.
Table des matières:
Virginie Brinker, Catherine Coquio, Alexandre Dauge-Roth, Éric Hoppenot, Nathan Réra,
François Robinet, “Le génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda, 20 ans après”;
Partie I. Le crime de génocide: quels récits ? quelle mémoire ?

Chapitre 1. L'histoire du génocide : nouveaux objets, modes d'écriture et transmission
Violaine Baraduc, “À cor(ps) et à cri. Les pratiques féminines de violence à partir du vocabulaire
de femmes détenues pour génocide à la prison de Ngoma”;
Rémi Korman, “Les mémoriaux du génocide: lieux de transmission de l'histoire ?”;
Virginie Brinker, “Manuels d'histoire et pratiques enseignantes: quelles pistes pour un
enseignement du génocide au Rwanda en France?”;
Chapitre 2. Histoire, justice et politique
Géraud de Geouffre de la Pradelle, “Le travail de la justice : bilan, problèmes”;
Ornella Rovetta, “Justice et narration historique. Entre expertise et expérience : témoignages
d'experts au TPIR”;
Jean-Pierre Dusingizemungu, “Vécu du processus Gacaca par les rescapés du génocide des
Tutsi : le va-et-vient entre le refus et l’acceptation”;
Chapitre 3. La question des responsabilités françaises
Catherine Coquio, “Guerre coloniale française et génocide au Rwanda: l'implication de l'État
français et sa négation”;
Gabriel Périès, “Ce que nous apprend le génocide des Tutsi de 1994 au Rwanda sur le
fonctionnement de l'État français en situation de crise”;
François Robinet, “Médiatisation, communication et prise de décision politique : la France au
Rwanda (15 avril-21 juin 1994)”;
Partie II. La mise en images : représentations médiatiques et artistiques de l'événement
Chapitre 4. Les récits médiatiques et leurs rôles dans la construction de l'événement
Linda Melvern, “Négation du génocide dans le contexte du Rwanda”;
François Robinet,” Retour au pays, retour à la vie : le Rwanda à la télévision française depuis
Jean-Philippe Ceppi, “Journaliste au Rwanda, du témoignage historique à la déposition
Marie-Soleil Frère, “Mutations de l'espace journalistique rwandais : les multiples facettes d'un
système médiatique « post-génocide »”
Chapitre 5. Photographier, filmer le Rwanda : quels enjeux ?
Nathan Réra, “Retour(s) sur images : faillites et mutations du photojournalisme”;
Christophe Calais, “L'appel de la terre. Photographier les mémoires enfouies”;
Alexis Cordesse, “Rwanda, blessures d’images”;
Alexandre Dauge-Roth, “«Comment faire entrer cela dans le cadre?» Répondre
cinématographiquement au et du génocide contre les Tutsi du Rwanda”;
Kivu Ruhorahoza, Matière grise : histoire d'une genèse
Philippe Van Leeuw,” L'absence du Verbe. Discussion autour du Jour où Dieu est parti en voyage
Frédérique Berthet, “Histoire par gestes, connaissance par contact”;
Alexandre Westphal, “Passés composés. Filmer la mémoire coupable”;
Marie-Violaine Brincard, “La distance nécessaire. Au sujet d'Au nom du Père, de tous, du ciel
Alexandre Dauge-Roth, “Au nom d'une écoute, d'une parole et d'une éthique de l’image”;
Partie III. Écrire, représenter, penser le génocide : quel partage des mémoires ?
Chapitre 6. Avec et après le témoignage : transmettre à qui et comment ?
Berthe Kayitesi, “De la survie au témoignage et vers la vie”;
Laure Coret, “‘Figures du témoignaire’: quand ceux qui donnent reçoivent et perdent parfois”;

Josias Semujanga, “Le Passé devant soi ou le malentendu sur l’art”;
Chapitre 7. Fictions et culture : une mémoire mondiale et postcoloniale ?
Catherine Coquio, “Écritures de la honte: sexe, politique et postmémoire en Europe (Lukas
Bärfuss, Wojciech Tochman)”;
Jean-Pierre Karegeye, “La critique africaine à l'épreuve du génocide”;
Koulsy Lamko, “L’art médian”;
Bruce Clarke, “Les hommes qui voulaient être debout. Imaginer le génocide”;
Chapitre 8. La scène de théâtre et celle de l'histoire : quelle catharsis possible ? Expériences
rwandaises, françaises, internationales
Armelle Talbot, “Passages de témoin: La scène francophone occidentale et le génocide des
Isabelle Lafon, “L’accent pour se perdre”;
Elizabeth Applegate, “«De la possibilité du mot brisé et ouvert» : le théâtre d'Erik Ehn”;
Ariane Zaytzeff, “The Book of Life: écrire les morts dans le présent, déplacer le témoignage”;
Jacques Delcuvellerie, “Dans certaines conditions… (catharsis/génocide)”;
Partie IV. Rwanda, la construction de la mémoire et la transmission de l'histoire : politique
officielle et vécus individuels
Marie-Odile Godard, “Entre oubli forcé, mémoire collective et réminiscences : histoires
Naasson Munyandamutsa, “Mémoire de violence et traces du trauma sur le chemin de la
Esther Mujawayo, Catherine Coquio, “L'avenir du témoin”;
Naasson Munyandamutsa, “Repenser le génocide pour panser sa blessure”.
Cyr, Hélène; Bouchard, Luc, Changer de vie, Montréal: VLB, 2017, 161 p.
Doyle, Paul, “How being a footballer saved me from death in Rwanda genocide: Eric Eugène Murangwa
[…]”, The Guardian (London), September 2, 2017, 3868 words.
Eramian, Laura, “Testimony, Disbelief, and Opaque Peace Building in Postgenocide Rwanda”, PoLAR:
Political & Legal Anthropology Review, 40-1, 2017, pp. 52-66.
Ingabire Umuhoza, Victoire; Rever, Judi, Between 4 walls of the 1930 prison: Memoirs of a Rwandan
Prisoner of Conscience, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017, 328 p.
Kayitesi-Jozan, Annick, Même Dieu ne veut pas s’en mêler, Paris: Seuil, 2017, 240 p.
Marara, Noble, Behind the presidential curtain: inside out of real Paul Kagame from his former
bodyguard, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017, 302 p.
Mbanda, Laurent, From barefoot to bishop: a Rwandan refugee’s journey, Howard Beach, NY: Changing
Lives Press, 2017, 216 p.
McCarthy, Heather, Simbi: A Vision Trip to Rwanda, MCR Publishing House, 2017, 102 p


Muhimpundu, Marie-Chantal, Victory over the nightmare: a hopeful and miraculous escape from a series
of nightmares, Amazon Digital Services LLC, 2017, 264 p..
Nyiraneza, Marie-Chantal; Netter, Gérard, Témoignage d'une petite fille rwandaise: de l'exode à l’exil,
L'Harmattan, 2017, 160 p.
Nyseth, Hollie; Fox, Nicole, “Narrating Genocide: Time, Memory, and Blame”, Sociological Forum,
32-1, 2017, pp.116-137.
Prudhomme, Florence; Munyaburanga Basengo, Louis; Kalinda, Charles; Munyakazi, Leiny; Bokova,
Irina; Fondation pour la mémoire de la Shoah, Cahiers de mémoire, Kigali, 2014, Classiques Garnier,
Florence Prudhomme, L’atelier de mémoire, 13
Kanyanja Thérèse, Ma grande peine, 19
Gahindigiri Thérésie, Les miens me manquent, 35
Mboyire Eugénie, La torture que j’ai vécue, 51
Mukagihana Marthe, Errance et deuils, 63
Mukakanimba Annonciata, Mon chemin de croix, 83
Mukamugema Annonciata, Ce jour qui n’en finissait pas, 113
Mukamusana Bellancille, Je me souviens de toi ma famille, 151
Uwamalyia Salama, Laissez-moi me souvenir, 169
Niweburiza Béatrice, Génocide : séparation et nostalgie, 179
Ndamage Geo rey, Le chemin le plus long de ma vie, 193
Seromba Célestin, Le malheur que j’ai connu, de 1959 à 1994, 201
Kayumba Jean-Paul, Pourquoi es-tu parti si tôt, mon père?, 207
Hakuzimana Vincent, Mes souvenirs d’enfance, 215
N. Ruyenzi Diane, Papa, laisse-moi te parler, 219
Anonyme, Si tu étais encore là, mon père, 225
Dafroza Mukarumongi-Gauthier, Témoignage, 233
Irina Bokova, Postface, 249
Marie-Odile Godard, Hommage à Naasson Munyandamutsa, 253
Naasson Munyandamutsa, Ce pays pourrait devenir une leçon pour l’humanité, 255
Marie-Odile Godard, Réveiller la mémoire, 259
Marcel Kabanda, La démocratie à l’épreuve du racisme, 267.
Roisin, Jacques, Dans la nuit la plus noire se cache l'humanité: Récits des justes du Rwanda, Les
impressions nouvelles, 2017, 368 p.
Rukundoa, Jean-Paul, A Cœur ouvert: Témoignage d’un jeune rwandais, victime collatérale du
Génocide, bipolaire, étudiant en droit au Havre (France), Independently published, 2017, 172 p.
Rutayisire, Angélique, D’un coeur chagriné à une plénitude de joie, Amazon Digital Services, 2017,
60 p.


Sezibera, Innocent, Living beyond the past: overcoming Belgium’s divide to rule policy, Winnipeg:
Word Alive Press, 2017.
Tabaro, Patrick Rukundo, Rwanda: one boy’s journey, Amazon Digital Services, 2017, 67 p.
Umuhoza, Frida, In the School of Resilience: Second and Revised Edition of Frida Chosen To Die:
Destined To Live, Independently published, 2017, 216 p.
Verbraeken, Anneke, Rijke mensen sterven niet : confronterende ontmoetingen in Congo en Rwanda
[Rich people do not die: Confrontational encounters in Congo and Rwanda], Amsterdam : Atlas
Contact, 2017, 302 p.
5.3 Genocide; Post-Genocide
Berckmoes, Lidewyde; Eichelsheim, Veroni; Rutayisire, Theoneste; et al.,“How Legacies of Genocide
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Bower, Bruce, “Duty Bound Killings: Rwandan data offer a glimpse of what drives people to take part in
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Bryant, Emily; Brooke, Emily; et al., “Techniques of Neutralization and Identity Work Among Accused
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Clooney, Amal, “Don’t Let This Be Another Rwanda”, Vital Speeches International, 9-4, 2017, pp.
Cox, John, “The Rwandan genocide”, in Idem, To Kill a People: Genocide in the Twentieth Century,
Oxford University Press, 2017, ch. 4.
Crawford, Kerry, Wartime Sexual Violence: From Silence to Condemnation of a Weapon of War,
Georgetown University Press, 2017, 244 p.
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Yugoslavia to Syria, Hurst & Co., 2017, 240 p.
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Experience of the 1990s”, The International History Review, 2017, 22 p.


Genna, Giselle, “Essere bambini in Rwanda: storie di un genocidio”, Rivista telematica di studi sulla
memoria femminile, 34, 2017, pp. 157-170.
Gilani, Syed; AlMatrooshi, Ali, The Threat of Genocide in Twenty-First Century: A Case Study of
Rwanda: Responsibilities of International Institutions and the Role of United States of America (sic),
Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 2017, 96 p.
Guichaoua, André, From War to Genocide: Criminal Politics in Rwanda, 1990–1994, University of
Wisconsin Press [2015], 2017 [paperback], 478 p.
Hogwood, J.; Mushashi, C.; et al., “‘I Learned Who I Am’: Young People Born From Genocide Rape in
Rwanda and Their Experiences of Disclosure”, Journal of Adolescent Research, 2017, 9 p.
Jasinski, Michael, “The Rwandan genocide”, in Idem, Examining genocides: means, motive, and
opportunity, Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, pp. 201-218.
Jessee, Erin, Negotiating Genocide in Rwanda: The Politics of History, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 329 p.
King, Elisabeth; Samii, Cyrus, “Minorities and mistrust: On the adoption of ethnic recognition to manage
conflict”, Journal of Peace Research, 2017, 16 p. DOI:10.1177/0022343317707803
Lange, Matthew, Killing Others: A Natural History of Ethnic Violence, Cornell University Press, 2017,
256 p.
Neuberger, Ralph, Rwanda 1994: Genocide in the ‘Land of a Thousand Hills’, Sheffield: Equinox, 2017,
254 p.
Nyseth, Hollie, “Subnational determinants of killing in Rwanda”, Criminology, 55-1, 2017, pp. 5-31.
Reyntjens, Filip, Le génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda, Que sais-je? n° 4062, PUF, 2017, 128 p. (cf. Idem
(translation: Guy Poppe), De genocide van de Tutsi in Rwanda, Kalmthout: Pelckmans Pro, 2017, 102 p.)
Cf. aussi:
Anonyme, “Les malversations intellectuelles du professeur Reyntjens”, Survie, 25 sept. 2017, 4 p.
Braeckman, Colette, “Rwanda: l’histoire et la sidération”, Le Soir, 1er juil. 2017.
Bradol, Jean-Hervé, “Génocide au Rwanda: dans Le Monde, les amis démocrates des dictateurs”,
Marianne, 29 oct. 2017
Châtelot, Christophe, “Le travail de mémoire du génocide des Tutsi reste inachevé”, Le Monde, 4 avr.
Crétois, Jules , “Génocide des Tutsis au Rwanda: un Que sais-je? très polémique”, Jeune Afrique, 11
oct. 2017.
Doridant, Raphaël, “Quand Filip Reyntjens pervertit l’histoire du génocide”, Billets d’Afrique, 270,
septembre 2017.
Dryef, Zineb, “Rwanda, la question qui fâche”, Le Monde, 1er oct. 2017.


Kalisky, Aurélia; Doridant, Raphaël; Ternon, Yves; de Saint-Exupéry, Patrick; Duclert, Vincent;
Dumas, Hélène; Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane, “Rwanda: le Que sais-je ? qui fait basculer
l’Histoire”, Le Monde, 24 sept. 2017.
Le Pape, Marc, “Génocide des Tutsi: La mise en cause de l’historien Filip Reyntjens est une tentative
d’intimidation”, Le Monde, 20 oct. 2017.
Le Pape, Marc, “Écrire sur le Rwanda: les compagnons de route du président Kagame”, The
Conversation, 19 octobre 2017.
LICRA 21, “Note sur le Que sais-je? de Filip Reyntjens”, Internet: LICRA, 2017.
Loubard, Bertrand, “Le génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda : Que sais-je ?”, Internet: Agora Vox, 18 oct.
Reyntjens, Filip, “Le difficile débat sur le Rwanda en France”, Mediapart, 11 oct. 2017.
Robin, Marie; Le Gouriellec, “Compte-rendu du Que sais-je? de Reyntjens”, La Lettre de l’IRSEM,
juil.-août 2017.
Tissot, Roland, “Rwanda: dans quelles conditions les sciences sociales produisent-elles du savoir?”,
Mediapart, 5 oct. 2017.
Vidal, Claudine; Le Pape, Marc, “Réponse à un procès sans instruction contre le Que sais- je? de
Filip Reyntjens”, Mediapart, 28 sept. 2017.
Sebagabo, Simon, Rwanda : un génocide au nom des mythes et la demande de pardon des Bahutu
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Sherwood, Harriet, “Pope Francis asks for forgiveness for church's role in Rwanda genocide”, The
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Thomson, Susan, “The Long Shadow of Genocide in Rwanda”, Current History, 116-790, 2017, pp.
Totten, Samuel; Theriault, Henry; von Joeden-Forgey, Elisa, Controversies in the Field of Genocide
Studies, Taylor and Francis, 2017, 272 p.
Totten, Samuel, The Prevention and Intervention of Genocide: An Annotated Bibliography, Taylor &
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government’s complicity in crimes against humanity and genocide, University of Toronto Press, 2017,
chap. 7.
Wahutu, Siguru, “‘In the case of Africa in general, there is a tendency to exaggerate’: Representing mass
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Role of Intent and Motivations in Genocide”, Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal,
11-2, 2017, pp. 72-87.
York, Geoffrey; Rever, Judi, “Seized weapon sheds light on mystery of Rwandan genocide”, The Globe
and Mail (Canada), February 24, 2017, 1075 words.



6.1 Demography
Feehan, D.; Mahy, M.; Salganik, M., “The Network Survival Method for Estimating Adult Mortality:
Evidence From a Survey Experiment in Rwanda”, Demography, 54-4, 2017, pp.1503-1528.
Golding, N.; Burstein, R.; Longbottom, J.; et al., “Mapping under-5 and neonatal mortality in Africa,
2000-15: a baseline analysis for the Sustainable Development Goals”, The Lancet, 390-10108, 2017, pp.
Kraehnert, K.; Brück, T.; Di Maio, M.; Nisticò, R., “The Effects of Conflict on Fertility: Evidence from
the Genocide in Rwanda”, Working paper 481, University of Naples: Center for Studies in Economics and
Finance, 2017, 41 p.
Thomson, D.; Stevens, F.; Ruktanonchai, N.; Tatem, A.; Castro, M., “GridSample: an R package to
generate household survey primary sampling units (PSUs) from gridded population data”, International
Journal of Health Geographics, 16, 2017, p. 25.
6.2 Memory; Memorials
Allinne, Jean-Pierre; Humbert, Sylvie; Soula, Mathieu, Justice et oubli; France-Rwanda, Histoire de la
justice n° 28, Association française pour l’histoire de la justice/La Documentation française, 2017:
Partie 3: Les hantises de l'oubli, le cas du Rwanda

Allinne, Jean-Pierre, “Commémorations, mémoriaux et pratiques différenciées de la mémoire: retour du
Rwanda”, pp. 149-176;
Guillou, Benoît, “Figures et politiques du pardon au Rwanda: Musha, une communauté déchirée”, pp. 177-196;
Humbert, Sylvie, “Expliquer le génocide perpétré contre les Tutsi”, pp. 197- 206;
Oreste; Damascène; Irène; Jovite, “Témoignages: Kabarondo, les rescapés”, pp. 207-216;
Sagahutu, Jean-Pierre, “Le récit d'un survivant”, pp. 217-228;
Mugiraneza, Assumpta, “‘La langue blessée’: les chants du deuil”, pp. 229-236;
Annexes: “Chants du deuil”, pp. 237-242;
Salas, Denis, “Le voyage du pardon”, pp. 243-240.

Boswell, M., “Reading Genocide Memorial Sites in Rwanda: Eurocentrism, Sensory Secondary
Witnessing and Shame”, Mémoires en jeu, 3, 2017, pp. 80-87.
Dickson, Brandon, “Perpetuating the Single Reality: the Culture of Rwanda’s Genocide Memorials”,
Internet: E-International Relations, Nov. 29, 2017.
Jessee, Erin, “The danger of a single story: Iconic stories in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan
genocide”, Memory Studies, 10-2, 2017, pp. 144-163.
Kelley, Thomas, “Maintaining Power by Manipulating Memory in Rwanda”, Fordham International Law
Journal, 41-1, Article 3, 2017, pp. 79-134.


Kelley, Thomas, “Legislating Memory in Rwanda”, UNC Legal Studies Research Paper, 14 Feb. 2017,
SSRN, 68 p.
Lesley, Elena, “Death on Display: Bones and Bodies in Cambodia and Rwanda”, in Ferrándiz, F.;
Robben, A. (eds), Necropolitics: mass graves and exhumations in the age of human rights, University of
Pennsylvania Press, 2017, pp. 213-239.
Longman, Timothy, Memory and Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda, Cambridge University Press, 2017,
376 p.
Maurer-Prager, Ayala, “(Re)cognising the corpse: individuality, identification and multidirectional
memorialisation in post-genocide Rwanda”, in Anstett, E.; Dreyfus, J-M. (eds), Human Remains in
Society: Curation and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Genocide and Mass-Violence, University Press
Scholarship Online, 2017, chap. 5.
Selimovic, Mannergren, “Gender, narrative and affect: Top-down politics of commemoration in postgenocide Rwanda”, Memory Studies, September 29, 2017.
6.3 Journalism; Media
Clarke, John, British Media and the Rwandan Genocide, Routledge, 2016, 286 p.
Cruikshank, S., “A developing chasm: Oppressive structures, media, and journalism in post-genocide
Rwanda”, International Communication Research Journal, 52-1, 2017, pp.. 31-39.
Holliday, Graham, “Sound and fury: Two decades ago Rwandan radio was monopolised by voices
promoting genocide, but radio is still not free from controversy”, Index on Censorship, 46-3, 2017, pp.
McIntyre, K.; Sobel, M., “Reconstructing Rwanda: How Rwandan reporters use constructive journalism
to promote peace”, Journalism Studies, 2017, 22 p.
Mutore, J.; Ansoms, A., “Du journalisme en exil grâce au numérique: le cas des journalistes Burundais en
exil au Rwanda, depuis 2015”, Rapport, Institut de recherches économiques et sociales, Université
Catholique de Louvain, 2017.
Nduhura, D.; Prieler, M., “Citizen Journalism and Democratisation of Mainstream Media in Rwanda”,
African Journalism Studies, 38-2, 2017, pp. 178-197.
Tirrell, Lynne, “Toxic Speech: Toward an Epidemiology of Discursive Harm”, Philosophical Topics,
45-2, 2017, pp. 139-161.
6.4 Language
Bikorimana, Emmanuel; Rutayisire, Joachim; Omar, Mwana; Yi, Sun, “M-Kinyarwanda: Promoting
autonomous language learning through a robust mobile application”, Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference on Mobile Learning 2017, 2017, pp. 151-155.


Gafaranga, Joseph, “Language choice and direct speech presentation in Kinyarwanda news articles”,
International Journal of Bilingualism, 2017.
Gafaranga, Joseph, “Language choice and appositive structures in written texts in Rwanda “, in Idem,
Bilingualism as Interactional Practices, Edinburgh University Press, 2017, pp. 117-144.
Jerro, Kyle, “The causative-instrumental syncretism”, Journal of Linguistics, 53-4, 2017, pp.
Kayigema, J.; Mutasa, D., “The dynamism of English as a global language in post-genocide Rwanda”,
Indonesian EFL Journal, 3-1, 2017, pp. 101-110.
Mlaga, Wallace, “Historia ya Kiswahili Nchini Rwanda: Kielelezo cha Nafasi ya Utashi wa Kisiasa katika
Ustawi wa Lugha ya Kiswahili [The History of Swahili in Rwanda: A Pattern of Political Opportunities in
Swahili Language Development], Kioo cha Lugha, 15-1, 2017.
Murengerantwari, Richard, Les politiques linguistiques du Rwanda de 1962 à nos jours, Wien:
Praesens Verlag, 2017, 128 p.
Sneiders, Eriks; Byungura, Jean-Claude; Henkel, Martin; Perjons, Erik, “Potential of language technology
to support public organizations and their communication channels in a developing country”, ACM
International Conference Proceeding Series, v Part F128003, March 2017, pp. 236-244.
6.5 Religion
Bris, Mathilde, “Réévangéliser par l’humanitaire? ONG chrétiennes et génocide des Tutsi rwandais en
1994”, Bulletin de l’Institut Pierre Renouvin, 45, 2017, pp. 111-123.
Crétois, Jules; Ndorimana, Jean, “Génocide des Tutsis au Rwanda: ‘La demande de pardon des évêques
reste incomplète’”, Jeune Afrique, 12 septembre 2017.
Denis, Philippe, “Germany, South Africa and Rwanda: Three Manners for a Church to Confess its Guilt”,
Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, 43-2, 2017, pp. 1-20.
Dushimimana, Daniel, The Christian Muslim Relation Programme in Rwanda: The Social and Religious
Impact, Éditions Croix du Salut, 2017, 136 p.
Jenkins, Philip, “Climate change and religion around Africa’s Great Lakes”, Christian Century,134-24,
2017, pp. 44-45.
Kavwahirehi, Kasereka, “Have we failed Christianity? Or how violence in the Great Lakes region
challenges Christianity and the nation state”, Citizenship Studies, 21-2, 2017, pp. 210-223.
Kim, Sharon; Kim, David, “Best Family Rwanda : a case study on religious sources of resilience”, in
Companion, M.; Chaiken, M. (eds), Responses to disasters and climate change: understanding
vulnerability and fostering resilience, CRC Press /Taylor & Francis, 2017, chap. 20.


Mcallister, Jean, A Given Life: The Encouragement of Grace, Resource Publications, 2017, 134 p.
Nzeyimana, I., “Language of Religion and Art for a Post-crime Humanitarian Society”, Rwanda Journal,
2-1, 2017, pp. 24-36.
Steen-Johnsen, Tale, “State and Politics in Religious Peacebuilding in Kenya, Zanzibar and Rwanda”, in
Idem, State and Politics in Religious Peacebuilding, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 153-170.
Thasiah, Victor, “Prophetic Pedagogy: Critically Engaging Public Officials in Rwanda”, Studies in World
Christianity, 23-3, 2017, pp. 257-280.
Ukobizaba, Martin, Marche sans te retourner, Editions Scribe, 2017, 270 p.
Association des amis de la Vierge Marie Notre-Dame de Kibeho (VMDKI), Ndi igikoresho cyanyu,
muntume aho mushaka: amabonekerwa ya Valentina Nyiramukiza 2000-2016, Lille: Sources du Nil,
2017, 524 p.
6.6 Society
Eramian, Laura, Peaceful selves: personhood, nationhood, and the post-conflict moment in Rwanda,
Berghahn Books, 2017, 202 p.
Gahizi, Thacien, La construction identitaire des adolescents au Rwanda post-génocide: Le sentiment
d'exister chez les adolescents ayant grandi dans les Villages d’Enfants SOS dans l’après-génocide au
Rwanda, Presses Académiques Francophones, 2017, 444 p.
Grayson, H., “A Place for Individuals: Positive Growth in Rwanda”, Eastern African Literary and
Cultural Studies, 3-2/4, 2017, pp. 107-130.
Harelimana, Froduald, Niko Bahoze: Amabango ku mibereho, imyifatire n'imitekerereze by'
Avanyarwanda, Editions Scribe, 2017, 352 p. 2
Liebe, Ulf; Moumouni, Ismaïl; Bigler, Christine; et al., “Using Factorial Survey Experiments to
Measure Attitudes, Social Norms, and Fairness Concerns in Developing Countries”, Sociological
Methods & Research, 2017,
Loubser, Reinet; Steenekamp, Cindy, “Democracy, well-being, and happiness: A 10-nation study”,
Journal of Public Affairs, 17-1/2, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/pa.1646.
McGee, Robert, “How Acceptable is Wife Beating? An Empirical Study of Sixty Countries”, SSRN,
2017, 8 p.
Muller, Caroline, “S. Audoin-Rouzeau: les rites funéraires au Rwanda après le génocide de 1994”,
Internet: Acquis de conscience, 10 mai 2017, 5 p.

Selon le site Mukanda de l’Université de Lorraine, cet ouvrage peut se ranger dans la catégorie “Culture,
philosophie, vie et mœurs des Rwandais”. Cf.

Ngamije, J.; Yadufashije, C., “Risk and Protective factors for alcohol and other drug use (AOD) among
adolescents in Rubavu district, Rwanda”, SSRN, 2017, 33 p.
Rollason, Will, “Youth, presence and agency: the case of Kigali’s motari”, Journal of Youth Studies,
20-10, 2017, pp. 1277-1294.
Spitzer, Helmut, “Social work in East Africa: A mzungu perspective”, International Social Work, 2017, 14
6.7 Sports
Collison, Holly; Darnell, Simon; Giulianotti, Richard; et al., “The Inclusion Conundrum: A Critical
Account of Youth and Gender Issues Within and Beyond Sport for Development and Peace
Interventions”, Social Inclusion, 5-2, 2017, pp. 223-231.
Namuyanja, Moreen, “How Sports Can Be Used to Build Social Bridges for Shaping Social Norms and
Mindset of People”, European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 5-1, 2017. pp. 481-481.
Nyakayiru, J.; Verdijk, L.; Cermak, N.; van Loon, L., “Team Rwanda: Will Africans dominate
professional road cycling in the future?”, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51-10, 2017, pp. 827-828.
Vera, Vicente, Basketball Used as Platform to Educate Youth in Rwanda, The Borgen Project Blog,
2017, 3 p.
6.8 Urbanization; Kigali
Akinyemi, Felicia; Pontius, Robert; Braimoh, Ademola. “Land change dynamics: insights from Intensity
Analysis applied to an African emerging city”, Journal of Spatial Science, 62-1, 2017, pp. 69-83.
Finn, Brandon, “Quietly Chasing Kigali: Young Men and the Intolerance of Informality in Rwanda’s
Capital City”, Urban Forum, 2017, 14 p.
Giseke, Undine; Brandt, Juliane; Kasper, Christoph, “Kigali, Rwanda: City of hills and wetlands”, in
Lepik, Andres (ed), Out there: landscape architecture on global terrain, Berlin : Hatje Cantz, 2017.
Goodfellow, Tom, “Urban Fortunes and Skeleton Cityscapes: Real Estate and Late Urbanization in
Kigali and Addis Ababa”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 41-5, 2017, pp.
Michelon, Benjamin, “‘Shopping mall’ et ‘modernisation’ des villes africaines: les cas de Douala
(Cameroun) et Kigali (Rwanda)”, Ateliers d’anthropologie, 44, 2017.
Mumuhire, Abias, “Kigali is growing and challenging”, in Lepik, Andres (ed), Out there: landscape
architecture on global terrain, Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2017.


Mukaneza, D.; Yan, L.; Yingyi, C., “Study on land use change in the process of urbanization using
Landsat data in African regions: A Case study in Kigali, Rwanda”, Beijing: China Agricultural University
College of Information and Electrical Engineering, 2017, 10 p.
Rugaba, Silas, Étude de faisabilité d’un projet pilote de recyclage des ordures ménagères: Cas de Kigali
au Rwanda 2012, Éditions universitaires européennes, 2017, 72 p.
Van Noorloos, Femke; Kloosterboer, Marjan, “Africa’s new cities: The contested future of urbanisation”,
Urban Studies, 2017, 19 p. doi: 10.1177/0042098017700574
6.9 Violence; Domestic Violence
Audergon, Arlene; Audergon, Jean-Claude, “Contribution of worldwork methodology for violence
prevention and community recovery after mass violence: An example from Rwanda”, Psychotherapy &
Politics International, 15-1, 2017, 9 p. doi: 10.1002/ppi.1405.
Denov, Myriam; Woolner, Leah; Bahati, Jules; et al., “The Intergenerational Legacy of Genocidal Rape:
The Realities and Perspectives of Children Born of the Rwandan Genocide”, Journal of Interpersonal
Violence, 2017. doi: org/10.1177/0886260517708407
Guglielmo, Federica; Emmerich, Nathan, Ethics in the field: how conducting post-genocide research can
mean “rape” is an acceptable interview topic, SAGE Publications, 2017.
Jones, N.; Umutoni, M-F.; Tefera, B.; et al., “Disentangling urban adolescents’ vulnerability to genderbased violence through a capability lens in Ethiopia and Rwanda”, Gender and Adolescence: Global
Evidence (GAGE), 2017, 17 p.
Kennedy, Ellen, “Women and Genocide: Ending Impunity for Sexual Violence”, in Anderson, Ronald
(ed), Alleviating World Suffering: The Challenge of Negative Quality of Life, Springer, 2017, pp. 319-334.
Kirk, L.; Terry, S.; Lokuge, K.; Watterson, J., “Effectiveness of secondary and tertiary prevention for
violence against women in low and low-middle income countries: a systematic review”, BMC Public
Health, 17, 2017, p. 622. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4502-6
La Mattina, Giulia, “Civil conflict, domestic violence and intra-household bargaining in post-genocide
Rwanda”, Journal of Development Economics, 124, 2017, pp. 168-198.
Mannell, Jenevieve; Dadswell, Anna, “Preventing Intimate Partner Violence: Towards a Framework for
Supporting Effective Community Mobilisation”, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology,
27-3, 2017, pp. 196-211.
Mukamana, D.; Brysiewicz, P.; Collins, A.; Rosa, W., “Genocide Rape Trauma Management: An
Integrated Framework for Supporting Survivors”, Advances in Nursing Science, June 2017. doi: 10.1097/
Paquette, Danielle; Shefte, Whitney, “Thousands of women were raped during Rwanda's genocide. Now
their kids are coming of age […]”, Washington Post Blogs, June 11, 2017, 2226 words.

Rurangirwa, A.; Mogren, I.; Ntaganira, J.; Krantz, G., “Intimate partner violence among pregnant women
in Rwanda, its associated risk factors and relationship to ANC services attendance: a population-based
study”, BMJ Open, 7-2, 2017, e013155. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013155.
Sarabwe, Emmanuel; Richters, Annemiek; Vysma, Marianne, “Marital conflict in the aftermath of
genocide in Rwanda: an explorative study within the context of community based sociotherapy”,
Intervention, 15, 2017, 12 p.
Sikulibo, Jean de Dieu, “International Criminal Justice and the New Promise of Therapeutic
Jurisprudence: Prospects and Challenges in Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Cases”, in Halder, D.;
Jaishankar, K. (eds), Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Overcoming Violence Against Women, IGI Global,
2017, pp. 214-247.
Stern, E.; Nyiratunga, S., “A Process Review of the Indashyikirwa Couples Curriculum to Prevent
Intimate Partner Violence and Support Healthy, Equitable Relationships in Rwanda”, Social Sciences, 6-2,
2017, pp. 63-71.
Stern, E.; Mirembe, J., “Intersectionalities of formality of marital status and women’s risk and protective
factors for intimate partner violence in Rwanda”, Agenda, 31-1, 2017, pp. 116-127.
Zamperini, Adriano; Bettini, Marta; Spagna, Francesco; Menegatto, Marialuisa, “Mothers and children of
violence: memorialization, reconciliation, and victims in post-genocide Rwanda”, TPM: Testing,
Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 24-3, 2017, pp. 317-331.
6.10 Women; Gender
Berry, Marie, “Barriers to Women’s Progress After Atrocity: Evidence from Rwanda and BosniaHerzegovina”, Gender and Society, 31-6, 2017, pp. 830-853.
Bizinde, B.; Shukla, J., “Commercial integrated farming initiative project as a strategy for women
empowerment in Rwanda: A case of women for women international”, European Journal of Business and
Social Sciences, 6-7, 2017, pp. 81-101.
Botticello, Julie, “Sweet dreams and happy endings: Women’s development entrepreneurship in Rwanda”,
Food and Foodways, 25-4, 2017, pp. 344-349.
Brown, Sara, Gender and the Genocide in Rwanda: Women as Rescuers and Perpetrators, Routledge,
2017, 186 p.
Cheeseman, Nic; Onditi, Francis; D’Alessandro, Cristina, “Introduction to the Special Issue: Women,
Leadership, and Peace in Africa”, African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review, 7-1, 2017, pp. 1-17.
Davis, Joanne, “Mobilizing transnational gender politics in post-genocide Rwanda”, African Affairs,
116-465, 2017, pp. 724-725.


Guariso, Andrea; Ingelaere, Bert; Verpoorten, Marijke, “Female political representation in the aftermath
of ethnic violence: A comparative analysis of Burundi and Rwanda”, WIDER Working Paper 74, World
Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU), 2017, 34 p.
Hunt, Swanee, Rwandan Women Rising, Durham: Duke University Press, 2017, 448 p.
Kamuzinzi, M., “Understanding the innermost nature of genocidal rape: A community-based approach”,
Rwanda Journal Series B, 4-1, 2017, pp. 62-86.
Kelley, J., “The Evolution of Pro-Femmes/Twese Hamwe: Women, Peace, and Political Development in
Rwanda, 1992–Present Day”, The Pardee Periodical Journal of Global Affairs, 2-1, 2017, pp. 33-46.
Kennedy, L.; Roelen, K., “ActionAid’s Food Security and Economic Empowerment Programme in Muko
Sector, Northern Rwanda: Guidelines for Achieving the Double Boon; Programmatic notes for Women’s
Economic Empowerment Policy and Programming”, University of Sussex: Institute of Development
Studies, 2017, 6 p.
Mukabera, Josephine, Women’s Status and Gender Relations in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Focusing on the
Local and Everyday Life Level, Geneva: Theses 24, 2017, 314 p.
Mumporeze, Nadine; Prieler, Michael, “Gender digital divide in Rwanda: A qualitative analysis of
socioeconomic factors”, Telematics and Informatics, 34-7, 2017, pp. 1285-1293.
Mutamuliza, E.; Vishwanatha, V., “Women empowerment via micro credit programmes: Huye District,
Rwanda”, Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension Journal, 44-1, 2017.
Mwambari, D., “Women-Led Non-Governmental Organizations and Peacebuilding in Rwanda”, African
Conflict & Peacebuilding Review, 7-1, 2017, pp. 66-79.
Nsengimana, Simon; Tengeh, Robertson; Iwu, Chux, “The Sustainability of Businesses in Kigali,
Rwanda: An Analysis of the Barriers Faced by Women Entrepreneurs”, Sustainability, 9-8, 2017, article
Rai, Anuradha, Security and women in post-conflict societies a comparative study of Cambodia and
Rwanda, Academica Press, 2017, 277 p.
Rohwerder, B.; Müller, C.; Hossain, N.; Nyamulinda, B., “‘You Cannot Live Without Money’: Women
Balancing Paid Work and Unpaid Care Work in Rwanda: National Report for Women’s Economic
Empowerment Policy and Programming”, University of Sussex: The Institute of Development Studies
(IDS), 2017, 21 p.
Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development; Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights; ActionAid Rwanda, Parallel report to the United Nations committee on the elimination of
discrimination against women, Rwanda, 66th Session (13 Feb 2017-3 Mar 2017), 2017, 9 p.


Ryan, R.; Woods, R., “Women’s Political Empowerment: Lessons for Subnational Levels of Government:
Nepal, Pakistan, Rwanda, and Indonesia”, in Schoburgh, E.; Ryan, R. (eds), Handbook of Research on
Sub-National Governance and Development, IGI Global, 2017, pp.385-405.
Shema, J.; Mutarindwa, S., “Women’s entrepreneurship in Rwanda: overcoming entrepreneurial
stereotypes through government support”, in Ramírez, M.; Brundin, E.; Markowska, M. (eds),
Contextualizing Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries, 2017, Edward
Elgar Publishing, pp. 52-64.
Steidle, Gretchen Ki, Leading from within: conscious social change and mindfulness for social
innovation, The MIT Press, 2017, 264 p.
Stern, E.; Heise, L.; McLean, L., “The doing and undoing of male household decision-making and
economic authority in Rwanda and its implications for gender transformative programming”, Culture,
Health & Sexuality, 2017, 16 p.
Turianskyi, Y.; Chisiza, M., “Lessons from Rwanda: Female Political Representation and Women’s
Right”, Occasional Paper 253, South African Institute of International Affairs, 2017, 17 p.
Zamperini, A.; Bettini, M.; Spagna, F., et al., “Mothers and children of violence: memorialization,
reconciliation, and victims in post-genocide Rwanda”, Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied
Psychology, 24-3, 2017, pp. 317-331.


7.1 Human Rights
Amnesty International, London, 2017:
Rwanda: Submission to the 61st ordinary session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’
Rights, 8 November 2017.
Rwanda: Timeline: repression in post-genocide Rwanda, 2 August 2017.
Rwanda: Decades of attacks repression and killings set the scene for next month’s election, 7 July
Rwanda: Come clean about fate of missing activist Illuminée Iragena, 26 March 2017.
Rwanda: Detained pregnant wife of activist to appear in court, 21 March 2017.
Rwanda: Further information: missing journalist reappears in Rwanda: John Ndabarasa, 13 March
Rwanda: Journalist missing for more than six months: John Ndabarasa, 24 February 2017
Elections in Rwanda: two decades of clamping down on critics, 2017.
Barrett, Jastine, “Balancing Pragmatism and Principle: UNICEF, Child Rights and Child Génocidaires”,
Human Rights Law Review, 27 July 2017.
Fédération Internationales des Droits de l’Homme (FIDH), Rwanda: La démocratie mise sous tutelle, 4
août 2017.
Fine, J.; Mayall, K.; Sepúlveda, L., “The Role of International Human Rights Norms in the Liberalization
of Abortion Laws Globally”, Health and Human Rights, 19-1, 2017, pp. 69-80.
Freedom House, New York/Washington, 2017:
Rwanda: Freedom on the Net 2017, Nov. 14, 2017.
Rwanda: Freedom of the Press 2017, Apr. 27, 2017.
Rwanda: Freedom in the World 2017, Jan. 29, 2017.
Human Rights Watch (HRW), New York, 2017:
“Special Mission”: Recruitment of M23 Rebels to Suppress Protests in the Democratic Republic of
Congo, December 4, 2017;
Rwanda’s Torture Problem, November 23, 2017;
Rwanda: Cover-Up Negates Killings: Officials Threaten Victims’ Families, November 1, 2017;
“We Will Force You to Confess”: Torture and Unlawful Military Detention in Rwanda, October 10,
Rwanda: Post-Election Political Crackdown: Arrests, Enforced Disappearances, Threats Against
Opponents, September 28, 2017;
Rwanda: Politically Closed Elections: A Chronology of Violations, August 18, 2017;
“All Thieves Must Be Killed”: Extrajudicial Executions in Western Rwanda, July 13, 2017;
Rwanda: Government Repression in Land Cases: Authorities Threaten, Prosecute Residents Who
Speak Out, March 31, 2017;

Rwandan Blogger to Stand Trial for Genocide Ideology: Norway Deported Nkusi, Who Faces
Prosecution in Rwanda, March 8, 2017;
World Report Chapter: Rwanda, January 12, 2017.
Parmar, Sejal, “Reckoning with the past? Rwanda’s revised Genocide Ideology Law and international
human rights law on freedom of expression”, in Behrens, P.; Jensen, O.; Terry, N., Holocaust and
genocide denial: a contextual perspective, Routledge, 2017, pp. 97-117.
Yamin, A.; Maleche, A., “Realizing Universal Health Coverage in East Africa: The Relevance of
Human Rights”, BMC International Health and Human Rights, 17-1, 2017, p. 21. doi: 10.1186/
7.2 Transitional Justice; Reconciliation
Awoh, E.; Nkwi, W., “South Africa and Rwanda: Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, Peacebuilding,
Religious and Local African Authorities in Conflict Situations”, Conflict Studies Quaterly, 20, 2017, pp.
Bentrovato, Denise, “Accounting for genocide: transitional justice, mass (re)education and the pedagogy
of truth in present-day Rwanda”, Comparative Education, 53-3, 2017, pp. 396-417.
Bouwknegt, Thijs, “Unravelling Atrocity: Between Transitional Justice and History in Rwanda and Sierra
Leone”, in Üngör, Uǧur (ed), Genocide: new perspectives on its causes, courses and consequences,
Amsterdam University Press, 2017, pp. 219-252
Brehm, Hollie; Golden, Shannon, “Centering Survivors in Local Transitional Justice”, Annual Review of
Law and Social Science, 13, 2017, pp. 101-121.
Caparos, S.; Giroux, S.; Rutembesa, E.; Habimana, E.; Blanchette, I., “Twenty years later, the cognitive
portrait of openness to reconciliation in Rwanda”, British Journal of Psychology, Nov. 2017, doi:
Cismas, Ioana, “Reflections on the Presence and Absence of Religious Actors in Transitional Justice
Processes: On Legitimacy and Accountability”, in Duthie, Roger; Seils, Paul (eds), Justice Mosaics: How
Context Shapes Transitional Justice in Fractured Societies, New York: International Center for
Transitional Justice, 2017, pp. 302-343.
Hoeksema, Suzanne, “Ingando: Re-educating the Perpetrators in the Aftermath of the Rwandan
Genocide”, in Üngör, Uǧur (ed), Genocide: new perspectives on its causes, courses and consequences,
Amsterdam University Press, 2017, pp. 197-218.
Ingabire, Chantal; Kagoyire, Grace; Karangwa, Diogene; et al., “Trauma informed restorative justice
through community based sociotherapy in Rwanda”, Intervention, 15-3, 2017, pp. 241-253.
Katongole, Emmanuel, The journey of reconciliation: Groaning for a new creation in Africa, Orbis
Books, 2017, 216 p.


Loyle, Cyanne, “Transitional justice and political order in Rwanda”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2017, 18
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7.3 Gacaca
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African Security, 10-1, 2017, pp. 47-72.
Robinet, François, “L’armée française en intervention sur le continent africain depuis 1994:
représentations photographiques, enjeux stratégiques et pratiques journalistiques”, in Galinier, Martin;
Cadé, Michel (eds), Images de guerre, guerre des images, paix en images, Presses universitaires de
Perpignan, 2017, pp. 301-318.
Sherpa; CPCR; Ibuka France, Génocide au Rwanda: Sherpa, le CPCR et Ibuka France déposent plainte
contre BNP Paribas sur le fondement de complicité de génocide, de crimes contre l’humanité et de crimes
de guerre, 29 juin 2017.
8.6 United Nations4 ; African Union
Agyeman, Osei Tutu, The African Union and Peace Support Operations: The Case of the Rwanda (sic),
Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 2017, 68 p.
Ankomah, Baffour, “Kagame’s AU coup makes us all stand tall”, New African, 575, 2017, pp. 28-29.
Gutner, Tamar, “United Nations Case Study: Rwanda/Genocide”, in Idem, International organizations in
world politics, Sage/CQ Press, 2017, ch. 4.
Liégeois, Michel; Deltenre, Damien, “Astuteness in Commitment: Rwanda and UN Peacekeeping
1994-2014”, Round Table, 106-4, 2017, pp. 421-435.
Majekodunmi, Ben, “Prevention Crisis: The Need for New Consensus at the United Nations”, Global
Governance, 23-3, 2017, pp. 349-361.
Salton, Herman, Dangerous Diplomacy: Bureaucracy, Power Politics, and the Role of the UN Secretariat
in Rwanda, Oxford University Press, 2017, 320 p.


For United Nations publications on Rwanda in 2017, see


9.1 Architecture
Bochicchio, Leila, “Centro polifunzionale a Nyanza, Ruanda/Education Centre in Nyanza, Rwanda:
Dominikus Stark Architekten”, Industria delle costruzioni, 50-453, 2017, pp. 18-23.
Bochicchio, Leila, “Centro di assistenza alle donne, Kayonza, Ruanda/Women’s Opportunity Centre,
Kayonza, Rwanda: Sharon Davis Design”, Industria delle costruzioni, 50-453, 2017, pp. 50-57.
Bochicchio, Leila, “Abitazioni per il personale medico a Rwinkwavu, Ruanda/Housing for medical staff
in Rwinkwavu, Rwanda : Sharon Davis Design”, Industria delle costruzioni, 50-453, 2017, pp. 84-91.
Bochicchio, Leila, “Centri di assistenza alle famiglie e all'infanzia, Ruanda/Early Childhood
Development Centre & Family Centres, Rwanda: ASA studio”, Industria delle costruzioni, 50-453, 2017,
pp. 92-99.
Doherty, K., “Indigenous Perspectives: the Post-Conflict Landscapes of Rwanda”, Footprint, 19, 2016,
pp. 151-6.
Murphy, Michael; Mansfield, Jeffrey, “Can Architecture Heal? Buildings as Instruments of Health”,
Architectural Design, 87-2/SI, 2017, pp. 82-89.
Ozikovic, Alex, “The good place: Architect drawn to improve Rwandan society”, The Globe and Mail
(Canada), December 20, 2017, 998 words.
9.2 Dance
Plancke, Carine, “Dance performances in post-genocide Rwanda: remaking identity, reconnecting present
and past”, Journal of Eastern African Studies, 11-2, 2017, pp. 329-346.
Riot, T.; Bancel, N.; Boistelle, H., “‘Danses macabres’: Une technologie culturelle du massacre des Tutsi
au Rwanda”, Cultures et Conflits, 103/104-3-4, 2017, pp. 169-186.
Riot, Thomas; Bancel, Nicolas, “Derrière le sport et les pratiques ludomotrices: Subjectivation et
mobilisation par le corps en Afrique subsaharienne”, Politique africaine, 147, 2017, pp. 5-22.
Riot, Thomas; Bancel, Nicolas; Rutayisire, Paul, “Un art guerrier aux frontières des Grands Lacs: Aux
racines dansées du Front Patriotique Rwandais”, Politique africaine, 147, 2017, pp. 109-134.
Riot, Thomas, “Effets de matière: le danseur, la lance et le poignet”, Socio-anthropologie, 35, 2017, pp.


Sulcas, Roslyn, “Making Dance Out of the Unspeakable”, The New York Times, September 19, 2017, 770
9.3 Film; Photography
Cieplak, Piotr, Death, Image, Memory The Genocide in Rwanda and its Aftermath in Photography and
Documentary Film, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 329 p.
Dauge-Roth, Alexandre, “Conferring Visibility on Trauma within Rwanda's National Reconciliation: Kivu
Ruhorahoza's Disturbing and Salutary Camera”, in Nick Hodgin, Amit Thakkar (eds), Scars and Wounds:
Film and Legacies of Trauma, Palegrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 77-100.
Gustafsson, T., “A Fight over Souls: Documentary Films on the Rwandan Genocide with a Christian
Theme”, Journal of Religion and Film, 21-2, Article 14, 2017, 38 p.
Jason, Stefanie, “The rise of Rwanda's women filmmakers”, Mail & Guardian, March 24, 2017, 1538
Ndahayo, Gilbert; Mukabalisa, Olive, Rwanda Coming to the Memory, Rwanda the Movie (publisher),
2017, 208 p.
Robertson, Tim, “Shakespeare in Rwanda: the white-saviour industrial complex”, Internet: Overland,
2017, 3 p.
9.4 Music
—-, “Building pianos in Rwanda”, Clavier Companion, 9-4, 2017, p. 8.
McCoy, Jason, “Inanga: A Song of Survival in a Daughter's Rwanda Essay”, Ethnomusicology, 61-3,
2017, pp. 555-557.
9.5 Literature: Novels; Short Stories; Tales; Poetry; Theatre
Brunet, Pierre, Le triangle d’incertitude, Calmann-Lévy, 2017, 280 p.
Copperbloom, Frédéric, Comme une résurrection, Amazon Media, 2017, 169 p.
Harelimana, Froduald, Urumenyintyoza: Kuzimiza, kugebura, gucyocyora, insigamigani, ibisakuzo,
Editions Scribe, 2017, 100 p.
Jago-Antoine, Véronique; Tshitungu-Kongolo, Antoine, Dits de la nuit: Anthologie de contes et légendes
d’Afrique centrale, Bruxelles: Monde-Éditions-Ouverture, 2017, 256 p.
Karambizi, Natacha; Murinzi, Eric (photographer), Mahoro: A Little girl’s search for peace, Kigali:
Imagine We, 2017, 60 p.
Lonsi Koko, Gaspard-Hubert, Au pays des mille collines, Paris: L’Atelier de l’Égrégore, 2017, 230 p.
Macri, Jackie, Ukumbusho: La mémoire de la forêt, Barr: Le Verger Éditeur, 2017, 160 p.

Michel, Brigitte, Les 1000 Collines du Rwanda, Paris: Complicités, 2017, 220 p.
Munyarugerero, François-Xavier, Il ne mourra pas seul: drame, Moissy-Cramayel: Coelacanthe,
2017, 71 p.
Newman,. Dan, The Journalist, New York: Diversion Books, 2017, 254 p.
Nsabimana, Augustin; Tereshinski, Jon, See you in Heaven, Amazon Digital Services, 2017, 275 p.
Numuhire Caroline, Mirror of Stolen Hearts: A collection of short stories, Amazon Digital Services,
2017, 88 p.
Prélor, Éric, La complainte des âmes des mille collines, Metz: Éric Prélor, 2017, 110 p.
Rafiki, Daniel, “Five is not half of ten”, in Attree, Lizzy (ed), The goddess of Mtwara and other
stories: the Caine Prize for African Writing 2017, Interlink Books, 2017, pp. 213-225.
Rudakubana, Darla, “Family ties”, in Attree, Lizzy (ed), The goddess of Mtwara and other stories:
the Caine Prize for African Writing 2017, Interlink Books, 2017, pp. 249-270.
Shelton, Debra, Escaping the Darkness: Journey to Sanctuary, Sonlight Publishing, 2017, 364 p.
Tanaka, Hiroto, Under the Green Avocado Tree, Amazon Digital Services, 227 p.
Toch, Nicole, Mémoire d'un autre temps au Rwanda, Tome 5, Paris: Société des Écrivains, 2017, 64 p.;
Idem, Tome 6, Paris: Société des écrivains, 2017, 60 p.
Umubyeyi-Mairesse, Beata, Lézardes: nouvelles, Ciboure: La Cheminante, 2017, 171 p.
Waberi, Abdourahman; Thomas, Dominic (trad.), Harvest of Skulls, Indiana University Press, 2017,
80 p.
9.6 Juvenile Literature
Ambatchev,Michael; Opare, Edmund (illustrator), Mimi Hogoza, Kigali: Bakame Editions, 2017, 33 p.5
Auger, Caroline, Les hyènes rôdent toujours, Saint-Lambert (Québec): Soulières Édition, 2017, 152 p.
Crawford, Brian, Brian Crawford’s survive: The evil wind, Minneapolis: Epic Press, 2017, 190 p.
Diallo, Carine, Rwanda: The Cow That Wanted to Be Human, Archway Publishing (Simon &
Schuster), 2017, 42 p.

Les éditions Bakame ont réédité en 2017 un certain nombre de livres pour enfants précédemment publiés. Cf.


McCarney, Rosemary, Where will I live?, Toronto: Second Story Press, 2017, 24 p.
Schmelzenbach, Beverly, The adventures of a Boy in Africa, Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 2017,
32 p.

9.7 Criticism
—, “Littérature, genres et codes: traduire l'histoire entre version officielle et officieuse: la rencontre du
Kigeri Rwabugiri du Rwanda et du comte von Gôtzen au travers de deux récits de voyage allemand et
swahili”, in Dayre. E.; Panter. M. (eds), Traduction et événement: poétique et politique de la traduction,
Paris: Hermann, 2017.
Apol, Laura, “Writing poetry in Rwanda: a means for better listening, understanding, processing, and
responding”, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 30-2, 2017, pp. 71-83.
Camelin, Colette, “Morale et éthique dans des romans de Gisèle Bienne et de Scholastique Mukasonga”,
Études françaises, 53-3, 2017, pp. 105-126.
Chénetier-Alev, Marion, “La fabrique du disparaître: Rwanda 94 (Le Groupov) et Kamp (Hotel
Modern)”, in Folco, Alice; Ruset, Séverine (eds), European Drama and Performance Studies: Déjouer
l'injouable: La Scène contemporaine à l'épreuve de l’impossible, Classiques Garnier, 2017, pp. 133-146.
Collins, Holly; Abell, Jacob, “From trauma to drama: A polymorphous space for witnessing (to) the
Rwandan genocide in theatre”, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 20-3/4, 2017, pp. 273-291.
Coundouriotis, Eleni, “Memory and the Popular: Rwanda in Mukoma Wa Ngugi's Fiction”, Cambridge
Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry, 4-3, 2017, pp. 382-397.
Edoro, Ainehi, Rwanda’s Huza Press Prize for Fiction Releases Long List; Idem, Shortlist for Rwanda’s
Huza Press Prize for Fiction Announced, Internet: Brittle Paper, An African Literary Experience, 2017.
Grieder, Andrea, “Haiku By Rwandan Poetesses: Illuminations of Being”, in Clammer, John; Giri, Ananta
(eds), The Aesthetics of Development: Art, Culture and Social Transformation, Springer, 2017, pp.
Hitchcott, Nicki, “Visions of Civil War and Genocide in Fiction from Rwanda”, Research in African
Literatures, 48-2, 2017, pp. 152-165.
Hitchcott, Nicki, “‘More than Just a Genocide Country’: Recuperating Rwanda in the writings of
Scholastique Mukasonga”, Journal of Romance Studies, 17-2, 2017.
Kodjo-Grandvaux, Séverine, “Théâtre: le génocide rwandais mis en pièces”, Le Monde, 8 avril 2017, p. 7
(Le Monde Idées).
Korang, Kwaku Larbi, “Africa in What Age: Post-Global or Post-Rwanda?”, Cambridge Journal of
Postcolonial Literary Inquiry, 4-2/1, 2017, pp. 307-322.


Kouna, Désiré Atangana, “Fictions francophones et imaginaire de la gouvernance de l'Afrique après la
guerre froide: Entre postcolonialité, néocolonialité et utopie panafricaniste”, Nouvelles Études
Francophones, 32-1, 2017, pp. 43-56.
Kuhn-Kennedy, Fleur, “Le témoin et son double: la traduction comme ressource poétique chez David
Boder, Claude Lanzmann et Jean Hatzfeld”, TRANS, Revue de littérature générale et comparée, 21, 2017.
doi: 10.4000/trans.1554
Marais, Sue, “‘The Economies of Repetition’: The Market, the Artistic, and the Genocidal in Ivan
Vladislavić's Curiouser”, Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 52-1, 2017, 27-41.
Murphy, Aurora, “Relief or reiteration? Performing and transforming pain”, Applied Theatre Research,
5-2, 2017, pp. 129-140.
Nyirubugara, Olivier, Novels of genocide: remembering and forgetting the ethnic other in fictional
Rwanda, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2017, 192 p.
Ruterana, Pierre, “Using children’s literature to promote gender equality in education: The case of the
fairy tale of Ndabaga in Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal, 2-2, 2017, pp. 31-43.
Tadjo, Véronique, “Writing about Rwanda “, in Azarian, Viviane (ed), Tracks and traces of violence:
representation and memorialization of violence: views from art, literature and anthropology, Berlin :
LIT Verlag, 2017, 360 p.
Thorne, M., “Speaking the Unspeakable: Engaging Nefas in Lucan and Rwanda 1994”, Thersites:
Journal for Transcultural Presences and Diachronic Identities from Antiquity to Date, 4, 2017, pp.
Van Fossen, Rachael; Ndejuru, Lisa, “Terms of Engagement: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Artistic
Experimentation in the Rencontres/Encounters Project: A Dialogue of Sorts”, Canadian Theatre Review,
172, 2017, pp. 77-81.



10.1 Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Riviello, E.; Buregeya, E.; Twagirumugabe, T., “Diagnosing acute respiratory distress syndrome in
resource limited settings: the Kigali modification of the Berlin definition”, Current Opinion in Critical
Care, 23-1, 2017, pp. 18-23.
10.2 Asthma
Habineza, H.; Mutumbira, C.; Hedt-Gauthier, B.; et al., “Treating persistent asthma in rural Rwanda:
characteristics, management and 24-month outcomes”, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung
Disease, 21-10, 2017, pp. 1176-1182.
10.3 Conjunctivitis
Saiba, E.; Ekemiri, K.; Tuyishime, J.; Achugwo, D., “Side effects of local corticosteroid therapy
(maxidrol and chibrocadron eye drops) among patients with allergic conjunctivitis: a study done in
KUTH, Kigali, Rwanda”, International Journal of Current Innovation Research, 3-3, 2017, pp. 608-615.
10.4 Dentistry
Murererehe, J.; Uwambaye, P.; Isyagi, M.; et al., “Knowledge, attitude and practices of dental
professionals in Rwanda: Towards the benefits and applications of teledentistry”, Rwanda Journal, 4-1,
2017, pp. 39-47.
10.5 Diabetes
Amendezo, E.; Timothy, W.; Karamuka, V.; et al., “Effects of a lifestyle education program on glycemic
control among patients with diabetes at Kigali U 75niversity Hospital, Rwanda: A randomized controlled
trial”, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 126, 2017, pp.129-137.
Marshall, Sara; Edidin, Deborah; Arena, Vincent; et al., “Mortality and natural progression of type 1
diabetes patients enrolled in the Rwanda LFAC program from 2004 to 2012”, International Journal of
Diabetes in Developing Countries, 37-4, 2017, pp. 507-515.
Uwizihiwe, J.; Lygidakis, C.; Vögele, C.; et al., “Community-and mHealth-based integrated management
of diabetes in primary healthcare in Rwanda (D²Rwanda): The study protocol”, 22nd WONCA Europe
Conference, ORBI-Université du Luxembourg, 2017.
10.6 Disabilities
Habinshuti, G,; Wamocho, F.; Njoroge, M., “Sources of information about HIV and AIDS among students
with disabilities in institutions in Rwanda”, Educational Research International, 6-3, 2017, pp. 71-81.
Turmusani, M., “L'évaluation du programme “Réadaptation à base communautaire” au Rwanda”,
Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 6-2, 2017, pp. 213-243.


10.7 Education; Training
Benegusenga, A.; Ntawiha, P.; Nzabalirwa, W., “Teacher qualification and teaching techniques in nursery
schools in Kicukiro District, Rwanda”, Rwandan Journal of Education, 4-1, 2017, pp. 69-79.
Deonandan, R,; Sangwa, N.; Kanters, S.; Nsanzimana, S., “Writing skills enhancement for public health
professionals in Rwanda”, Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 8, 2017, pp. 253-256.
Dunleavy, K.; Chevan, J.; Sander, A., “A contextual model for continuing professional development
(CPD) to build capacity in low-resource countries: Rwanda”, European Journal of Physiotherapy, 19Suppl., 2017, pp. 27-28.
Dunleavy, K.; Chevan, J.; Sander, A.; Gasherebuka, J.; Mann, M., “Application of a contextual
instructional framework in a continuing professional development training program for physiotherapists
in Rwanda”, Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-9, 2017. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1300692
Elharram, M.; Dinh, T.; Lalande, A.; Ge, S.; Gao, S.; Noël, G., “Global Health Values of a
Multidirectional Near Peer Training Program in Surgery, Pathology, Anatomy, Research Methodology,
and Medical Education for Haitian, Rwandan, and Canadian Medical Students”, Annals of Global Health,
83-2, 2017, pp. 274-280.
Gatuguta, A.; Katusiime, B.; Seeley, J.; Colombini, M.; Mwanzo, I.; Devries, K., “Should community
health workers offer support healthcare services to survivors of sexual violence? A systematic review”,
BMC International Health and Human Rights,17-1, 2017, p. 28.
Kabakambira, J.; Mugeni, R.; Ho, J.; et al., “Improvement of medical education through the establishment
of a medical chief resident position in Rwanda”, Rwanda Medical Journal, 74-2, 2017, pp. 17-20.
Mwangi, N.; Zondervan, M.; Bascaran, Covadonga “Analysis of an international collaboration for
capacity building of human resources for eye care: case study of the college-college VISION 2020
LINK”, Human Resources for Health, 15, 2017, p. 22.
Page, C.; Sugira, V., “Health Education Policies to Maximize the Effectiveness of Human Resources for
Health Programs in Low-Income Countries”, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 32-5, pp. 497-499.
Pascal, M.; Mann, M.; Dunleavy, K.; Chevan, J.; Kirenga, L.; Nuhu, A., “Leadership Development of
Rehabilitation Professionals in a Low-Resource Country: A Transformational Leadership, Project-Based
Model”, Frontiers of Public Health, 5-143, 2017. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00143.
Schriver, M.; Cubaka, V.; Nyirazinyoye, L.; et al., “The relationship between primary healthcare
providers and their external supervisors in Rwanda”, African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family
Medicine, 9-1, 2017, e1-e11.
Schwerdtle, P.; Morphet, J.; Hall, H., “A scoping review of mentorship of health personnel to improve the
quality of health care in low and middle-income countries”, Globalization and Health, 13, 2017, p. 77.


Tarpley, Margaret; Mbugua, Evelyn; Hansen, Erik N.; et al., “Developing and Implementing a Basics of
Research Course for First-Time Researchers in Kenya and Rwanda”, Journal of the American College of
Surgeons, 225-4/Suppl. 2, 2017, p. 226.
Tuyishime, E., “Factors Influencing the Choice of Anesthesia as a Career by Undergraduates of the
University of Rwanda”, Anesthesia & Analgesia,125-6, 2017, p. 2164.
Walker, T.; Dusabejambo, V.; Ho, J.; et al., “An International Collaboration for the Training of Medical
Chief Residents in Rwanda”, Annals of Global Health, 83-2, 2017, pp. 339-346.
Wilson, Patrick; Benckert, Megan; Moresky, Rachel; et al., “Development and Implementation of a
Training-of-Trainers Program for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in Neonatal and Pediatric Patients
in Five Low- and Middle-Income Countries”, Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 63-5, 2017, pp. 358-364.
10.8 Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE)
Kurz, M.; Bayingana, C.; Ndoli, J.; et al., “Intense pre-admission carriage and further acquisition of
ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae among patients and their caregivers in a tertiary hospital in
Rwanda”, Tropical Medicine & International Health, 22-2, 2017, pp. 210-220.
10.9 Health Insurance
Gasana, Vincent, “From Ihangane to universal health coverage”, New African, 576, 2017, pp. 50-51.
Olugbenga, Ebenezer Olatunji, “Workable Social Health Insurance Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa:
Insights from Four Countries”, Africa Development / Afrique et Développement, 42-1, 2017, pp. 147-175.
Strobl, Renate, “Does Health Insurance Reduce Child Labour and Education Gaps? Evidence from
Rwanda”, Journal of Development Studies, 53-9, 2017, pp. 1376-1395.
Wang, W.; Temsah, G.; Mallick, L., “The impact of health insurance on maternal health care utilization:
evidence from Ghana, Indonesia and Rwanda”, Health Policy and Planning, 32-3, 2017, pp. 366-375.
Woode, M.; Boucekkine, R., “Parental Morbidity, Child Work, and Health Insurance in Rwanda”, Journal
of Demographic Economics, 83-1, 2017, pp. 111-127.
Woode, M., “Parental health shocks and schooling: The impact of mutual health insurance in Rwanda”,
Social Science and Medicine, 173, 2017, pp. 35-47.
10.10 Hepatitis
Gupta, N.; Kabahizi, J.; Mukabatsinda, C.; et al., “‘Waiting for DAAs’: A retrospective chart review of
patients with untreated hepatitis C in Rwanda” PLoS One, 12-3, 2017, e0174148.
Twagirumugabe, T.; Swaibu, G.; Walker, T.; et al., “Hepatitis B virus strains from Rwandan blood donors
are genetically similar and form one clade within subgenotype A1”, BMC Infectious Diseases 17, 2017, p.


Twagirumugabe, T.; Swaibu, G.; Bergström, T.; Walker, T.; Gahutu, J.; Norder, H., “Low prevalence of
hepatitis C virus RNA in blood donors with anti-hepatitis C virus reactivity in Rwanda”, Transfusion,
57-10, 2017, pp. 2420-2432.
Umumararungu, E.; Ntaganda, F.; Kagira, J.; Maina, N., “Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection and
Its Risk Factors among Patients Attending Rwanda Military Hospital, Rwanda”, Biomed Research
International, article ID: 5841272, 2017, 7 p.
10.11 Heart Disease
Nahimana, M-R.; Nyandwi, A.; Muhimpundu, M.; et al., “A population-based national estimate of the
prevalence and risk factors associated with hypertension in Rwanda: implications for prevention and
control”, BMC Public Health, 18-2, 2017, 12 p.
10.12 Histology
Muvugabigwi, G.; Nshimiyimana, I.; et al., “Decreasing Histology Turnaround Time Through Stepwise
Innovation and Capacity Building in Rwanda”, Journal of Global Oncology, 2017, 6 p.
10.13 HIV/AIDS
Franse, C.; Kayigamba, F.; Bakker, M.; et al., “Linkage to HIV care before and after the introduction of
provider-initiated testing and counselling in six Rwandan health facilities”, AIDS Care, 29-3, 2017, pp.
Gill, M.; Umutoni, A.; Hoffman, H.; et al., “Understanding Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence Among
HIV-Positive Women at Four Postpartum Time Intervals: Qualitative Results from the Kabeho Study in
Rwanda”, AIDS Patient Care and STDS, 31-4, 2017, pp. 153-166.
Grillo, M.; Sloan, M.; Wankie, C.; et al., “Prevention Interventions for People Living with HIV in
Military Settings”, Current HIV Research, 15-2, 2017, pp. 90-94.
Guillaine, N.; Mwizerwa, W.; Odhiambo, J.; et al., “A Novel Combined Mother-Infant Clinic to Optimize
Post-Partum Maternal Retention, Service Utilization, and Linkage to Services in HIV Care in Rural
Rwanda”, International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS, 6-1, 2017, pp. 36-45. doi:
Habyarimana, C.; Lyambabaje, L., “Binary Logistic Regression Model Application: Identification of
Factors Associated to MTCT of HIV in Rwanda”, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and
Technology, 6-2, 2017, pp: 99-104.
Hassan, A.; Hare, J.; Kamini, G.; et al., “A 35 Viral evolution and innate immune responses during acute
HIV-1 infection and their association with disease pathogenesis”, Virus Evolution, 3-S1, 2017, doi:
Henning, M.; Kirk, C.; Franchett, E.; et al., “Over-age and underserved: a case control study of HIVaffected children and education in Rwanda”, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 2017, 13 p.

Kikuchi, K.; Poudel, K.; Rwibasira, J.; et al., “Caring for perinatally HIV-infected children: call for
mental care for the children and the caregivers”, AIDS Care, 10, 2017, pp. 1280-1286.
Merci, N.; Emerence, U.; Augustin, N.; et al., “CD4+ cells recovery in HIV positive patients with severe
immunosuppression at HAART initiation at Centre Medico-Social Cor-Unum, Kigali”, Pan African
Medical Journal, 26, 2017, 14 p.
Mutagoma, M.; Nyirazinyoye. L.; Sebuhoro, D.; et al., “Syphilis and HIV prevalence and associated
factors to their co-infection, hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses prevalence among female sex workers in
Rwanda”, BMC Infectious Diseases,17, 2017, p. 525.
Mutagoma, M.; Balisanga, H.; Malamba, S.; et al., “Hepatitis B virus and HIV co-infection among
pregnant women in Rwanda”, BMC Infectious Diseases,17-1, 2017, p. 618.
Mutagoma, M.; Samuel, M.; Kayitesi, C.; et al., “High HIV prevalence and associated risk factors among
female sex workers in Rwanda”, International Journal of STD & AIDS, 28-11, 2017, pp. 1082-1089.
Mutagoma, Mwumvaneza; Balisanga, Helene; Remera, Eric; et al., “Ten-year trends of syphilis in serosurveillance of pregnant women in Rwanda and correlates of syphilis-HIV co-infection”, International
Journal of STD & AIDS, 28-1, 2017, pp. 45-53.
Nduwimana, E.; Mukunzi, S.; Ng, L.; Kirk, C.; Bizimana, J.; Betancourt, T., “Mental Health of Children
Living in Foster Families in Rural Rwanda: The Role of HIV and the Family Environment”, AIDS and
Behavior, 21-6, 2017, pp. 1518-1529.
Nsanzimana, S.; Remera, E.; Kanters, S.; et al., “Household survey of HIV incidence in Rwanda: a
national observational cohort study”, The Lancet HIV, 4-10, 2017, e457-e464.
Nsanzimana, S.; Remera, E.; Ribakare, M.; et al., “Phased implementation of spaced clinic visits for
stable HIV-positive patients in Rwanda to support Treat All”, Journal of the International AIDS Society,
20-S4, e21635.
Nyombayire, J.; Anzala, O.; Gazzard, B.; et al., “First-in-Human Evaluation of the Safety and
Immunogenicity of an Intranasally Administered Replication-Competent Sendai Virus-Vectored HIV
Type 1 Gag Vaccine: Induction of Potent T-Cell or Antibody Responses in Prime-Boost Regimens”,
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 215-1, 2017, pp. 95-104.
Remera, E.; Boer, K.; Umuhoza, S.; et al., “Fertility and HIV following universal access to ART in
Rwanda: a cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Survey data”, Reproductive Health, 14-1,
2017, p. 40.
Rothman, J.; Kayigamba, F.; Hills, V.; et al., “The Impact of a Community-Based Intervention Including a
Monthly Food Ration on Food Insecurity Among HIV-Positive Adults During the First Year of
Antiretroviral Therapy”, AIDS and Behavior, Aug. 2017. doi: 10.1007/s10461-017-1897-0.


Ruark, A.; Stern, E.; Dlamini-Simelane, T.; Kakuze, M., “Love matters: exploring conceptions of love in
Rwanda and Swaziland and relationship to HIV and intimate partner violence”, African Journal of AIDS
Research, 16-4, 2017, pp. 271-282.
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10.14 Hygiene
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American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 97-3, 2017, pp. 876-887.
10.15 Information and Communication Technology
Karara, G.; Verbeke F.; Nyssen. M., “ICT-Enabled Universal Health Coverage Monitoring and Evaluation
in Sub-Saharan Health Facilities: Study in 8 Reference Hospitals of Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic
Republic of Congo and Mali”, Journal of Health Science, 5, 2017, pp. 215-226.
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Mugarura, Amiri; Markon, Sandor, “Remote Patient Diagnosing Using Health Care Sensor Networks in
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10.16 Immunisation
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introduction”, Papillomavirus Research, 4, 2017, pp. 66-71.
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10.17 Influenza
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10.18 Leprosy
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E., “Trends in leprosy case detection in Rwanda, 1995-2011: analysis of 17 years of laboratory data”,
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10.19 Leptospirosis
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10.20 Malaria
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10.21 Mental Health; Psychopathology
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affected by HIV: a pilot randomized controlled trial”, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58-8,
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Yusin, Jennifer, The Future Life of Trauma: Partitions, Borders, Repetition, Fordham University Press,
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10.22 Mycology
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10.23 Neurology
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European Journal of Neurology, 24-Suppl. 1, 2017, p. 630.
10.24 Nursing
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school of nursing and midwifery in Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal, 4-1, 2017, pp. 22-28.
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Uwizeye, G.; Mukamana, D.; Relf, M.; et al., “Building Nursing and Midwifery Capacity Through
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10.25 Nutrition
Ahishakiye, Jeanine; Bouwman, Laura; Brouwer, Ingeborg; Matsiko, Eric; Koelen, Maria, “Stressors and
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Habyarimana, F.; Zewotir, T.; Ramroop, S., “Structured Additive Quantile Regression for Assessing the
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Jones, Rebecca; Ramakrishnan, Usha; Yount, Kathryn; et al., “Women’s empowerment: pathways
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Kasper, Christoph; Brandt, Juliane; Lindschulte, Katharina; Giseke, Undine, “The urban food system
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Mahamadou, Tanimoune, “Siblings 6-59 months and child stunting in ‘multi-multi’ nutrition
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Matsiko, Eric; Hulshof, Paul; Van der Velde, Laura; et al., “Infant breastmilk intakes and mothers’ body
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Matsiko, Eric; Melse-Boonstra, Alida; Ahishakiye, Jeanine; et al., “Gender specific determinants of
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Mucumbitsi, Joseph; Nyirambabazi, Angelique; Musabyumuremyi, Celestin; et al.,“Impact of population
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Murekezi, Abdoul; Oparinde, Adewale; Birol, Ekin, “Consumer market segments for biofortified iron
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Murray-Kolb, L.; Wenger. M.; Scott, S.; Rhoten, S.; Lung’aho, M.; Haas, J., “Consumption of IronBiofortified Beans Positively Affects Cognitive Performance in 18- to 27-Year-Old Rwandan Female
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Nishimwe, Kizito; Wanjuki, Immaculate; Karangwa, Charles; Darnell, Ross; Harvey, Jagger, “An initial
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Nzabuheraheza, F.; Nyiramugwera, A., “Food security status in developing countries: a case study of
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Ouma, Cyprian, “Panorama of nutrition landscape in East African community”, Annals of Nutrition &
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Sinharoy, Sheela; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Wendt, Ronald; et al., “Impact of community health clubs on
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Ssemanda, James Noah, “Indicator microorganisms in fresh vegetables from farm to fork in Rwanda”,
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Uwiringiyimana, Vestine; Veldkamp, Antonie; Ocké, Marga; Amer, Sherif, “Complementary feeding
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Weatherspoon, D.; Steele-Adjognon, M.; Niyitanga, F.; Dushimumuremyi, J..; Naseem, A.; Oehmke, J.,
“Food expenditure patterns, preferences, policy, and access of Rwandan households”, British Food
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10.26 Obesity
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and obesity among urban women: an analysis of demographic and health surveys data from 24 African
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10.27 Obstetrics; Gynaecology; Maternal Care
Chang, A.; Li, Y.; Ogbuoji, O., “Modest improvements in skilled birth attendants at delivery with
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Kano, M.; Sudo, N; et al., “Validity of The Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women of Reproductive Age
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Mukamurigo, J.; Berg, M.; Ntaganira, J.; Nyirazinyoye, L.; Dencker, A., “Associations between
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Musafili, A.; Persson, L.; Baribwira, C.; Påfs, J.; Mulindwa, P.; Essén, B., “Case review of perinatal
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Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17-1, 2017, p. 85.
Ndayisenga, Théoneste; Mukanyandwi, Angélique, “Factors Contributing to Birth Asphyxia as the Major
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Niyitegeka, J.; Nshimirimana, G.; Silverstein, A.; et al., “Longer travel time to district hospital worsens
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10.31 Pediatrics
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10.33 Podoconiosis
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10.35 Rabies
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10.37 Research
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10.39 Surgery; Anesthesia
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225-Suppl. 1, 2017, p. 102.
Mpirimbanyi, C.; Nyirimodoka, A.; Lin Y.; et al., “Emergency general surgery in Rwandan district
hospitals: a cross-sectional study of spectrum, management, and patient outcomes”, BMC Surgery, 17-1,
2017, p. 121.
Ngarambe, C.; Smart, B.; Nagarajan, N.; Rickard, J., “Validation of the Surgical Apgar Score After
Laparotomy at a Tertiary Referral Hospital in Rwanda”, World Journal of Surgery, 41-7, 2017, pp.
Nkusi, A.; Muneza, S.; Nshuti, S.; et al., “Stroke Burden in Rwanda: A Multicenter Study of Stroke
Management and Outcome”, World Neurosurgery, 106, 2017, pp. 462-469.
Rickard, J.; Ngarambe, C.; Ndayizeye, L.; Smart, B.; Majyambere, J.; Riviello, R., “Risk of Catastrophic
Health Expenditure in Rwandan Surgical Patients with Peritonitis”, World Journal of Surgery, Nov. 2017.
doi: 10.1007/s00268-017-4368-x.
Sacevich, C.; Semakuba, B.; McKay,W.; et al., “Subcutaneous ketamine for postoperative pain relief in
Rwanda: a randomized clinical trial”, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 2017. doi: 10.1007/
Scott, J.; Lin, Y.; Ntakiyiruta, G.; et al., “Contextual Challenges to Safe Surgery in a Resource-limited
Setting: A Multicenter, Multiprofessional Qualitative Study”, Annals of Surgery, 2017. doi: 10.1097/SLA.
Silverstein, A.; Costas-Chavarri, A.; Gakwaya, M.; et al., “Laparoscopic Versus Open Cholecystectomy:
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis at Rwanda Military Hospital”, World Journal of Surgery, 41-5, 2017, pp.
Sutherland, T.; Rusats, E.; Mutangana, A.; Banguti, P., “Formulation of a National Surgical Plan in
Rwanda: a model for integration of physician and non-physician anaesthetists”, British Journal of
Anaesthesia, 119-6, 2017, pp. 1232-1233.
Tuchscherer, J.; McKay, W.; Twagirumugabe, T., “Low-dose subcutaneous ketamine for postoperative
pain management in Rwanda: a dose-finding study”, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 64-9, 2017, pp.


10.40 Tuberculosis
Decroo, T.; Henríquez-Trujillo, A.; De Weggheleire, A.; Lynen, L., “Rational use of Xpert testing in
patients with presumptive TB: clinicians should be encouraged to use the test-treat threshold”, BMC
Infectious Diseases, 17-1, 2017, p. 674.
Forrest, Jamie; Anema, Aranka; Cravioto, Alejandro; et al., “Levering HIV diagnostic and care
infrastructure in Rwanda to accelerate the roll-out of new pediatric TB treatment formulations”, American
Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 95-5, 2017, p. 546.
Ngabonziza, J. C. S.; Habimana, M. Y.; Migambi, P.; et al.. “Impact of prompt MDR-TB treatment
initiation: significant reduction of MDR-TB mortality rate in Rwanda”, Tropical Medicine &
International Health, 2-SI, Suppl. 1, 2017, pp. 214-215.
10.41 Ultrasound
Brockie, D.; Balinda, G.; Niyonzima, J.; Pousson, A.; Guptill, M., “Point-of-care ultrasound averts
catastrophic iatrogenic haemorrhage: The case of vascular aneurysms masquerading as thigh abscess”,
Emergency Medicine Australasia, 29-5, 2017, pp. 595-596.
Clay, D.; Linke, A.; Cameron, D.; et al., “Evaluating Affordable Cranial Ultrasonography in East African
Neonatal Intensive Care Units”, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 43-1, 2017, pp. 119-128.
Henwood, P.; Mackenzie, D.; Liteplo, A.; et al., “Point-of-Care Ultrasound Use, Accuracy, and Impact on
Clinical Decision Making in Rwanda Hospitals”, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 36-6, 2017, pp.
Holmlund, S.; Ntaganira, J.; Edvardsson, K.; et al., “Improved maternity care if midwives learn to
perform ultrasound: a qualitative study of Rwandan midwives’ experiences and views of obstetric
ultrasound”, Global Health Action, 10-1, 2017, e1350451.
Ntirushwa, D.; Small, M., “EP23. 03: Evaluation of knowledge transfer through telemedicine: evaluation
of ISUOG live webcast of basic obstetrics and gynecology ultrasound training in Rwanda”, Ultrasound in
Obstetrics & Gynecology, 50-1, 2017, p. 366.
Rukundo, J.; Dusingizimana, V., “EP25. 20: Diagnosis of bilateral ovarian torsion due to a giant dermoid:
case report from Rwanda”, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 50-Suppl. 1, 2017, pp. 379-380.
10.42 Veterinary
Amuguni, H.; Mazan, M.; Kibuuka, R., “Producing Interdisciplinary Competent Professionals:
Integrating One Health Core Competencies into the Veterinary Curriculum at the University of Rwanda”,
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 44-4, 2017, pp. 649-659.
Iraguha, B.; Hamudikuwanda, H.; Mushonga, B.; Kandiwa, E.; Mpatswenumugabo, J., “Comparison of
cow-side diagnostic tests for subclinical mastitis of dairy cows in Musanze district, Rwanda”, Journal of
the South African Veterinary Association, 88, 2017, e1-e6.


Kandiwa, E.; Nyirakunzimana, L.; Habarugira, G.; Mushonga, B.; Samkange, A., “A 4-year study of the
proportional distribution of male reproductive organ abnormalities in cattle slaughtered at Nyagatare
abattoir, Eastern Rwanda”, Veterinary Medicine and Science, 3-4, 2017, pp. 179-186.
Manishimwe, R.; Nishimwe, K.; Ojok, L., “Assessment of antibiotic use in farm animals in Rwanda”,
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 49-6, 2017, pp. 1101-1106.
Manishimwe, R.; Buhire, M.; Uyisunze, A., “Caractérisation d'Escherichia coli résistant aux antibiotiques
dans différents systèmes avicoles de la province de l'Est et de la ville de Kigali au Rwanda”, Revue
d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, 70-1, 2017, pp. 13-19.
Mpatswenumugabo, J.; Bebora, L.; Gitao, G.; Mobegi, V.; Iraguha, B.; Kamana, O.; Shumbusho, B.,
“Prevalence of Subclinical Mastitis and Distribution of Pathogens in Dairy Farms of Rubavu and Nyabihu
Districts, Rwanda”, Journal of Veterinary Medicine, July 2017. doi: 10.1155/2017/8456713.
Mushonga, B.; Yabaragiye, B.; Kandiwa, E.; Habarugira, G.; Samkange, A., “A 3-year prospective study
of the incidence of gastric ulcers in pigs slaughtered at Base Abattoir in Rwanda”, Veterinary World, 10-8,
2017, pp. 873-879.
Mushonga, B.; Tumushime, J.; Bhebhe, E.; et al., “A three-year prospective study of the incidence of
Dystocia in dairy cows in Gatsibo District, Rwanda”, Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances,
12-5, 2017, pp. 261-267.
Umuhoza, T.; Berkvens, D,; Gafarasi, I,; et al., “Seroprevalence of Rift Valley fever in cattle along the
Akagera-Nyabarongo rivers, Rwanda”, Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 88, 2017, pp.



11.1 Climate; Climate Change
Aboniyo, J.; Mourad, K., “Role of Community Based Organizations in Transferring Climate Change
Information in Rwanda”, Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 11-4, 2017, pp. 156-169.
Bigirimana, C.; Omujal, F.; Isubikalu, P.; et al., “Community Perception of Weather Variability in the
Lake Victoria Basin, Rwanda and Uganda”, International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies,
1-2, 2017, pp. 47-58.
Clarkson, G.; Dorward, P.; Kagabo, D.; Nsengiyumva, G., Climate Services for Agriculture in Rwanda:
Initial findings from PICSA monitoring and evaluation, Wageningen: CGIAR Research Program on
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, 2017.
Coulibaly, J.;, Birachi, E.; Kagabo, D.; et al., “Climate services for agriculture in Rwanda: What farmers
know about climate information services in Rwanda”, Wageningen: CGIAR Research Program on
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, 2017.
Faniriantsoa, R., “Training on IRI Climate Data Tools and developing a method for integrating climate
data in Kigali, Rwanda”, Wageningen: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and
Food Security, 2017.
Munyangeri, Y.; Mungai, C., “Stakholders’ planning workshop for the Rwanda Climate Services for
Agriculture project”, Wageningen: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food
Security, 2017.
Ndayisaba, F,; Guo, H.; Isabwe, A; et al., “Inter-Annual Vegetation Changes in Response to Climate
Variability in Rwanda”, Journal of Environmental Protection, 8, 2017, pp. 464-481.
Ngarukiyimana, Jean-Paul; Fu, Yunfei; Yang, Yuanjian; et al.,“Dominant atmospheric circulation patterns
associated with abnormal rainfall events over Rwanda, East Africa”, International Journal of
Climatology, 2017. doi: 10.1002/joc.5169
Nsengiyumva, G.; Kagabo, M.; Clarkson, G.; Dorward, P., “Participatory Integrated Climate Services for
Agriculture (PICSA) Specialist Intermediary Training in Nyamata, Rwanda”, Wageningen: CGIAR
Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, 2017.
Nsengiyumva, G.; Kagabo, M.; Clarkson, G.; Dorward, P,. “Participatory Integrated Climate Services for
Agriculture (PICSA) Specialist Intermediary Training in Muhanga, Rwanda”, Wageningen: CGIAR
Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, 2017.
Uhorakeye, T.; Möller, P., “Impacts of expected climate change on hydropower generation in Rwanda”,
African Journal of Engineering Research, 5-3, 2017, pp. 83-96.

11.2 Environment; Conservation
Akumuntu, J.; Wehn, U.; Mulenga, M.; Brdjanovic, D., “Enabling the sustainable Faecal Sludge
Management service delivery chain-A case study of dense settlements in Kigali, Rwanda”, International
Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 220-6, 2017, pp. 960-973.
Asumadu-Sarkodie, Samuel; Owusu, Phebe Asantewaa, “Carbon dioxide emissions, GDP per capita,
industrialization and population: An evidence from Rwanda”, Environmental Engineering Research, 22-1,
2017, pp. 116-124.
Clay, Nathan, “Agro-environmental Transitions in African Mountains: Shifting Socio-spatial Practices
Amid State-Led Commercialization in Rwanda”, Annals of the American Association of Geographers,
107-2, 2017, pp. 360-370.
Houbraken, M.; Habimana, V.; Senaeve, D.; López-Dávila, E.; Spanoghe, P., “Multi-residue
determination and ecological risk assessment of pesticides in the lakes of Rwanda”, Science of the Total
Environment, 576, 29017, pp. 888-894.
Kabera, T., “Environmental impact assessment in higher education institutions in East Africa: the case of
Rwanda”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 24-8, 2017, pp. 7852-7864.
Martin, Adrian, Just Conservation: Biodiversity, Well-Being and Sustainability, Taylor & Francis, 2017,
200 p.
Nahayo, L.; Mupenzi, C.; Kayiranga, A.; et al., “Early alert and community involvement: approach for
disaster risk reduction in Rwanda”, Natural Hazards, 86-2, 2017, pp. 505-517.
Nahayo, L.; Habiyaremye, G.; Richard, M., et al., “Extent of disaster courses delivery for the risk
reduction in Rwanda”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2017.
Nsengimana, Venuste; Weihler, Simeon; Kaplin, Beth, “Perceptions of Local People on the Use of
Nyabarongo River Wetland and Its Conservation in Rwanda”, Society and Natural Resources, 30-1, 2017,
pp. 3-15.
Oesting, Marco; Stein, Alfred, “Spatial modeling of drought events using max-stable processes”,
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2017, 19 p.
Sklar, R.; Stupin, L.; Greene, N.; Muspratt, A., “Piloting Pit Emptying Service in Kigali, Rwanda”, 4th
International Faecal Sludge Management Conference (FSM4), 2017, pp. 95-102.
Tickell, Oliver, “Planting the Seeds of Recovery”, Resurgence & Ecologist, 303, 2017, pp. 20-22.
Tumwizere, Patrick; Hategekimana, Felix; Aphrodice, Niyibizi; Senthil Kumaran, G., “Assessment of
leachate effects on groundwater and soil from Nduba land fill in Kigali, Rwanda”, International Journal
of Engineering Research in Africa, 33, 2017, pp. 68-75.

Uwizeye, Aimable; Gerber, Pierre; Groen, Evelyne; et al., “Selective improvement of global datasets for
the computation of locally relevant environmental indicators: A method based on global sensitivity
analysis”, Environmental Modelling & Software, 96, 2017, pp. 58-67.
11.3 Natural Sciences; Earth Sciences
Carrillo, C., “Floristic inventory of tropical forest in Rwanda 20 years after artisanal gold-mining”,
Tropical Resources Bulletin, 35, 2017, pp. 8-17.
Dhetchuvi, J., Flore d'Afrique centrale (République démocratique du Congo-Rwanda-Burundi).
Spermatophyta. Marantaceae: nouvelle série, Meise: Jardin botanique, 2017.
Fenta, Ayele; Hiroshi Yasuda, Hiroshi ; Shimizu, Katsuyuki; et al., “Spatial distribution and temporal
trends of rainfall and erosivity in the Eastern Africa region”, Hydrological Processes, 31-25, 2017, pp.
Fischer, Eberhard; et al., “Mimulopsis champluvierae, a new species of Acanthaceae from Rwanda and
Burundi”, Phytotaxa, 299-1, 2017, pp. 87-95.
Fischer, Eberhard; et al., “Heterodermia pindurae (Physciaceae): a new foliose lichen from Rwanda”,
Phytotaxa, 311-3, 2017.
Gashururu, S.; Musafiri, E.; Munyampuhwe, S.; et al., “The tsetse fly (Glossina) challenge at wildlife/
people/livestock interface of Akagera National Park, Rwanda”, Tropical Medicine & International
Health, 22-Suppl. 1, 2017, pp. 143-144
Gatali, Callixte; Wallin, Kjell, “Bird watching and estimation of bird diversity not always corresponding:
a reply to Hogg and Vande weghe”, Ostrich: The Journal of African Ornithology, 88-1, 2017, pp. 89-90.
Hogg, James, “A response to Gatali and Wallin (2015): Bird diversity in the savanna habitats of Akagera
National Park, Rwanda, in the post-war recovery period”, Ostrich: The Journal of African Ornithology,
88-1, 2017, pp. 83-88.
Hulsbosch, Niels; Van Daele, Johanna; Reinders, Nathan; Dewaele, Stijn; Jacques, Dominique; Muchez,
Philippe, “Structural control on the emplacement of contemporaneous Sn-Ta-Nb mineralized LCT
pegmatites and Sn bearing quartz veins; insights from the Musha and Ntunga deposits of the KaragweAnkole Belt, Rwanda”, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 2017, pp. 24-32.
Hulsbosch, Niels; Rainer, Thomas; Boiron, Marie-Christine; Dewaele, Stijn; Muchez, Philippe, “Direct
observation of boro-aluminosilicate melt compositions; insights from Raman spectroscopy of melt
inclusions in pegmatitic tourmaline of the Gatumba-Gitarama area (Rwanda)”, The Canadian
Mineralogist, 55, 2017, pp. 377-397.
Ji, Kang Hyeun; Stamps, Sarah; Geirsson, Halldor; et al., “Deep magma accumulation at Nyamulagira
volcano in 2011 detected by GNSS observations”, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 2017, pp.

Kayiranga, Alphonse; Ndayisaba, Felix; Nahayo, Lamek; et al., “Analysis of Climate and Topography
Impacts on the Spatial Distribution of Vegetation in the Virunga Volcanoes Massif of East-Central
Africa”, Geosciences, 7-1, 2017, pp. 1-18.
Kipping, Jens; Guenther, Andre; Uyizeye, Erasme, “Pseudagrion kamiranzovu sp nov., a new flagship
species of damselfly from Rwanda's Nyungwe Forest (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)”, Odonatologica,
46-3/4, 2017, pp. 301-318.
Maas, Paul, Flore d’Afrique centrale (République démocratique du Congo-Rwanda-Burundi).
Spermatophyta. Costaceae : nouvelle série, Meise : Jardin botanique, 2017.
Maas, Paul, Flore d’Afrique centrale (République démocratique du Congo-Rwanda-Burundi):
Spermatophyta. Cannaceae: nouvelle série, Meise: Jardin botanique, 2017.
Murungi, May; McGlynn, Gayle; Lejju, Julius, “Alpine grassland palaeoecology of the Virunga
Volcanoes, East Africa: A new phytolith record from Mt. Muhavura”, Quaternary International, 434,
2017, pp. 102-116.
Ndayisaba, F.; Nahayo, L.; Guo, H.; et al., “Mapping and monitoring the Akagera Wetland in Rwanda”,
Sustainability, 9-2, 2017, pp. 174-187.
Ndikumana, Jean de Dieu; Nguimatsia, Dongmo; Bolarinwa, Anthony; Nambaje, Claude, “A review of
origins and occurrences of Niobium-Tantalum, Tin and Tungsten mineralization in Rwanda”, IOSR
Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics , 5-5, 2017, pp. 9-18.
Nduwayezu, E.; Nsengiyumva, J.; et al., “Debris flows susceptibility mapping under tropical rain
conditions in Rwanda”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, EGU2017-16352, 2017.
Nyamwasa, I.; Li, K.; Yin, J.; et al., “Occurrence of soil insect pests: insight from classical identification
supplemented with DNA barcoding”, International Journal of Pest Management, 63-1, 2017, pp. 18-29.
Roland, Fleur; Darchambeau, François; Morana, Cédric; Borges, Alberto, “Nitrous oxide and methane
seasonal variability in the epilimnion of a large tropical meromictic lake (Lake Kivu, East-Africa)”,
Aquatic Sciences, 79-2, 2017, pp/ 209-218.
Shackleton, Ross; Witt, Arne; Nunda, Winnie; et al., “Chromolaena odorata (Siam weed) in eastern
Africa: distribution and socio-ecological impacts”, Biological Invasions, 9-4, 2017, pp.1285-1298,
Sosef, M.; Dauby, G.; Blach-Overgaard, A.; et al., “Exploring the floristic diversity of tropical Africa”,
BMC Biology, 15, 2017, p. 15.
Sosef, Marc; et al., Flore d'Afrique centrale (République démocratique du Congo-Rwanda-Burundi).
Spermatophyta. Goodeniaceae: nouvelle série, Meise: Jardin botanique, 2017.


Twizere, C.; Ngoga, S.R.; Bosco, K.; Charles, D.; Musabe, R., “FDTD simulation and GPR study in
Rwanda tropical soil using permittivity variation”, 9th International Workshop on Advanced GroundPenetrating Radar (IWAGPR), Proceedings, 2017, pp. 4-8. doi: 10.1109/IWAGPR.2017.7996066
Umuntunundi, Prosper; Wronski, Torsten; Apio, Ann; Hausdorf, Bernhard, “The composition and richness
of the land-snail fauna of gallery forest along the Muvumba River in Rwanda”, Journal of Molluscan
Studies, 83-1, 2017, pp. 106-110.
Votava, Jillian; Johnson, Thomas; Hecky, Robert, “Holocene carbonate record of Lake Kivu reflects the
history of hydrothermal activity”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America, 1/10/2017, 114-2, 2017, pp. 251-256.
Woldetsadik, Aberra, A Review of Some Major Research Outcomes: The Impacts or Importance of
Various Microorganisms Conducted in Various Areas of Kigali City, Rwanda, Saarbrücken: LAP
Lambert Academic Publishing 2017, 149 p.
Wood, Douglas; Scholz, Christopher, “Stratigraphic framework and lake level history of Lake Kivu,
East African Rift”, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 2017, pp. 904-916.
11.4 Primatology
Chancellor, R.; Rundus, A.; Nyandwi, S., “Chimpanzee seed dispersal in a montane forest fragment in
Rwanda”, American Journal of Primatology, 79-3, 2017, pp. 1-8.
Galbany, J.; Abavandimwe, D.; Vakiener, M.; et al., “Body growth and life history in wild mountain
gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) from Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda”, American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 163-3, 2017, pp. 570-590.
Gashururu, S.; Umurerwa, A.; Tukei, E., “Gastro-intestinal parasites infections in mountain gorillas
(Gorilla beringei beringei) of Rwanda Volcanoes National Park: One Health implications”, Tropical
Medicine & International Health, 22-Suppl. 1, 2017, p. 144.
Glowacka, H.; McFarlin, S.; Vogel, E.; et al., “Toughness of the Virunga mountain gorilla (Gorilla
beringei beringei) diet across an altitudinal gradient”, American Journal of Primatology, 79-8, 2017. doi:
Hassell, J.; Zimmerman, D.; Cranfield, M.; et al., “Morbidity and mortality in infant mountain gorillas
(Gorilla beringei beringei): A 46-year retrospective review”, American Journal of Primatology, 79-10,
2017. doi: 10.1002/ajp.22686.
Ito, A.; Eckardt, W.; Stoinski, T.; Gillespie, T.; Tokiwa, T., “Gorilloflasca africana n.g., n.sp.,
(Entodiniomorphida) from wild habituated Virunga mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in
Rwanda”, European Journal of Protistology, 60, 2017, pp. 68-75.
Kralick, A.; Burgess, L.; Glowacka, H.; et al., “A radiographic study of permanent molar development in
wild Virunga mountain gorillas of known chronological age from Rwanda”, The American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 163-1, 2017, pp. 129-147.

Royte, Elizabeth, “The Gorillas Dian Fossey Saved”, National Geographic, 232-3, 2017, pp. 110-127.
Smiley, E.; Lowenstine, L.; Gilardi, K.; et al., “Mountain gorilla lymphocryptovirus has Epstein-Barr
virus-like epidemiology and pathology in infants”, Scientific Reports, 7-1, 2017, e5352.


12.1 Dissertations (PhD, Doctorat)
Axlund McBride, RaeLyn, Global Citizenship Development in College: International Service-Learning
Students’ Meaning-Making after Returning Home, PhD, College of Education, University of Washington,
Blair, Amanda, Going Beyond Accountability and Untangling the Politics of Conflict-Related Rape, PhD,
Political Science, The University of Chicago, 2017.
Bouwknegt, Thijs, Cross-Examining the Past: Transitional Justice, Mass Atrocity Trials and History in
Africa, PhD, Faculty of Humanities, Amsterdam School for Heritage and Memory Studies, 2017.
Chingono, Herbert, A critical study of the ethical challenges to United Nations peacekeeping missions
and national sovereignty in Africa with specific reference to Congo, Somalia, Rwanda and Sudan, PhD in
Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2017.
Clay, Nathan, Adaptive livelihoods? Climate change, agrodiversity, and food security amid development
transitions in Rwanda, PhD, Geography, Pennsylvania State University, 2017.
Dissake, Vanessa, Le mémoricide, Doctorat, Droit privé et Sciences criminelles, Université Seine-SaintDenis, 2017.
Djordjevic, Darja, The ‘Natural’ History of Cancer in Africa: Tracking Malignancy, Oncology, and Its
Ideologies (1957-1984), With a Comparative View to the 21st Century in Rwanda, Doctorate of Medicine,
Harvard Medical School, 2017.
Dramé, Omar, Le rôle historique et actuel de la francophonie dans le règlement des conflits, Doctorat
Droit et Science Politique, Toulouse-1, 2017.
Fernandez, Antonella, Redefining Safety: An Analysis of Cultural and International Safe Havens in the
Context of Genocidal Violence, Doctorate of Philosophy, Nova Southeastern University, 2017.
Gakwenzire, Philibert, Les politiques de discrimination, persécutions et génocide des Tutsi en commune
de Rubungo et de Gikomero (1960-1994), Doctorat, Centre de Recherche Mondes Modernes et
Contemporains, ULB, 2017.
Garcia, Sara, A One-Health Approach to Sustainable Dairy Farming and Dairy Food Safety, PhD,
Integrative Pathobiology University of California, Davis, 2017.
Horton, Leah, Toward capabilities-based environmental leadership: a case study from Kanembwe,
Rwanda, PhD., Interdisciplinary Leadership, University of Central Arkansas, 2017.


Kabera, Callixte, Entrepreneurialism in tourism and economic growth in Rwanda: challenges for policy
formulation, PhD, Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2017.
Kirby, M., Assessing use, exposure, and health impacts of a water filter and improved cookstove
distribution programme in Rwanda. PhD, Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene &
Tropical Medicine, 2017.
Löffler, Gundula, The Politics of State-Building in Rwanda: Three Essays on the Role of Decentralization
and Local Taxation in Rebuilding a Post-Conflict State with a Centralist Vision, PhD, School of Public
Service, New York University, 2017.
Lorraine Warren, Message in the Bones: Survivor Leaders of Genocide Against the Tutsi, PhD, Depth
Psychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2017.
McMillan, Mary Ann, True religion cares for orphans: Creating and sustaining an orphan care culture in
the local churches in Rwanda a phenomenological study, PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,
Wake Forest, 2017.
Mphaka, Patrick, Strategies for Reducing Microfinance Loan Default in Low-Income Markets,
Doctorate in Business Administration, Walden University, 2017.
Mukashema, Adrie, Smallholder coffee terroirs of Rwanda: Linking local to global trade through
geographical characterization, PhD, Department of Natural Resources, Enschede: University of
Twente (Netherlands), 2017.
Musabanganji, Edouard, Contraintes et stratégies d'amélioration de la filière maïs au Rwanda,
Doctorat, Sciences agronomiques et Ingénierie biologique, Université de Liège, 2017.
Ndakize Nkundimana, Joseph, Gacaca, système rwandais de justice: contribution à la dynamique du
droit en Afrique, Doctorat, Institut supérieur de philosophie, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2017.
Ndayisaba, Edison, Le Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda face à sa mission: Contribution à
l'étude des limites des juridictions internationales répressives, Doctorat, Sciences juridiques, Université
des Antilles, 2017.
Nduwumuremyi, Athanase, Participatory cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) breeding for improved total
carotenoids content and delayed postharvest physiological deterioration in Rwanda, PhD, Plant
Breeding, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2017.
Ndayisenga, Egide, Religious and Cultural Foundation of Reconciliation: The “Truth and Reconciliation
Commission” in South Africa as a Suitable Model for Rwanda and Burundi, Licentiate in Sacred
Theology, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, 2017.
Nsabimana, Natacha, The Day After Tomorrow: Waiting for the Future in Contemporary Rwanda, PhD,
Cultural Anthropology, Columbia University, 2017.


Nyandwi, Elias, Understanding wetlands reclamation and soil-transmitted helminths and schistosomiasis
incidence patterns in Rwanda, PhD, Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of
Twente (Nertherlands) , 2017.
Palmer, Jack, Entanglements of Modernity, Colonialism and Genocide: Burundi and Rwanda in
Historical-Sociological Perspective, PhD, Psychology, University of Leeds, 2017.
Pontalti, Kirsten, Coming of age and changing institutional pathways across generations in Rwanda,
Doctorate of Philosophy in Development Studies, University of Oxford, 2017.
Russell, Chrystina, University Education for the Creation of the Black Middle Class: Kigali, Rwanda,
PhD, Urban Education, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2017.
Rwagatare, Patrick, Traumatisme et féminité: expériences vécues par les femmes victimes de viol lors du
génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda, Doctorat, Sciences psychologiques et de l’éducation, Université
Catholique de Louvain, 2017.
Saint-Georges, Marie-Eve, Le traitement journalistique des crises politiques et des catastrophes
naturelles (les cas de la RDCongo et du Rwanda; d’Haïti et du Japon), Doctorat, Sciences de
l'information et de la communication, Paris-II, 2017.
Shearer, Samuel, The Kigali Model: Making a 21st Century Metropolis, PhD, Cultural Anthropology,
Duke University, 2017.
Talayssat, Anne-Sophie, La Parole pulvérisée: émergence et singularité d’une littérature de témoignage
sur le génocide au Rwanda, Doctorat, Lettres modernes, Université Toulouse 2, 2017.
Tapiwa, Agripa, The application of command responsibility in informal civilian relationships: for
international crimes-lessons from the ICTR, Doctorate, Public Law, University of Venda (South Africa),
Vaucher, Pierre, L’ex-Yougoslavie et le Rwanda en récit: du témoignage des conflits aux enjeux d'un
déplacement fictionnel, Doctorat, Études littéraires, Université Laval, 2017.
Williams, Nathaniel, Microgrid Utilities for Rural Electrification in East Africa: Challenges and
Opportunities, PhD Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, 2017.

12.2 Theses (MA, MS, Maîtrise)
Akugizibwe, M., Prospects of Durable Solutions in Changed Circumstances: The Case of Former
Rwandan Refugees in Uganda Post the 2013 Cessation Agreement, MA in Development Studies, Erasmus
University, 2017.
Aldean, J., Opportunities just beneath the surface: Participatory and deliberative processes in Rwanda,
MA in Security Studies, Naval Postgraduate School, 2017.


Anschütz, Kristina, Cooperation of INGOs in times of humanitarian crises: A case study from Rwanda,
MA, Linnæus University, 2017.
Bakina, Wellars, The Influence of Foreign News Programs on the International News Agenda of Rwandan
Television and Newspapers, MA, Journalism, The University of Arizona, 2017.
Bascoy, Garcia, Analysis of the instrumental variation of the EU cooperative pro-democracy strategy in
Rwanda from 2005 to 2012, MA, International Relations, Leiden University, 2017
Bohain, Marie, Des mots aux actes : Le rôle des médias dans le génocide du Rwanda: Analyse des
discours médiatiques extrémistes entre 1990 et 1994, MA, Sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et
de communication, Université catholique de Louvain, 2017.
Clark, Bethany, History and Peacebuilding: The Role of Authoritarianism and Colonialism in Serbia and
Rwanda, MA, Brandeis University, 2017.
Danielsson, Michaela, The Plastic Bag Ban in Rwanda: Local Procedures and Successful Outcomes, MA,
Department of Government, Uppsala University, 2017.
Fabre, Marguerite, L’établissement de la frontière anglo-allemande sur le plateau Tanganyika, des années
1880 à la Première Guerre mondiale, Master 1, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2017.
Georgiev, Angel, Does Conflict Mediation by International Organizations Exert a Positive Effect on
Conflicts and State Behavior? With Focus on the United Nations, MA, History, Politics and International
Relations, Webster University, 2017.
Guillaume, Mathilde, L’aide publique au développement dans les relations entre ex-métropoles et excolonies: Cas de la France, du Royaume-Uni et de la Belgique dans leurs anciennes colonies d’Afrique
subsaharienne, Maîtrise, Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication,
Université catholique de Louvain, 2017.
Hallander, Joakim, Electrification and Development: The case study of Rwanda, MS, Sustainable
Development, Uppsala University, 2017.
Habes, J., Sugarcane harvest scheduling in Rwanda, MS, Wageningen University and Research Centre,
Heyse, Joanna, Operations de paix et conflits transfrontaliers: Les défis onusiens face aux conflits de
l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo, Maîtrise, Université catholique de Louvain, Faculté des
sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication, 2017.
Izere, Ines, Improving the value of coffee exports in order to improve the value of exports: A case of
Rwanda, MA, Development Policy & Practice, University of Cape Town, 2017.


Janssen, Isaline, Ressources et résilience face au trauma: Une étude qualitative auprès des rescapés du
génocide des Tutsis du Rwanda, Maîtrise, Psychologie et sciences de l’éducation, Université Catholique
de Louvain, 2017.
Laplante, Catherine, Adoption de l’agroforesterie: besoins et préférences des petits producteurs de
haricots volubiles au Rwanda, MS, Agroforesterie, Université Laval, 2017.
Legrand, Vincent, Des mots aux actes: Le rôle des médias dans le génocide du Rwanda: Analyse des
discours médiatiques extrémistes entre 1990 et 1994, Maîtrise, Sciences économiques, sociales, politiques
et de communication, Université catholique de Louvain, 2017.
Nasubo, Fred, The struggle for regional integration in Africa: the East African Community, 1886-2013,
MA, History, Egerton University (Kenya), 2017.
Ndengeyingoma, Billy, The balance of local culture and global economic development: the case of the
Nyarugenge Heritage Village in Kigali, Rwanda, Master in City Planning, Urban Studies and Planning,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.
Nsabimana, Joseph, Révolution verte, adaptations et résistances au Rwanda : analyse de l’exploitation et
de la gestion du périmètre rizicole de Kagera, Maîtrise, Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales,
politiques et de communication, Université catholique de Louvain, 2017.
Oliveira, Mafalda, African entrepreneur collective: a business model for supporting local and refugee
entrepreneurs in Rwanda, MS, Economics and Management, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, 2017.
Pathak, Ojashwi, International Factors and Policy Reforms for Women in Rwanda, MA, Political Science,
Villanova University, 2017.
Petit, Manon, Impacts environnementaux résultant de la présence des réfugiés au Kivu et conséquences
associées, Maîtrise, Sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication, Université
catholique de Louvain, 2017.
Poston, Alexis, The role of procedural justice in international tribunals : a study of six international
tribunals and their prosecution of perpetrators of genocide, MS, Department of Criminal Justice, The
University of Alabama. 2017.
Prins, Gladys, Mass Rape and Genocide: International Law and the Increased Need for Deterrence
Regarding War Crimes Committed During Civil Conflict, Master of Liberal Arts, Extension Studies/
International Relations, Harvard Extension School, 2017.
Ranaivoson, Miora, Contredire ouvertement l’Histoire: Etude des mécanismes psychosociaux d’exclusion
au sein de la diaspora rwandaise contestataire du pouvoir en place en Belgique, Maîtrise, Université
catholique de Louvain, Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication,


Roa, Julie, Designing mobile instant messaging for collaborative health data management in Rwanda,
MS, Institutt for informatikk, University of Oslo, 2017.
Touré, Aïssatou, Quels sont les mécanismes de résistance des agriculteurs dans le processus
d'institutionnalisation des coopératives au Rwanda? Cas de Rusizi dans la Province de l’Ouest, Maîtrise,
Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication, Université catholique de
Louvain, 2017.
Uwibambe, Jeannine, Design of Photovoltaic System for Rural Electrification in Rwanda, MA,
Engineering and Science, University of Agder (Norway), 2017.
Van der Waart, S., You are either at the table or on the menu: How transnational governmentality shapes
the struggle for cessation affecting Rwandan refugees in Nakivale, Uganda, MA, Humanities, Utrecht
University, 2017.
Van der Waart, S., Justice for whom? Victims’ perceptions of the South African Truth and Reconciliation
Commission, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and Gacaca’s ‘Grassroots Justice’,
Master’s Thesis, Victimology and Criminal Justice, Tilburg University, 2017.7
Wagner, Annika, Towards Nine Years of Basic Education? A Quantitative Analysis of Social and Gender
Inequality in the Rwandan Education System, MA, Social Sciences, Lund University, 2017.
Young, Shannen, Where Have All the Women Gone? The Production of Knowledge and Media
Representation of Women's Participation in the Gacaca Courts, MA, Holocaust and Genocide Studies,
Uppsala University, 2017.

12.3 The University of Rwanda Digital Repository (
Akimana, Marie-Thérèse, “Mothers awareness and attitudes on the care of their preterm infant at
discharge from a neonatal intensive care unit in a selected referral hospital in the north province of
Rwanda”, UR Repository, 2017.
Barungi, F., “Contribution of business development fund to the financial access by Small and Medium
Enterprises in Rwanda”, UR Repository, 2017.
Bisanukuri, E., “Implementation of WHO surgical safety checklist in operating theatre of Masaka District
Hospital”, UR Repository, 2017.
Bizimana, G., “High rate of post cesarian section infection in maternity of Bushenge Provincial Hospital”,
UR Repository, 2017.
Karemera, P., “High rate of post caesarean section infection in maternity ward in Rwamagana Provincial
Hospital”, UR Repository, 2017.


On trouve bien deux thèses de maîtrise de S. Van der Waart.

Kayiranga, D., “Perceptions of adolescent parenting among high school adolescent students from selected
rural and urban schools in Rwanda”, UR Repository, 2017.
Lunkuse E., “Neonatal pain: nurses perception of management in one Referral Hospital in Rwanda”, UR
Repository, 2017.
Maniriho, F., “Assessment of nurses' perceptions and adherence to five moments of hand hygiene in
selected units at a university teaching hospital in Rwanda”, UR Repository, 2017.
Muhire, B., “Employment in Manufacturing and Service Firms in Rwanda”, UR Repository, 2017.
Mukama, J., “Contribution of women entrepreneurs on socio-economic development of Rwanda through
Urwego Opportunity Bank (2011-2015)”, UR Repository, 2017.
Mbonigaba, E., “Residential Demand for Utilities in Rwanda: Example of Electricity and Water”, UR
Repository, 2017.
Mukamana, A., “Rehabilitation services in Nyagatare correctional centre and its impact to the minors in
the process of reintegration”, UR Repository, 2017.
Muvuna, M., “Impact of credit on welfare improvement in Rwanda: case study: Koruteganya umurenge
SACCO of Nyamabuye”, UR Repository, 2017.
Nyiransabimana, A., “A Study on the Implementation of the International Development Projects for
Sustainable Outcomes: The case study of the Bugesera Natural Region Rural”, UR Repository, 2017.
Ruganzi, D., “Effect of Employee engagement on organizational performance: Case of African
Evangelistic Enterprise”, UR Repository, 2017.
Suleiman, H., “The income and employment multiplier effects of tourism: the case of Rwanda, period
2015”, UR Repository, 2017.
Umuwariwase, J., :Assessment of risk factors associated with malnutrition in under five children in
Rulindo district”, UR Repository, 2017.
Umutoni, C., “The impact of expansionary fiscal policy on economic growth (1992-2015) case study:
Rwanda”, UR Repository, 2017.


12.4 Book Reviews
Author of the review

Book reviewed

Place of publication

Anderson, Kjell

Mayersen, Deborah, Contingency
and the prediction of violence:
On the Path to Genocide:
Armenia and Rwanda

Journal of African History
58-1,2017, pp. 159-161.

Ansoms, An

Purdeková, Andrea, Making
ubumwe: Power, state and camps
in Rwanda's unity-building

African Affairs,116-464, 2017,
pp. 544–546.

Ansoms, An

Holmes, Georgina, Women and
war in Rwanda: Gender, media
and the representation of

African Affairs, 116-462, pp.

Applegate, Elizabeth

Brinker, Virginie, La transmission French Review, 90-3, 2017, pp.
littéraire et cinématographique
du génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda

Armon, Jeremy

Hagmann, T.; Reyntjens, F. (eds),
Aid and authoritarianism in
Africa: Development without

African Affairs, 116-463, 2017,
pp. 354–356.

Beloff, Jonathan

Fegley, Randall, A History of
Rwandan Identity and Trauma:
The Mythmakers' Victims

African Studies Quarterly, 17-1,
2017, pp. 119-120.

Bird, Chris

Hagmann, T.; Reyntjens, F. (eds),
Aid and authoritarianism in
Africa: Development without

Medicine, Conflict and Survival,
33-1, 2017, pp. 83-85.

Brehm, Hollie

Campbell, Bradley, The Geometry Contemporary Sociology, 46-2,
of Genocide: A Study in Pure
2017, pp. 165-166.

Brehm, Hollie

Rafter, Nicole, The Crime of All
Contemporary Sociology, 46-4,
Crimes: Toward a Criminology of 2017, pp. 464-465.

Chong, Kee En

Moerland, Roland, The Killing of
Death: Denying the Genocide
Against the Tutsis


Genocide Studies and
Prevention: An International
Journal, 11-2, 2017, pp. 121-124.

Cunningham, David

Strauss, Scott, Making and
Unmaking Nations: War,
Leadership, and Genocide in
Modern Africa

Genocide Studies and
Prevention: An International
Journal, 11-1, 2017, pp. 110-112.

Doughty, Kristin

Ingelaere, Bert, Inside Rwanda's
Gacaca Courts: Seeking Justice
After Genocide

Canadian Journal of African
Studies, 51-2, 2017, pp. 337-339.

Dye, Barnaby

Bielefeld, Robin Pohl,
Transboundary Cooperations in
Rwanda: Organisation Patterns
of Companies, Projects, and
Foreign Aid Compared

Journal of Modern African
Studies, 55-3, 2017, pp. 532-533.

Fegley, Randall

Barnett, Michael, Eyewitness to a
Genocide: The United Nations
and Rwanda

Genocide Studies and
Prevention: An International
Journal, 11-2, 2017, pp. 118-120.

Fraiture, Pierre-Philippe

Hitchcott, Nicki, Rwanda
Genocide Stories: Fiction after

French Studies, 71-2, 20917, pp.

Ivan-Cucu, Gabriela-Mihaela, Palmer, Nicola, Courts in
Conflict: Interpreting the Layers
of Justice in Post-Genocide

Journal of Conflict and Security
Law, 22-2, 2017, pp. 357-360.

Ingelaere, Bert

Doughty, Kristin Connor,
Remediation in Rwanda:
Grassroots Legal Forums

Journal of Modern African
Studies, 55-2, 2017, pp. 530-532.

Jessee, Erin,

Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu,
Mobilizing Transnational Gender
Politics in Post-Genocide

Journal of Modern African
Studies, 55-1, 2017, pp. 166-168.

Jessee, Erin

Guichaoua, André, From War to
Genocide: Criminal Politics in
Rwanda, 1990-1994

Genocide Studies and
Prevention: An International
Journal, 11-2, 2017, pp.116-117

Klaits, Frederick

Olsen, William; Van Beek, Walter Journal of African History, 58-2,
(eds), Evil in Africa: Encounters 2017, pp. 335-337.
with the Everyday

Linden, Ian

Carney, J.J., Rwanda before the
Genocide: Catholic Politics and
Ethnic Discourse in the Late
Colonial Era


Catholic Historical Review,
103-3, 2017, pp. 609-611.

MacArthur, Julie; MacAulay,

“Framing “Rwandanness”:
African Studies Review, 60-3,
studying Rwanda in the twenty2017, pp. 221-229.
first century”, Review essay of
Kristin Conner Doughty,
Remediation in Rwanda:
Grassroots Legal Forums; Bert
Ingelaere, Inside Rwanda’s
Gacaca Courts: Seeking Justice
after Genocide; Erin Jessee,
Negotiating Genocide in Rwanda:
The Politics of History. Andrea
Purdeková, Making Ubumwe:
Power, State and Camps in
Rwanda’s Unity-Building

Mwangi, Oscar Gakuo

Mills, Kurt, International
Responses to Mass Atrocities in
Africa: Responsibility to Protect,
Prosecute, and Palliate

Political Studies Review, 15-2,
2017, pp. 282-283.

Pawson, Lara

Mukasonga, Scholastique,

Times Literary Supplement (TLS),
5958, 6/9/2017, pp. 34-35.

Pherali, Tejendra

King, Elisabeth, From
Classrooms to Conflict in

Journal of Modern African
Studies, 55-2, 2017, pp. 345-348.

Regilme, Salvador

Thompson, Beth, Genocide and
Transitional Justice

Human Rights Review, 18-1,
2017, pp. 111-116.

Reyns-Chikuma, C.

Chrétien, J-P.; Kabanda, M.,
Rwanda, racisme et génocide:
l'idéologie hamitique

TranscUlturAl: A Journal of
Translation and Cultural Studies,
9-1, 2017, pp. 185-190.

Rousso, Henry,

Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane, Une
initiation: Rwanda (1994-2016)

Revue d’histoire moderne et
contemporaine, 64-3, 2017, pp.

Russell, Garnett

Sundberg, Molly, Training for
Model Citizenship: Ethnography
of Civic Education and StateMaking in Rwanda

Journal on Education in
Emergencies, 3-1, 2017, pp.

Sample, Emily

Jinks, Rebecca, Representing
Genocide: The Holocaust as

Genocide Studies and
Prevention: An International
Journal, 11-2, 2017, pp. 112-113.

Suhrke, Astri

Longman, Timothy, Memory and
justice in post-genocide Rwanda

International Affairs, 93-6, 2017,
pp. 1498-1500.

Sundberg, Molly

Honeymanm, Catherine, The
Orderly Entrepreneur: Youth,
Education, and Governance in

The Journal of Modern African
Studies, 55-4, 2017, pp. 718-719.


Tétu, Jean-François

Guilaine, J.; Sémelin, J. (eds),
Violences de guerre, violences de
masse: une approche

Questions de communication,
31-1, 2017, pp. 523-525.

Uneke, Okori

Purdeková, Andrea, Making
Ubumwe: Power, State and
Camps in Rwanda's UnityBuilding Project

International Social Science
Review, 92-2, 2017, article 15.

Zimmerman, Shannon

Kurt Mills, International
Responses to Mass Atrocities in
Africa: Responsibility to Protect,
Prosecute, and Palliate, 2015

Genocide Studies and
Prevention: An International
Journal, 11-1, 2017, pp. 104-106.



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